So I watched a documentary about Trump and Hillary Clinton that put a whole new meaning to the Trillary Meme. Despite whatever anyone thinks of the former or latter, these folks ain’t stupid, deepstate tools or not. Trump and Hillary grew up in almost the exact same family scenario, each one striving to meet the expectations of an overbearing father that deemed their merits unworthy no matter what great accomplishments they accomplished. With Xi and Putin, the hard Communist regime had swept their fathers away, <editing this cuz I thought Putins father died, but he was severely wounded during the war and his mother seemed to have the most pivotal role in his life… in any case, I see why he hates Nazis> and in Xi’s case, being imprisoned and disqualified from the same society he’d come to inherit as it’s leader. In that case, both Putin and Xi, atleast outwardly bonded over their unique history as fatherless statesmen growing up in a brutal empire. It seems there are only these 3 classifications for such kinship. Friends, Frienemies or Sworn Enemies. I’ve even encountered this in my personal life. Ever had a friend you love, and they’re attracted to you for whatever reason but hates you quietly behind your back, but you love them so much no matter how many people tell you they’re no good, you just forgive them. Or Sworn enemy scenario. Why is this so? Any other examples you all can think of. These are some off the top of my head. And why is this so? How about your personal life?
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