Finished Reading The Giza Death Star Revisited

I would suggest the reading of Billy Carson’s “Emerald Tablets of Thoth”…can’t quite figure out exactly where Thoth fits into the Big Picture!!

Love it!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :laughing:

I could offer my explanation, and reasons, although I do not deal very well with the ‘alchemical’ methods since I leave that to the demons and wizardly sort of folks. JPF has provided a plausible explanation since he investigated that ‘stuff’, although he might disagree with my understanding of how it would apply to how the earth was formed. Hint: it was not in 6 - 24 hour ‘Earth-days’.

Then think about a ‘race’ of beings that exist within our Universe which have no end to their existence, and theoretically they had no beginning. Therefore, Time has no real meaning in their existence. Some begin to believe they are like gods. They quarrel amongst themselves, and a rebellion breaks out. Within that group some ‘band’ together in a loose Federation. A Thought comes to them, “Why not create a group of beings lower than us, and who will worship us? What if we built a planet for them to live on? We could create so much mischief and have some beings who would worship us for the powerful ‘gods’ we are.”

A small rocky planet mostly made of iron was found that they thought would be just right if some more materials were added to it, and of course it would need lot of water to keep everything lubricated. Add a moon circling it to keep all the water perfectly ‘stirred-up’. Hey, we could have it so perfectly aligned that it would ‘hide’ the light of its star at regular, and predictable times. Another being chimed in and said, “Hey, we could do the same thing with a moon by having the planet perfectly block out the light coming from a star that we could call a sun!”

As the Plan begin to form within the renegade band of beings they formed into groups, and each group had illusions of grandeur of being worshiped as they believed they should be honored.


Who knows those things? :man_shrugging:
What Einstein would say, or what he wouldn’t say. Was he a fool or was he not.And all those similar to him sellers of fog. I can only say what Kowalski would say, with great accuracy.Like for example:


Well yes.But semantics matter.Like shown here:

Afterall numbers are just words and vice versa and etc .In this episode, many things are said about the mutual relation and interweaving between words( linguistically observed) and numbers(mathematically observed), i.e. which is which and what is what in a rather broader sense.Some of those things being cosmic in nature of course.

"Trust yourself. When you’re locked away in your room, the words just come, don’t they, like magic. Words–the right sound, the right shape, the right rhythm."
–The Doctor

And vice versa. :man_shrugging: :thinking:
Holy cow! :thinking:
Here one can also reply to himself. And talk to himself. I didn’t know this. This is a whole new dimension. Which means one can here reproduce all their inner speech, and thoughts and ideas, etc.

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Wow I never knew about that those are some smart penguins.

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What books written by Dr. Farrell have you read?


Who would that be? Seriously.


“Giza Death Star”,and half way trough “Giza Death Star Deployed”.

I was kind of surprised also.

Before going headlong into that subject allow me to give you some background information that you, and perhaps a few other folks will perhaps find intriguing, and hopefully interesting to know. First, a little bit more of what I wrote above, and then a very interesting, and intriguing experience from the 1990’s. It is a bit long…

Some ancient religious literature is often referred to as pseudepigraphal writings if it makes false claims as to its authorship. Some folks believe in a race of beings known as the Nephilim. This could very well be a reason why so few people will ever read or discuss The Book of Enoch since it is labeled a pseudepigraphal work. Enoch is believed to be the great-grandfather of Noah. “Enoch is son of Jared” (Genesis 5:18). No hard evidence exits but Moses is traditionally considered the author of Genesis. Now over the past two centuries, one of the most contested questions in biblical scholarship has been “Who wrote the Book of Genesis, and when?”

So, it is an endless merry-go-round where things appear to follow Lucifer’s Plan, which is a combination of never-ending wars, obscuring humanity’s understanding of their beginnings and final destination after death. Consider scientists, religious folk and agnostics. None of those groups are ever in full agreement, often even within their own ranks. So, it is true there is Endless Division, Never Ending Division among humans.

Science cannot prove a Negative, and Religion cannot prove the Positive existence of a true and living God. Some folks even dispute the existence of Jesus Christ being a real person even though the World measures History as being either before or after his birth, go ponder that fact.

Another thing scientist cannot disprove are the existence of Polonium Halos because they are found within ALL GRANITE rock on the Planet Earth. No matter where one finds granite rock there will be Polonium Halos within its crystalline structure. It is fact whether in the stones of the Great Pyramid, or even in the granite drilled out of a 38,000’ borehole the Russians drilled in Siberia from which Dr Robert V. Gentry received permission from the Soviets to travel to Russia and obtain samples of the granite drilled out of it.

There are lots of different isotopes of Polonium. Some of the most fascinating are Polonium 106 and 109 because they have very short half-lives before being reduced to Lead within a few seconds, or minutes. There are other isotopes of Polonium that form giant halos, but those isotopes have longer half-lives.

The whole topic is fascinating, and it gained some traction within Physics and Geology in the 1990’s. Dr Robert V. Gentry was the leading authority on the subject, and he had his findings accepted and published in many peer-reviewed journals over a period of several years. [Published Papers of Dr. Robert V. Gentry] (https://Published Papers of Dr. Robert V. Gentry)

Dr Gentry framed his entire thesis regarding the presence of Polonium being within all granite rock, which it is. He also believed God literally created Earth in 6 - 24-hour days as written in the Book of Genesis, which would include all granite rock. However, he wisely chose not to write about those views in the many peer-reviewed scientific journals that published his research on polonium halos.

Then in 1995, Gentry brought together a large group of physicist and geologists to the University of TN campus at Knoxville to listen to his lecture about his work and scientific findings. About 500 people attended. About half were physicist and geologists. The other half were Christian folk, and many were Seventh Day Adventists as was Gentry. After the scientist and geologists heard and saw the evidence none of them agreed with his final conclusions. They attempted to rebut his all of his science with their arguments, but those were almost entirely rhetorical since no scientific facts exist to dispute his research. The only thing they could cling to was their own belief system. There was a lone geologist who claimed he examined a molten granite flow that had been spewed from an eruption, and then hardened. An analysis found it had no polonium haloes in it. It became a Clash of Civilizations.

So, my bottom line is that when the other physicists and geologists were unaware of Gentry’s religious beliefs, they mostly were A-OK with his findings until Gentry revealed his religious beliefs. Then all Hell was loosened against him. Sorta like the confrontation between Jesus and the Jews at the Festival of Dedication when Christ was called to answer to the Hebrews for his claim to be the Son of God, and he answered their charges by quoting their scripture, "Is it not written in your law, I said You are gods?

My final word today is that Gentry paid a videographer to tape his entire 2-hour presentation and answer session, and the resulting video showed a very unusual anomaly, but that is for another day.


these being are called ‘deva’ in the Vedic tradition. Gods of yore, of the Sumerian/Egyptian/Hellens/Latins/Norse/Mayan (and the others) they live for hundred thousands of years. literally. but they (most of them, except a few) left the Earth cca 4000 years ago. this was the time that the old writings says ‘when the Gods left Olympus’. but they were also susceptible to greed, power, sex and so on. imagine a kindergarten fight extrapolated to nukes and the great pyramid… nothing special at all.
from what i was able to collest and synthesize in the last few decades, they ‘made’ us - from their own genom -, used us, then tried to kill us. real Cosa Nostra. our ‘genetic cousins’ as Doc calls them.
one thing for sure: they know what shame is. they feel, and they do have a death after a very-very long life. and since that, they fear it more than us.

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oh, Psalms 42. the most intriguing verse in the Old Testament. never found any (Christian) theologian who could digest it in its depth. or the words of the Kohelet (Ecclesiastes):
3:11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.
“he hath set the world in their heart”. ‘heart’ nowadays should be translated as ‘mind’. the ‘world’ is a content of mind. that is the great secret of the mind. non-local boundless light.
do u know the story when God wanted to play hide-and-seek with the angels?

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That story is not familiar to me. Does it have anything to so with the story of Lucifer ‘sweeping’ 1/3rd of the angels from the Heavens?
The idea of one third of the angels falling from heaven is found in Revelation 12:4: “His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth.” A passage that is often interpreted to mean Lucifer, aka ‘Satan’ and a third of the angels were removed from heaven to earth."

oh, the idea of the ‘revolution’ or brake in the system is quite new. i mean like a few thousand-million years. infighting. classic family. nothing else. we may blow it up, since they are the ‘gods’. but it is nothing new.
that is why i like the Buddhadharma, since he speak/spoke of it very simply. they fought for power/money/candy (that means sex and all the others). you got these ‘Gods’ and they are just fighting like children over the toys.

back to the story:
there was an angel who advised God, to hide in the heart of the humans, where nobody could find him.
that is where you find HIm.
in your own heart.
very simple.

no exception. mind/heart/consciousness, it’s all the same. love rules all. that is the base of the first scission. to be known.

I have found Gary Wayne interesting off late, not sure if you know of him.


Have you read Gary Wayne’s book @Marcusmojo00? (Wondering about your thoughts about his research if you’ve read his book about Secret Societies).

No but it looks fascinating I have been listening to podcasts and he has done a heck of a lot of research into the bible and especially the book of Enoch. He wants to educate Christians and his book has had an excellent reception from Christians who believe it explains the bible to them. He is also very knowledgeable on secret societies and ties it into the anti and post flood periods. The book is on sale on Amazon but is over £50 to the UK but I probably will buy it at some stage. Wayne is based in Canada and he sounds very interesting he is working on a new book.

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Any desire to solve such problems assumes the paradigm of physics the problems are based upon is worth learning, I assure you, as a man with a graduate training in biophysics, you are not operating in the appropriate paradigm. Also, the Calculus itself is corrupt as well as historically attributed to a man who could not himself understand its application. The easiest way to identify academic materialism masquerading as physics, is assuming complex differentials are necessary to model physical systems.

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