False Fulfillment and The "One Thing" That Cannot Be Counterfeited - Referencing the Most Recent Members Vid Chat on 8/9/24

Hello Everyone,

In the most recent vid chat from 8/9/24 Dr. Farrell was answering a question pertaining to where he thinks we are headed and “where things are going.” While addressing the question, Dr. Farrell explained how he believes things are headed toward a “generalized war” and eventually ended up discussing how he believes this planet is “under observation” and that this planet is a “battlefield in a much larger war" and that "intervention at some point will happen.

All of that is perfectly clear and makes perfect sense. However, Dr. Farrell continued and began to discuss there is:

"a strong possibility that there will be a false fulfillment from that strong hand and that’s what people have to watch out for because no one gets what I am talking about.There is one thing that the counterfeiter cannot counterfeit. You must understand that otherwise the potential exists for deception.

I think I have an idea as to what Dr. Farrell is referring to here in regards to the one thing that cannot be counterfeited, but I am far from certain. I would very much like to get some other insights and opinions from others as to what they believe it might be - or - if someone could please point me in the direction where Dr. Farrell may have addressed this idea/topic in a more direct manner.

Thank you and blessings,



Welcome TheUltimatePlan. Interesting name. Dr. Farrell has mentioned this before, but don’t remember any hint as to his “one thing”, but have always thought he was referencing an event prophesied in the Bible, like the second coming of Jesus Christ or the “end times”.

(NOW, for those of you Gizars who have lost their faith in Jesus because you have learned that through the ages there have been those (people and denominations) who have purposely misdirected humans and even goofed with Bible translation for their own purposes - please do not get lost in the weeds here.)

Perhaps we can figure this out or even come close, but we might have to look at what is actually said in the Bible as well as how it is interpreted by differing Christian believers.

Have heard that Orthodox Christians believe that Christians who follow the dogma of evangelical/fundamentalist/dispensationalist are heretics. Don’t know if Dr. Farrell believes this, however. Nevertheless, since Dr. Farrell is Orthodox and Orthodox beliefs are not exactly the same as evangelical/fundamentalist/dispensationalist Christians, one could start with comparing what Orthodox believe about the second coming/end times with that of other believers (of Jesus the Christ).

(Yes I know, this begs for word definitions in this Gnostic system of thought in which we live - but maybe we can just keep it simple for now)

By comparing Orthodox to the others we could narrow down the items and then examine them for a start. Surely there is a list somewhere of everyone’s interpretation.

Is anyone really interested in playing this out? Otherwise, very much doubt if Dr. Farrell is just going to tell us or he would have by now.


It is my understanding, (from Dr. Farrell’s statement in a vidchat), that in orthodox Christianity, when Jesus said, “It is finished” that he meant just that. His mission on earth was complete, hence there is no second coming, the redemption of the sins of humanity had been done.

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Well if that is the case, then the 2nd coming is the deception according to Dr. Farrell


“Do unto others as you would have done to you” and he left. That’s the lesson, simple as that. A few smart folks saw their opportunity to to deceive, take advantage of the situation, and made up all kinds of stories and job opportunities.


Nope… sorry… second coming is real, and not a deception. But again, piece together things I’ve said…I drop clues all the time to get people to think which most are not doing…I’ve dropped a big hint about all this in reference to C.S. Lewis.


I’m not in in the vid chats so certainly can’t determine the one thing.

It seems to me that C.S. Lewis was Postmillennialist in his eschatological thought. Espousing that The Revelation was written before The Fall of Jerusalem in 70AD, and the letter is the prophetic enlightenment of that occurrence to come and those events surrounding it. I wholeheartedly agree with that interpretation, as best I’m able to understand it. I was raised in The Episcopal Church in the very early 1960’s, when it was still a real church (so to speak), and the fasted growing in The U.S. The works of C.S. Lewis are required study, and he is, IMO,…brilliant.

No doubt I’m lost in the weeds’ and I likely found ‘goofed translations’ or two, but the only place I know to start is with Dispensationalism, and much of its general interpretation, but most especially that of the eschatology attached to it. In my mind, it is that interpretation which has been crafted and placed into the public for consumption. Not a deep dive explanation by any means, but feel sure it’s a cornerstone of the deception. I’m not claiming it’s related to Dr.'s ‘one thing’, just my own thing. Still studying…


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Dr. Farrell,

I greatly appreciate you weighing in here. I am sorry to say that the vid chat from 8/9 was one of the first I have seen - so I am very behind and playing quite the game of catch-up. I have watched your “The Fulfillment is the Deception” presentation and am just getting started on going through previous vid chats.

In the meantime, would you possibly be willing to repeat the hint in reference to C.S. Lewis, or point me to where you dropped that hint?

Thank you for your time and all of your tremendous work!



Joseph Farrel lately referred more than once to C.S.Lewis “The Space Trilogy” especially 3rd part That Hideous Strength. Search to answers most likely will be in there, if one can catch it! Still learning to think analogically. He loves planting seeds, not spilling beans (lol).


Hey Neru,

Thank you very much! I had a feeling he may have been referring to “The Space Trilogy” - but was not certain and had no idea as to where in that work - so I greatly appreciate your assistance. Planting seeds not spilling beans - brilliant way to put it!

Thanks again - and blessings!

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Thank you Dr Farrell for

Deeply troubled if that were not the case with regard to your personal belief. Yes, the second coming is real.

Well, I am just way off in my thinking with the answer I gave.
It would be one of the books I have a difficult time in remembering.
The only thing I can conceive of that cannot be faked is God.

Glad you TheUltimatePlan are making us to do this. Perhaps now is the time to be thinking about these as now - rather than speculating about what could happen in the far future.

Like the Emperor’s New Clothes - thinking things are not getting better- even though that is not the popular thing to say.

So true, the Lord is that only thing that is positive and definite and real and true. Realise it more now than ever before.

I really appreciate folks engaging with the question. The one thing that came to mind for me was “the two witnesses” and their abilities, protections, etc.

I just got a copy of the CS Lewis Space Trilogy so I’m going to get started on that on top of trying to get caught up on some of the Vid chats from this year, Lord willing.

I should also mention that I have been a Western Protestant all of my life - started out as a Lutheran and then Methodist. About six months ago I had a rather dramatic life event that precipitated some major changes in my life that caused me to step back and re-evaluate everything and now I find myself on a road to Orthodoxy - or so it seems.

I didn’t mean to get off topic - but felt like that was worth mentioning in all of this.

It appears I misunderstood the hint in the vidchat. I have ordered ‘The Space Trilogy’ and hope to follow the clues to a better understanding.

Was the hint involving the reference to CS Lewis’ “The Space Trilogy” given during the most recent vid chat that took place on 8/9 or was it during some other vid chat?

If it was during the 8/9 chat I’m afraid I completely missed it. There were a couple of times I was more than a little distracted with some life-maintenance issues and haven’t yet gone back and re-watched the entire thing yet.

Think again?
The fulfillment is the deception, means just that.
It’s not going to be Mickey Mouse.
More likened, in my mind’s eye - to the technologies of a 9/11.

Breathtaking - comes to mind.

Like the fairy tale’s, Big Bad Wolf - “All the better to fool you with”.

[but, remember:
Don’t be surprised,… if the real thing shows up.
Because, when you call down high-heaven…?
It, just might… Show Up!!]

Two references: That Hideous Strength, but more importantly, THe Last Battle.

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Since I wasn’t there, IDK. I need to go back and read the books.
Sounds like testing and divine intervention, saving the elect.
I’ll leave y’all alone now and hope to hear the thinking on this.