Feminine Tyranny, Safetyism, a soft touch and hard result


an interesting thesis…

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Freeland and Turdeau are both feminists with one being more effeminate than the other. Can you guess which is which? This is Canada where we are no longer allowed to be male or female. Instead we are something much much better. We’re all “Peoplekind” where you can be whatever you want whenever you want! Except a senior citizen. For some insane reason you can’t identify as a senior and collect from the CPP (Canada Pension Plan) unless you’re at least 60 years old or collect from the Old Age Pension Plan unless you’re at least 65 years old. I don’t know why this is so, maybe government has to create red tape to keep the bureaucracy happy…darn unions.


Pretty soon these bold women will be asking if the uppity men should be allowed to vote or drive.

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