Gifs, Memes and Moderation

No one is being censored here as far as I can tell, although Kalamona did say he was banned from the vid-chat meetings.

If someone posts something really rude, inappropriate, offensive or illegal, the flag system is a way for members to report that to leadership and if there are a lot of flags this may automatically take a post down from public view until it can be reviewed.

The decision about if anything should be edited or deleted can only be made by a moderator or administrator.

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Flagging makes for a wonderfully sanitized sterile environment, right in keeping with our world rulers’ goal.


You mean, personal sensabilities. What is rude, offensive to one isn’t to another. Illegal should be transparant, but is it?

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Well anyone can read the laws, but those are confusing and different in every country.

Thanks, B, I had no idea! I just ignore. Generally, if a malware appears after clicking links or opening files, I block them in my system and run malware repair. As far as Giza, I didn’t know about a flag system. Does it over-compensate? Maybe that’s why kalamona reacted! That’s a real problem in this world and he likely knows a lot about it. Accusers hide their own identities and then project their misdeeds onto the very people who are right over the target. Having non-violent dissenters removed and silenced is a sure indicator that evil profiteers and their downline informants fear exposure. Let’s keep stepping into the light :candle::candle: thanks again for the conversation.

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Discourse has a flag-weight system that helps to establish member integrity if what they flag is a legitimate issue for the integrity of a site or not. This means that if a member is flagging posts often just because they find them to be mildly offensive, a moderator can choose to disagree with those flags as being meaningless just like the boy who cried wolf.

Flags themself mean nothing unless they are acknowledged, this is true in diplomacy to establish a new country this is only considered to be legitimate if other countries acknowledge their flags as having meaning.

I don’t know all what happened with that, the whole site is more complex than just the forum. Those questions you wrote I don’t have the answers for but you could ask in a help ticket and maybe they will reply.

This discourse forum platform is free open source, but they have it hosted on their own servers integrated with the rest of the site I don’t know anything about how all that works.

Have launched my own forum with this platform 2 members have signed up so far who I’ve appointed to be moderators, Dan from Nova Scotia and Simon from Edinburgh. Hopefully will have more people sign up over the next few months but right now is in staff-only setup mode so not open to new-users until I can pay more for discourse server hosting costs $100 a month on San Jose servers but only $25 for staff-only login.

With the flags those can be used to just report something as being off-topic, then moderators may just move some comments to a different category to make things more understandable for new people so things don’t look like complete chaos from the outside.

Here I raise the case of @CoolHandLuke. Why did he react the way he did? And why did he disappeared from this forum after he said what he said? Why did that happen?Why did he personally, according to his own words, give up his membership and disappeared from this forum?Why is that so? :thinking:


Great question Mr. Divergent, thank you for that.

What I remember is that he accused me of being infantile gestapo thought police, ouch.

He was upset about some things clearly and then changed his profile picture to a baby pacifier and left.

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It is a two edged sword.

A curse in the mouth of a sincere heart is not as far from God as alleluias coming from a heart corroded by pious hypocrisy.

Discern another’s heart with mercies deep within our own. :pray:

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Matters not to “God” what is in one heart, but what is in one mind.For he sees not one trough his heart but trough his mind. :man_shrugging:

Oh?. . .That’s a whole afternoon talk for us, Divergent. Until then, I hope our Giza friends are welcome back in both mind and heart. :dove:


The mind is important but God only knows how to talk in Hebrew and Greek.


Yes, plus to handsome men with handsome minds.

Are you not able to read the posts that were flagged?

That may be because of the confusing “trust tier” system, to me there is a link to “view ignored content” on all three those posts, I have them recorded can post a screen shot if you want to read what was written there.

It may be for anyone on trust tier #2 or #1 they don’t have a link for that, confusing I didn’t know about that. The statements were directed to the site administrators they might want to reply.

No, that doesn’t seem to be the problem, everything posted can be seen even to anyone without a login.

This is a problem with written words, even if they aren’t being censored much easier to disregard completely everything that has been written in books or any other medium.

Reason to say things out loud instead of writing is the way to go.

No problem, most of the content posted is of no consequence in the real world and changes nothing.

Here is last post saying goodbye in July:

July? It’s now October, B! I guess I lost track of him myself, but I figured he has many Giza friends. Is there’s anything I can do? There’s a lot I don’t know. Thanks for the update, B. I’m sorry for what happened with Cool, too, a great addition to the site. There’s a lot of talent leaving, apparently, according to neru and other friends. Let’s reflect ourselves, send light to those who are away, and let God weigh in. :candle: :candle:Alicia

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I suppose most of us are here to shed cobwebs of ignorance. But while for some “flagging and using sites digital properties” is seen as mere structuring and regulating to be more coherent in form, others might experience it different. Not all of us forumites live in peaceful places, some of us live at flashpoints where regulary pogroms occur with all the baggage that comes with.

Sadly, while all pogroms are sanctioned only a handfull are recognized and permitted to be talked about. Most pogroms don’t make it into the history books or are at best footnotes. The sorrow that comes forth due to it is real and painfull and doubly so when it is not recognized as even taking place. Maybe flagging is sincere felt by others as censoring.

Just something to ponder.