Happy birthday shiloh

Fine years ago I adopted this little abused dog. She was so afraid (of women, doors, and leashes, for a strange list of fears!), and for two plus weeks she didn’t even bark. But she has been the sweetest and most loving little dog. Happy birthday little Shiloh, and thank you for all the wagging tails, doggie dances, sweet smiles, and conversations.


Beautiful girl, Happy Birthday! Hope you get lots of treats and a special walkies.

I had two rescues, both were wonderful. Amazed me that they could be so loving after suffering so much abuse. Dogs are God’s best creations, wonderful companions.


Happy Birthday, Shiloh. Love, Dot the Schipperke (see picture by the name)

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Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy B-Day Shiloh!

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Aww, what a sweetie! Comes through the screen. I’ll bet she has a lot to say!

Happy birthday Shiloh !

I think its such a beautiful thing you found each other.
One really can tell the love you have for her when you speak of her.
And its so nice to see she has found peace.
I have adopted an abused dog myself.
She got beaten badly for peeing inside the house so when she moed in with me she wanted to make a good impression and didnt go AT ALL for 4 days.
Thats like a month if we are to believe the dog time theory.
We walked hours every day, but nothing
Then she went when i was sleeping.
I woke up to a dog shaking in the corner, she probably been awake all night scared for when i was waking up.
We had a talk as i comforted her and it never happened again.
She wanted to flee the scene after going for a while, but she a very happy dog now.
I didnt mean tp take away Shilo’s shine, i just meant to give an example of how much an adoption really means to a dog and that if you have the chance to do so, you really should
You will never regret it.
So happy birthday Shiloh and continue to take care of each other.
All love


Happy birthday, beautiful girl!

If only these animals could actually talk to us and tell us where they came from and what happened to them. It’s good she found a good home to settle in and is happy.

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Good for you… my little Shiloh has a similar problem. She was abused and I think it messed up her bowel control, because she is occasionally incontinent inside, and walks and runs with a bit of a limp, so I think it’s related. Like your little dog, Shiloh was so afraid the first time she did that, and I think it and the abuse -she doesn’t even know how to play - was a factor in why no one wanted her. She has been the sweetest little dog.


Our cat we got from the RSPCA was abused or neglected. He had an abscess on his nose from rubbing the cage he was held in before rescue and we brought him home from the RSPCA. He doesn’t like being held for long periods and hates enclosed spaces. Whoever says animals don’t suffer trauma is full of it.

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I agree… they do suffer trauma, and it’s so sad when they do.


Blessings to you, Shiloh and especially to you,Joseph, for being such a kind and compassionate person, giving her all the love she missed before she came into your life. My wife and I have taken in and placed (except for the ones we kept :grinning:) dozens of dogs and cats over the years as well as a few injured birds, one of which, a little female sparrow, lived with us for 7 years, thanks mostly to my wife’s loving care, and even a rat. We too rescued a dog with ‘potty phobia’ from probable abuse,similar to the one Sphinx helped. To paraphrase Christ: whatever you do to the least of my creatures, that you do unto me. We must love those little ones, furry or feathered, two legged or four, who need our help, reflecting the same, although obviously less redemptive, spirit as He loved us. May the two of you have many more happy years together!
PS: Is today her actual birthday or the day she came to live with you? I ask because I would think her birth date would not be known since she was a rescue. However, I know that the day you adopted each other would be certainly a day of new birth for her into a better life!


I call her birthday the day she came to live with me… as for animals, I regard them as the creatures we are supposed to represent God to, and whom we represent to God, hence it is our obligation and duty to love them, and intercede for them… And you’re right, she chose me, under some very odd circumstances that were direct answers to prayer.


God works in mysterious ways! Thanks for the clarification and for being both her Dad and her priest. As you said in a recent vidchat, you pray both for her and for her. God bless you both.


THanks… and to you and your beloved animals as well


You are quite welcome! And thanks for all you do. I think I speak for all of us Gizars!


Its undoubtedly a sign of trauma.
I don’t know if Shiloh has nightmares?
Nemi had them frequently; her legs was “running” and there was a lot of squeeking.
I didn’t wake her up as i thought it might be good for her to process it ,and it is a lot less frequent these days.
I have heard both; let them sleep,and wake them up.
I guess the owner knows the dog the best and can read how bad of a situation it is.

It says lots about you Joseph, taking a traumatized unwanted dog in.
I really admire and respect that. I follow some of the dog shelters on social media and they have the sweetest dogs, been there for years even,and the longer they are there,the less people want them as they’re convinced its trouble on four legs.
I don’t know Shiloh well, but i can tell by the way she stays patient during the vidchats, that she wants to be a good girl. A bark here and there is just dog being dog.
But she seems happy when she knows you about to round things off and it’s time for something involving her more.
Many dogs would be a lot more restless than her, so she seems to have found peace in herr new home.
And that tells me you are a loving and patient person.
incontinence now, even after feeling safe, can be a sign she has a spine injury.
Probably after violence.
Surgery does rarely help,so as long as she is not in pain its better to just leave it.
Shiloh sure is cute, she is on most of the vidchat members minds when they send in questions, and has become the mascot of the show.
I wish you both all the best,have a great day and I will see you again next vidchat .

Thank you Sphinx… I don’t know about a spine issue but there is some sort of issue with her right rear leg. She’s ok now, and so very very loving and sweet.

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Hi, gorgeous!, Happy Birthday to you Shiloh!

Thats great.
I was just thinking since she was occasionally having the limp and incontinence, there is studies saying there is a connection.
But all the best to you, as long as you both fine it’s all good.