Hauntingly Strange Sky Spirals - Why?

Can someone help me with this?
Alaskan Sky Spiral attributed to Space X rocket fuel

Here’s another one over Hawaii “just hours after Space X launch” Camera captures night sky spiral after SpaceX rocket launch | AP News
Bizarre ‘whirlpool’ appears in night sky above Hawaii | Space | The Guardian

After reading Dr.Fs post on the Perseus cluster, the new CERN et al, I was drawn back to this very recent Alaskan spiral, blamed on errant rocket fuel, and the others we’ve been seeing in the sky, even as far back as the 2009 Norway Spiral on the night Obama received his Nobel prize, this one also blamed on a random Russian rocket, and it even had a laser shoot out of it somehow…

What’s going on with these Signs in the Sky - Spiral is an established ancient symbol meaning things such as Evolution, Growth, and yet also Return or Repeating Patterns…

As a tarot reader, my symbolic reading would be we are being given a friendly reminder that the lessons of the past bear remembering lest they be repeated. Dolores Cannon’s Nostradamus work in which she worked with trance psychics to contact the sage in the past chronicled him speaking several times about how events happened in overlapping patterns, which is why one quatrain could refer to two or more events that shared an overlapping point on the spiral of time.
But I want to understand how these are really being manifested - I am skeptical, naturally, of the official explanation, and they seem eerily too perfect looking and beautiful to be painted accidentally from machines like rockets… in other words, they seem designed.
Here’s a similar spiral painted on a cave wall -

Please weigh in… or wade in… And can we ask for this to be addressed by DJ and Dr. F publicly maybe?

if you know of any other spirals, please post them here too.

Some say the footage from Turkey was the one from California. Anyways, there could be a link to Space X, or maybe not as scientists try to explain away the one in Norway. The spirals in petrogylphs are very common in NM where I used to live and can be seen in rock art from Australia to Ireland. Sometimes they have to do with calendars and tracing the light from a celestial object over many years at a certain time of the year such as at an equinox. This way, aeons may be mapped or positions of stars of importance. This was done in a cairn in Ireland.

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Interesting the spiral reference to Return or Repeating patterns as we find ourselves in a crucial juncture of time as we start a new Great Year (25,920 Earth years) as we enter the age of Aquarius and we also (Theoreitcally) have started the next 12,000 year catastrophe cycle where the magnetc pole flips and the magnetosphere temporarily fades culminating with a micronova which may unlock the earth’s crust from the mantle causing it to flip 90 degrees due to the weight of ice at poles. This is the event recorded in antiquity as the great flood and end of times etc. As the magnetosphere bombs we will see much more extreme weather, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and electrical disruption from solar storms and unusual auroras. In this scenario the electric grid will likely be destroyed prior to the final micronova event.

This is theoretical but there is lots of information on the Suspicious Observers playlists on Youtube and if true expect to see everything become more extreme including peoples’ behaviour and health.