Gods, men and etymology: names of Indian divinities are also Slavic words

Discussion of etymology (14 min.)


Dana, you may also be interested in the work of Marchell Abrahams, an amateur researcher/historian/etymologist based in Aberdeen, Scotland. Among other things, she uses etymology to uncover, or shed light on, ancient human migrations and links between various cultures across the planet.

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I’m not surprised since Sanskrit is usually considered to belong to the Indo-European language group, which includes the Slavic languages.


I find these correspondences fascinating… As Dr. Farrell points out, they are due to Sanskrit and the Slavic languages (like Latin, Greek, the Germanic and Celtic languages, and a few others) being part of the Indo-European language group.

I’m not sure Ouranos (sky god) corresponds to Brahma. I think it’s likely Ouranos = Varuna (sky god). Those may be the same god as Perun.

Thanks for the suggestion.

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