Has the Forum become a Cesspool?

It took two entire years of no one responding to anything he wrote before he left? wow

Some major platforms use a “shadow ban” to censor what someone is writing without their knowledge, but this is a deceptive tactic not great to have to resort to that:

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Not exactly. As I wrote “he voluntarily left after a couple of years because we stopped interacting with him”. I saved almost all the Blogs from the original GDS site, but those are on another computer, using the old 386 chipset. I am not certain I could still get it to ‘boot’. Sorry…

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… Wow! Nice to see you here again Nidster! Long time, no see! :slight_smile:


Been real busy trying to keep things ‘under control’ here in Paradise. I read all the Blogs but cannot get to all the Forum posts any longer. Thanks for your Reply and thoughts.

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… in regards to your comment concerning the “vast amount of narratives”… In his book Ideas Have Consequences Richard Weaver introduces an idea that he called “The Great Stereopticon”. The Great Stereopticon (Chapter 5) offers an idea or two about the conditions that might generate the situation we find ourselves in today (in the midst of a plethora of narratives). Given that Ideas Have Consequence was written in 1948 it is, all in all, a pretty prescient work. See also C.S. Lewis’ The Abolition of Man for similar ideas.

While this book and author are often name dropped as being seminal to and seminal text for what we know as “the conservative movement” I would argue that neither is the case. As text It is far from being merely an “ideological text”.


… Hello There June,

You might find this of interest. This paper is downloadable gratis from this link.


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[quote=“Scarmoge, post:87, topic:18226”]
Ideas Have Consequences[/quote]

Thanks, just found it online and the Foreword make the book appear to be an intriguing read. Here is a snippet of it, “many people have written me to say that they found their own thoughts expressed in the book.” Thanks so much for your thoughts.