First Men In The Moon

This one passed me by, secret space program vibes!

Any significance to the date of 1899?


An earlier silent version of the movie is lost to history.

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For a great sci-fi(or real?) take on our SSP check out the book series ā€œSands of Timeā€ by Dr. Sean D. Morton. He ā€œmoved onā€ Dec. 18, 2024 leaving this as his legacy to his lifetime of work! So much has been going on Behind the Curtain that we Normies have been kept in ignorance as to the real workings of The Universeā€¦orā€¦Universes!!

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This one!

I will dip my toe in when I get a spare moment :+1:


Right on!! Sean wrote in a ā€œnovelizedā€ form, but all the info is thereā€¦our Peek Behind the Curtain!! :wink: I keep wondering exactly how they are going to bring all this forward for mainstream consumption?! :rofl: For instance, I saw The Challenger incident happen live as I was driving two old ladies to Key West at the time! Who knew there was a slide by which the astronauts exited BEFORE takeoff??? :scream: Why the need for all the lies?! Was it $$$ only?!

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Iā€™m on chapter 32, its a fascinating romp so far. Always love a bit of die glocke with a garnish of 1950ā€™s labcoat erotica.

Continuing into a cold Icelandic rendezvous with a nuclear submarine, what could possibly go wrong?

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Iā€™m up to Book 7 for the 2nd time. It is fun to keep track of the various personalities that crop up in the story! Our Main Hero disappeared in 2009 & it was at this time that Sean was given the Journals, having to sign various NDAā€™Sā€¦of course!! :innocent:

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Itā€™s like a greatest hits of Ian Flemming remastered by Timothy Good.

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Actually what this book series is, is the totality of all that Sean learned in his lifetime. We know he had a ā€œconmanā€ personality, but I would suggest that is why he was chosen to put this life story forward. There is one character (Emma) that I would not have believed, but do because of what happened to Rocket Scientist David Adair at the age of 17 when he was taken to Area 51 to examine what turned out to be an ā€œalienā€ engine!! That was 1971, if I remember right! Michael Salla did a 4 part interview with him over a year agoā€¦a most interesting life he has lived. He survived Hur. Helene & is now 71 years of age.

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Well Iā€™m very grateful for the recommendation, Iā€™ve been at a loose end for the last few days and itā€™s been a real page turner.

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Iā€™m done, great read!

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What is so amazing is that the science part is correctā€¦we Normies just have no clue what is really going on!! Did you read all 7 books? BTWā€¦Iā€™m an 80 year old Grandma!! :sweat_smile:

All seven books? Strewth, give us a chance, Iā€™m not Simon Ratterman! :joy:


I figured you were a Speed Reader!! :sweat_smile:

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Oh gosh no, my eyesight isnā€™t what it used to be and I get eyestrain quite easily. Iā€™ll be sure to make my way through the other books in the series.