Not natural and what the evidence shows; open air microwave ovens…
Robert’s forensic evidence of the Paradise fires was intriguing. Great post.
She also has a video explaining the plans to make LA mostly re-zoned for muti-family dwellings and condos!
Light bulb moment. What a better way to erase everything on your “profile”. Eliminate your phone and laptop… what evidence is there? Maybe that needs to be your backup plan…
This assumes you have piles of evidence in your filing cabinet… or on your thumb drive that you have been saving for this moment to bug out?
We are talking with an eligitimate government you have been paying for years.
… if you need an idea or two … How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found by Doug Richmond
Radiohead - How to Disappear
Dang. Another honest response about these movements that could put me on a radar.
Elderly. Must be that.
Here’s a link to another video concerning the re-zone…
and just a similar short about seedy officials in Oklahoma…
You don’t have to be Born in East L.A. to know that Things are Getting Tough All Over…
Edit: A quick short about another land grab in Northeast Texas. The Martin Nichols Reservoir is
ostensibly needed to supply water for the growing needs of DFW. However, there are already several other sources in place for said need that have not been tapped .
They don’t want the land for it’s water…It’s value is the million dollar lakeside lots they’ll sell once the independent law firm files Eminent domain on these luckless landowners and floods
them out. Prayers for these folks…
Leaves no doubt that they are at war with citizens;
Where ever they live.
Preferably, beachfront properties.
If your in their way?
Expect a fire sale is coming.
Or, floods. Or, tornadoes. Or, earthquakes. Or, Eminent Domain…
Thanks for the Radiohead link…It’s been a while…
Incidentally though, just taking the idea literally, I’d say the age of changing one’s identity and
starting a new life is behind us… at least it’s only for the wealthiest or those with quite a robust
It’s no longer just walking out for a pack of cigarettes and moving a few towns over after having filed for a birth certificate of a child that died at birth…
This is the (dis)information age and they’ve got 23andme ways of finding you now.
It’s either pulling a Jane Goodall and living in the wilderness or avoiding those bowls of rice in
Language warning for the video…
i was a kid in high school in the 90s.
the version of the ‘innocence project’ then in my fren group circled around punk rock free mumia stuff.
there was a STRONG backlash against ‘forensic evidence experts’ that came from this
the two main ones were “bite mark pattern expert material witnesses” and “fire origin pattern expert material witnesses”
many individuals were found guilty of X, Y, or Z based on a couple of high profile experts in both categories. and both were later ‘fact-checked’ and found to be 100% full of it. totally made up their conclusions. a bunch of dudes were freed on the basis of this embarrassment.
looking back i’d give it 50|50 odds that those experts WERE actually in fact experts and the naysayers/innocence project/fact checekrs were in actuality the ones doing the crime through lying.
but it still impressed upon my then more plastic mind that ‘anyone, anywhere’ can claim credentials about a thing and then lie through their teeth about it for motives (or even unaware). and media manufacturing is really really developed. (amazing polly’s best repeated point is: THEY know, your “alt news/commentary” is JUST as corrupted and faked and run by OPs as the mockingbird mainstream media always was)
just sayin’ i don’t trust the expert fire opinions from any direction (and that’s how you know the OP to seed distrust at all levels works wonderfully well on ME)
“Follow the money” is usually all you need…
Like Sharick mentioned in a previous thread: “Where it burns is more important than where it started.” (paraphrase)
…And the icing on the cake would be all the king’s whores and all the kingpins moving in to
put L.A. together again. Complete with high-rise housing and bullet-trains. Pre-planned and
Circumstantial, sure. But the precedent has been set so many times, who needs experts…
Good point about the alternative media though. Lot of corruption even in this Humpy Bumpy…