Finished Reading The Giza Death Star Revisited

Well said, that was just first pages of last three chapters of student workbook by Randall D. Knight, “For Scientists and Engineers.”

First chapter is more practical and easier problems, based on Newton paradigm which is outdated these days I guess.

Well…by all means let’s hear it…


Here is paper by Gentry about this from 1986:


Robert Gentry, M.S. Earth Science Associates P.O.Box 12067 Knoxviile, TN 37912-0067


If the earth was created, it is axiomatic that created (primordial) rocks must now exist on the earth, and if there was a Flood there must now exist sedimentary rocks and other evidences of that event. But, if the general uniform tarian principle is correct, the universe evolved to its present state only by the unvarying action of known physical laws and all natural phenomena must fit into the evolutionary mosaic. If this fundamental principle is wrong, all the pieces in the evolutionary mosaic become unglued. Evidence that something is drastically wrong comes from the fact that this basic evolutionary premise has failed to provide a verifiable explanation for the widespread occurrence of Po halos in Precambrian granites, a phenomena which I suggest are in situ evidences that those rocks were created almost instantaneously in accord with Psalm 33:6,9: “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.” I have challenged my colleagues to synthesize a piece of granite with zl8Po halos as a means of falsifying this interpretation, but have not received a response. It is inescapable that this synthesis should be possible if the uniformitarian principle is true. Underdeveloped U halos in coalified wood having high U/Pb ratios are cited evidences for a Flood-related recent (within the past few thousand years) emplacement of geological formations thought to be more than 100,000,000 years old. Results of differential He analyses of zircons taken from deep granite cores are evidence for a recently created, several-thousand-year-age of the earth. A creation model with three singularities, involving events beyond explanation by known physical laws, is proposed to account for these evidences.

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Thanks @Marcusmojo00 – For many years, I thought the bible was nothing but an old war book filled with folklore, and I couldn’t bring myself to pick it up, as it put forth what to me felt like violent vibes. I can’t really explain this weird feeling, and at church (during my youth), the sermons didn’t go much, if even at all, into the Old Testament, so a mere old war book it remained in my confined imagination.

I now appreciate how much I didn’t see or grasp or appreciate about these biblical stories. Thank you for sharing about Gary Wayne’s research as well, as the history behind secret societies is something that has been relatively new to us (we’ve led a simple life), since starting to read Dr. Farrell’s books. We’re feeling a little overwhelmed with how much we don’t know… and having to digest all of this…


This Gary Wayne interview is really good. Thanks for sharing it.

I also really like Doug Van Dorn’s book Giants Sons of the gods (small g). I read the 2013 printing, but heard he is updating it. His book is very well done and documented, also tracing Hebrew and the the Greek. It really strengthen my faith.

Thank you for asking. You were the key to my eventual understanding of so many things, and events. Based largely on your interviews with the late-great Georgeann Hughes, and Dr Scott de Hart. Hard to estimate how significant your work has meant to me. I remember the time you also were telling us to ‘get our heads out of the Bible’. Well, I studied, compared, and analyzed for a while, and then your research started to make much more sense than anyone I had ever listened to. or any other books I had read.

I remember The Emerald Tablets, Enki, and Tom Van Flandern’s exploded planet hypothesis. All those ideas set me to research both the Old Testament and the ‘whoppers’ it tells. Of course, this also implies lamestream science is also suspect for being skewed to fit their narratives. All of that research helped me immensely in my career.

Then when you blogged about 3D Printing, the exploded planet thesis, the asteroid belt, all the strange anomalies on Mars that appear to have been caused by a weapon of mass destruction. Ideas of an interplanetary war, and all other sorts of stuff caused me to rethink my viewpoints that were taught to me from an early age.

Your interviews and books began to rapidly make more sense than anything else I had learned. Also, I probably listen once a year to the Transhumanism interview with you and Dr Scott de Hart.

So, just my ‘what-if’ thinking on the matter here: What if on The Kardashev scale a technologically advanced civilization found a iron ore planet orbiting a yellow sun, and that ‘iron ore rock’ could be terraformed into a larger planet by adding a lot of granite rock using advanced 3D printing?

Perhaps that could possibly explain Dr Gentry’s calculations of the extremely short half-lives of Polonium isotopes 106 and 109. If memory serves me well their half-lives are a mere 6 seconds, and 9 seconds. This was precisely the reason why he was given a 4-year grant to work at the ORNL labs in Oak Ridge, TN. They were best equipped to handle dangerous, radio-active Polonium isotopes. I do not remember all them, but some of the isotopes had longer half-lives and also created ‘so-called’ giant halos. I believe he also used a form of silica in which different Polonium isotopes could be embedded. Then those samples could be photographed.

The granite rock samples came from various places on Earth. The most difficult sample to obtain was from the borehole in Russia’s Siberian region during Soviet times. I remember he told me it took 2-years to get their approval to travel there and bring back samples to test.

The granite samples were sliced wafer thin to expose a cross-section that could then be viewed using 400X electron magnification. Gentry was able to reproduce loads of color photos of the various haloes, and they truly are beautiful and special.

Dr Gentry’s scientific work has never been proved to be in error. His conclusions about Earth’s creation by the God of the Old Testament in 6, 24-hour days was endlessly ridiculed by virtually all scientist and geologists, of course.

Returning to my earlier speculations, what is the real story on that strange, mind boggling, moon-like object we see from Earth today? How did that object get placed in such a precise orbit that it perfectly creates a solar eclipse, and the Earth creates an eclipse on the moon? Way too many coincidences to have been caused be some random celestial accident.

Thanks for asking for an expanded understanding of Gentry’s work, and there is a website for more insight, and you would be wise to take a look.[Dr Robert V Gentry’s work can be found here at (


Please not let me insinuate there is not a direct benefit from examining kinematics, classical mechanics, and the classical interpretation of electromagnetism as applications of The Calculus. But we wary of anyone who claims that anything outside of these disciplines is not valid.

Ok I think I hear what you’re saying there, thanks for clarifying.

Hasn’t anyone else finished reading GDS Revisited? We would love to hear more thoughts before the demon book is released.

Almost finished and as usual my mind is reeling. One note on the above discussions concerning similar mythologies, I always assumed that they are disparate groups of people reporting on the same global events with small tweeks made reflecting that groups particular charecteristics.

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One nagging thought I’m left with is how could the Giza Pyramid not be the Tower of Babel, even if the geography doesn’t match ? It just rings so many bells …

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Some of what Dr. Farrell discussed on the last vid-chat reminded me of what he talked about in the book. …the storm with sound, a wall of sound I think he said.

In the book, there is the longitudinal sound waves. Believe he wrote they sound like thunder/an organ pipe, I think he said/wrote. Those description came to mind when he talked about the storm. Just makes me think TPTB are experimenting and using storms of this nature as warfare.

Is the Great Pyramid the tower of Babel? In Dunn’s list of three alternatives p.188, isn’t the answer all of them? A structure that would “encapsulate…knowledge…in a structure…that future generations…would know of their presence”. As well as a counterfeit of Earth, attempt to copying Earth’s vibrations, energy, frequencies… to try to do what God did when he created the heavens and the Earth. Sounds like the tower??

Roar like a lion …

The periodic table possibly being encoded in the structure is another mind blower. Can’t help but think another Tower of Babel moment is coming up, sooner than later.

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Yes, @RhebaRhae, I (i.e., “Mrs. Sunnyboy” of the Sunnyboy couple) have finished reading GDS Revisited, as well as all of Dr. Farrell’s books listed on his web site. (The only books that I haven’t read are the 4-part series on Gnostics, and Dr. Farrell’s earlier fictional book. If things remain stable around here, we hope to order those books this winter.)

Despite this huge reading project (and that was “thanks” to the lockdowns, where we stopped going to yoga and dance sessions – and read books instead of going to those places, a practice we have continued after everything opened up), I don’t feel that I can contribute much deep or meaningful to the discussions, as I am at such a basic level of understanding, and my head is absolutely swimming.

Just because a person reads a book (especially first time), doesn’t necessarily mean that he has understood, or even assimilated, everything he has read, and often a person has to then visit weak points of understanding and delve a little deeper, which we’ve been doing by getting hold of a few books listed in the bibliographies. But, wow, what a big mountain for us to climb, as we realise how little we really know about our world.

We had ordered all of Dr. Farrell’s books, to serve as an introductory Starting Point to some disciplines about which we know virtually nothing at all. Our background and interests that we’ve been following up to this point are very different from, and almost have no intersection with, the topics discussed in Dr. Farrell’s books, which has made reading them perhaps a little more challenging than for other individuals on the forum who are well grounded in these topics. (Thus much of the cryptic banter is lost on both myself and spouse). Normally, when one reads something unfamiliar, one tends to map or connect with things one already knows (forming analogies in one’s mind), and in this case, it’s been difficult given our entirely different set of interests. Having read some of your own posts, and the others on this forum, I feel like I’m at the bottom of the barrel in terms of understanding any of the intricate details, although I have gleaned some overall basic concepts to ponder.

An overall picture that I’ve formed, so far, from the first read through Dr. Farrell’s books is that our history is not reflected in the narratives handed to us, either in our childhood schooling system, or in our university education system. Dr. Farrell has done some brilliant work on analysing various narratives handed down to us about things such as the purpose of the Giza pyramid, ancient human history, WWII and Nazi history, Roswell, JFK assassination, 9-11, physics and other sciences, technology, historical methods of social control, secret societies, and much more. And, while he does not come out and say that one must believe anything, nor is he completely direct about some things, he gives you a list of books he’s read, and summarises them, gives a few of his own impressions, and then leaves the reader to go digging further into some of the questions posed. And we love that approach. It is an honest and fair approach to dealing with narratives that have been obfuscated.

These last few years have been our complete and utter Disillusionment Years. We wouldn’t trade reading these books for any more yoga or dance classes. We’re no longer trusting of any narratives coming out of our institutions.

This particular book had a lot of fascinating points, even for someone like myself:
Like, that section on “analogues”. Several weeks ago, someone had posted a discussion about 432 Hz, which caught my attention. What is it with the number “432” which keeps popping up in different areas? An artist in sacred geometry, who likes to draw some ideas about basic principles (for a beginner like myself who is starting at the bottom of a mountain), suggested that in “harmonic maths”, certain numbers can scale back and forth along a sliding decimal. And my attention was caught when Dr. Farrell talked about nesting of dimensional analogues in the physical dimensions of the Pyramid. And how that ratio 1:43,200 pops up (p.233). I find that fascinating and know that this is a starting point for me, to learn more about the concept of “harmonic maths” and what is embedded in that.

One interesting point about “analogues” is that this is how I was taught that is how humans learn. We connect some new concept or idea to something that we already know. (Which is probably why people can form different conceptions about any one thing, if they are mapping a given concept to something they know, that might be different to how another person maps it).

While I have been reading my way through these books, I have been unconsciously “mapping” the segments on physics (unfamiliar to me) to what I have learned about basic principles in psychology and human learning, and it seems uncanny how some of the underlying physics principles seem to behave like psychology. Almost like intelligence works on similar lines as physics concepts. I am blown away by that.

I have never had any interest in shooting, killing or weapons, and so the technical details about advanced weaponry are beyond my grasp. Nevertheless, the parts dealing with sonic weapons are especially interesting, as I get woken up at night with what feel like very high frequency “zaps” to the head. Also can’t get to sleep at the beginning of the night due to low frequency humming energy, and these books are now opening a portal for me to explore these things. Years ago, I had read some newspaper articles of people in Victoria, BC (a Canadian naval and military town) complaining about a low frequency Humm (and I am bothered by that too). This affected about 1% of the population, and they were told it was a psychological, “in the head”. Well, yes, I think it is “in the head”, but not the kind of “in the head” where you wind up at a psychiatrists office getting a prescription to numb it out. I think we have sense organs in our brains to pick up energies other than sight, touch, sound, smell, and taste, and knowledge about these sense organs has been suppressed.

The material about plasma physics is somewhat beyond my grasp, although I now look at the chemical clouds that I see in our area differently than before. I see huge swaths of them moving through longer distances as a giant coherent unit in the sky (not swirling about changing shapes so quickly like typical vapour clouds do), and that, to me, suggests plasma. It is very interesting to form a different impression about what it is that I may be seeing that is not officially talked about.

The section about light being trapped in a crystal blew me away. I have never seen such a crystal and cannot envision it, and yet it gets me wondering about all the energy devices in the old ancient epics (also summarized by Zechariah Sitchin) that Dr. Farrell’s book mention that may have been referring to civilizations with very advanced technologies. And how all of that may be related to plasma physics. This section inspires me to want to learn more about crystals.

He ended off by mentioning tarot cards. This, too, was interesting. My Mom loved tarot cards and fortune tellers, and I had never, ever thought that they were anything but “games”. And now, this book has inspired me to probe further as to what ancient history is embedded in the world of the tarot. I would love to see a separate thread just on the topic of tarot, and tarot artistry.

Anyways, these are just some “basic” impressions from a person who struggles with physics, but is still gleaning valuable insights about the lengths that the people (“magicians”?) who organize our societies have gone to instill in us ideas about our world that are misleading, for the purpose of controlling our energies.

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That is true for me as well. Unlike you - Big WOW - haven’t read all JPF’s books, but I own them. Collected all when he was heart Attacked, IMO. Your comment reminded me of a vid-chat long ago, when we were chatting about Thrice Great Hermetica and the Janus Age. I commented “Loved Thrice but had to read it twice.” Have now read it 3xs (like in Thrice LOL) and thinking there is more in there to read again.

That too is my experience. Another Gizar and I share an high school teacher who taught the textbook, but tacked alternative information on the bulletin board to read as we left the classroom. Seems everything I thought I knew has to be re-evaluated. Mr. Thompson started it.

haven’t delved much into JPF’s Nazi books, but know people who have and that subject is reaching the top of my next read list.

One thing about Dr. Farrell’s books is that he gathers information from a variety of sources (like his really really good book on LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy), but he doesn’t always reveal his own thoughts. Since we moved into bizzaro world, he has revealed more about his beliefs and his Orthodox faith. Many have assumed after reading Yahweh the Two-Faced God that he was not a believer in Jesus Christ, but found in what he has said that he has a strong faith. His McCarthy books are great too, although what was done then, dims in comparison to what we are experiencing now.

I read the first GDS book, then Revised came in the mail - so read that one next. Know someone who read all three books, then Revised. He said, even though there was new information in Revised, he thought reading the 3 alone was more understanding.

Geology was my science and have always loved rocks and minerals. Many of my family are into to them as well, strangely. Since reading Revised have seen more that relates to crystals - a lot more.

I totally stay away from that which your mother loved. Just saying.

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Thanks @RhebaRhae for sharing that you, too, bought the whole collection. Your approach, of reading a book 3x, before moving to the next, is probably more sensible than my approach of having blitzed through the entire collection, and then feeling overwhelmed with the sheer extent of what I don’t know, especially about physics and “hidden physics” and the long human history connected with that knowledge. “Overwhelmed” is an understatement!

I think that the physics aspect (my personal weak point) is the feature of these books that captured our attention, and why we decided to purchase them. The commentary about physics makes these books unique, and gives a framework for examining the history of technology. I had never considered how technologically advanced previous civilizations had been, until opening these books, and also how these civilizations may have self-destructed through the use of such advanced technologies, and how we’re on a similar trajectory (unless people start to think about spiritual practices).

I appreciate you starting a thread on the books, as it’s hard to find people to talk about them in our local community. I have been enjoying what people on this thread have been commenting about their own impressions. No one we know in town has read any of the books. You can’t find them in bookstores around here, nor even in the local library. If it hadn’t been for our friend who gave us a list of alternative news platforms that he was following, during the launch of the covid operation, we would not have found out about these books. How did you find out about the books?

Your approach of reading a book 3 times before moving to the next makes the information less overwhelming. For us, we were at a place where we knew almost nothing about the subject matter, and so it was like a reading blitz, as the books are all inter-related, and now to start a review (along with some other books we managed to find that were referenced in some of the books). I loved that book “Thrice Great Hermetica” and also need to re-read that one.

That is great that you have some background in geology! This book sparked an interest in learning more about gems, and I wonder about going to a local gem shop and starting a little collection of gem stones, just to inspire me further. Do you have a gem collection, and do you have any tips for someone who visits a gem shop for the first time? There is a lot of lore around gems that I don’t understand at this point. I came across this guide recently and found it interesting:

What you mentioned about reading the other three Giza books is also true for us. This GDSR book is a good overview of the other three, with the additional material, but we think the others all round one another off. We are actually glad that we have the whole collection, as each book threads into the others, and you get a bigger picture of history by reading all of them. If someone has not read the other 3 initial Giza Death Star trilogies, then I would start with this one, and then read the others.

Have these books changed your life in any way?

Thrice Hermetica is the only book read 3 times. Mostly, read the books in a category and re-read a book if something comes up later that reminds me of something in one of the books read. Thinking the Nazi books will be my next category.

Nothing in particular. The books do seem to nicely supplement other subjects of which I am exploring, particularly those re: European history and ancient history. Yeah guess the Nazis are next.

I think the Nazis will be a good choice. We found those books interesting. In a way, Thrice Great is a great lead-in to the Nazi’s, given the knowledge that they sought and seemed to have attained in the development of their technologies.

One thing I found interesting in Thrice Great was about the Sinclair family’s historical connection as guardians of secret knowledge… (also coincidentally, Trudeau’s Mom being a Sinclair), and I’m now reading Childress’ book about the Arc of God, and how there are conjectures that it may have wound up being hidden in Nova Scotia for some time, centuries ago, and with speculations that possibly the Sinclair family being involved in getting it there (p. 279).

One of the Nazi books, Saucers, Swastikas, and Psyops, has a profoundly insightful epigraph (quoting JFK) on the page opposite the book’s Table of Contents, that gives an essence of what that book explores. When I first saw that epigraph, and when I re-read it after reading the book, and also thought about the global psyop that has been ratched up in our modern experience, I was quite floored with the insight in that quote. Since starting this reading project, I have come to reflect upon my own ignorance of this vital history, why I didn’t know any of this, despite that every single year of my life I have been at Rememberance Day Ceremonies, where slogans are always put forth: “Lest We Forget” and “Never Again”. Lest we forget what? That was the question that I never really understood – I thought it was about people going to war to kill one another, and couldn’t wrap my head about why any of that was happening. After reading the Nazi books, I’m now coming to grips as to what, really, is behind war. It’s really humbling for me, and that JFK epigraph in that particular book helped boil it down for me with some context as to how I could grow up knowing so little about the reality of history.

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