False Fulfillment and The "One Thing" That Cannot Be Counterfeited - Referencing the Most Recent Members Vid Chat on 8/9/24

This question keeps coming back to me. Know it is the Holy Spirit prompting.

It is such a strange time - to experience what the Bible has told us right along - right now. Even those who attempt to discredit the Word are demonstrating what Jesus and disciples told us would happen 1000s of years ago. Rumors; he is there; he is here.

[quote=“TheUltimatePlan, post:1, topic:21541”]You must understand that otherwise the potential exists for deception.

quote=“TheUltimatePlan, post:30, topic:21541”]
9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,

With current technology so much of what Jesus and all told us is easy to fake, but believe there is that one thing Dr. Farrell hints at.

This deception seems so strong now. As some of you have expressed. Seems like people who were right there over on-target the last 3-4 years are moving away and are now focused on life the way it once was thought to be. (Strangely, many of those who are moving in that way, use Apple products with apps that you have to consent to use and by that consent you agree to whatever the apps wants to do to you).

What’s happening in Chi town with the demo gathering is right out of a pagan ritual as was the resent sport event in the Old World, as it were.

Heard an interview from long ago with protential V - Vice who said evangelicals refers to mega churches - don’t know. One thing though there are plenty of believers who have pledged to Jesus Christ who are neither pre- nor mid- tribers. Seems a lot of what is happening now is tribulation and no one I know has gone up - just saying.

That was a good hint. Thinking Thessalonians and the Trumpets is a good place to look. Maybe the answer is simple and right in front of me, but am over-thinking it.

Finally, on this troubling day (a sacrificial ritual of the innocent to strengthen the spell in Chi town). The oppression is palatable and coming from all directions. Thankful for those of you join me in seeking - seek and you will find; ask and it will be answered. The answer and what you find may not be what you expect. Grace.

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Right, he said he had to leave to make way for spirit.

Know what the one thing is. Was definitely over thinking it.

However my search led to examine closely what can be counterfeited. The best example is the Lord of the Rings Trilogy movies done by Peter Jackson. Everything is there except what can not be counterfeited.

thanks for the journey.

For a more complete story of the Life of Jesus, one is included in the Urantia Book at the end. It seems his Father was killed in a construction accident when Jesus was about 14 which meant that he had to become the Head of Household, provide for the family while helping to raise his 6 siblings!! I’m only up to age 26.
This recounting of his life is done by Higher Beings who observed his time here on our planet! Apparently many in the Universe were watching; just as they are right now!!

In my reading spree, I wonder if “belief” can be counterfeited. Influenced, absolutely. I would say some fiends are trying to kill “belief” alltogether thru killing free will, and making us compliant unthinking programmed bots. In this age of scientism “certaincy” is projected as an attainable normal goal, very much in reach if not allready attained. How often do we hear, it is established science, everyone knows it?

Even if I read 10 000 history books, do I know history? It is a hobby to try and cobble together far flung history from a time and place so long gone! In the end “my heart” has to fill in many gaps, “reason, creativity and imagination” is a big part in making that possible. In the end what individuals cobble together is a working hypothesis that is strict personal. Sure, we can share those and yes, objective reality exists in the moment too.

It seems personhood and objective reality short-circuit many peoples and I suspect that is by design! It keeps us very busy in polarisation!


Ever-lasting life cannot be counterfeited however ever-lasting existence will be it’s replacement.


I see it more in the way of a riddle that makes sense.

What disappears when you stand up? Your lap.

Something so simple yet so profound. it’s if I am looking through the trees but can not see the forest.

What I do know is my gut feeling but other than that I am always searching. Then again I do lack articulating my thoughts into words.

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The funny things is they have found the switch that makes us decline with age. But I dont think they made the link to how to reverse it using bioelectricity and epigenetic reprogramming of nerve cells m.


I also see Russia’s eventual ascendency as the final stepping stone to create a multi-planetary civilization. Geography gives it access to some interesting orbits plus all the natural ressources and relatively pristine ecosystems and indigenous communities. For Mr global, that might be his next Noah’s arc. Hence why the sanctions are failing.