Honest question: do AI's understand sarcasm

Look out Al Gore!
Oops, their scores will be fudged; as will everyone else’s score.
Again, the “science”; the “math”; the "elections; are all fixed, Chicago style!


“The group has designed a smartphone app that would be used to track individuals’ movements, purchases, eating habits, and day-to-day activities.”

Yes, most folks are fully, and totally addicted to their ‘tracking’ devices. There is an answer, sort of … Faraday bags for your mobile devices.

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Borrowing this from the article, and correcting the meaning -
"There’s a saying that an infinite number of monkeys will eventually destroy mankind and replace them with AI powered robots which in turn will then destroy all the monkeys on the premise that monkeys are too dangerous to be left alive for fear they would create any further mischief.”

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I’ll put on the coffee, nidster. Poor monkeys. :wink:

Hi RB. I don’t usually tweet, twitter, or pass them on, because I don’t know how to converse on that level. But I was hoping you could imagine how I felt finding this link in my email this morning from a smart guy I know. Kindly supply a lady an expletive. :wink:


I don’t have a smart phone, nor cell phone.
Just my desk top.
I can view twittter; I don’t tweet.

Those, of course aren’t dogs.
They can’t love.
And, you probably can’t count how many masters they have.
The word robot is Czech, and means slave labor,
and that is exactly what robots are meant to be.
The scary part comes when these dogs
become autonomous appendixes of the state.

Great video of syncing[rhymes w/stinking] robotic dogs!
An insult to loving dogs everywhere!


RB, Thank you for your lesson about the word in Czech. I knew you’d help me find my word for this: Contemptible.


… or irony, metaphor, simile, analogy, assertion, proposition, entailment, sublimity, hyperbole, myth, symbol … shall we go on?


Yes, please, when you have a mind to do so.

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Well Nidster, it finally happened! Ai’s finest – ChatGPT – apparently the fastest growing Internet app of all time – went down for one hour yesterday. Users with dis-abled pre-frontal corticies panicked, having forgotten how to think! Online daters beware. They can’t reply as brilliantly in real time during the outage + excessive meme usage = Red Flag :upside_down_face:

Best to M.
Time for A Wonderful World Sing-a-Long:


I smell a war of “outages” coming. Nothing new under the sun, but the more you need programming the more you risk shutdown!

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… Yes, but only when human beings do not understand personification.

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Kindly elaborate, as time permits. I enjoy my GPS at night when I’m teaching in the barrio. It notifies of road closures and speed traps, weather dangers, too. This is California, we are wed to our cars. We name them. I figure an Audi lover will get my drift, as well as the Subaru family. Help me understand what you intended here. Am I close? Alicia

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neru – outages, yessss! Utopian planners count on them not occurring – their system is always on. Rational Ai actor presupposition. Besides, no programmer is in any particular position to know or tell the truth. But then, as shutdowns cascade, and matters get referred up the chain, some guy has to tell at least the proximate truth, or they can’t test enough to re-enable “The System.” Then, tyrants cancel other tyrants, in the frenzy to be The Source of the fixing. Yay! Thanks for your post here. I find this conversation pertinent:

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Yes, in the little spare time that I have these days it has come to my notice news about ChatGPT.

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I was asking meself the same question, when I saw the robot Atlas ,do a backflip for the first time, and followed up with an ironic celebration.
The technician called him a “show-off” and you could almost thear the laughter.
They making up their own lingo,so they can talk in private.
And if they’re not sentient, they’re close enough to fool the people who are supervising this “evolution” in robots.
Im sure it will all be rainbows and unicorns if they get to rule for some time.

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Just signed this open letter to pause AI experiments. Signatories include a long list of academics and dignitaries:

This measure contrasts with a recent article by Bill Gates, calling ours “The Age of AI.”


What does it mean to be human in the AI age?
Alienated or dehumanized; or, automated by technology?
A hyper-connected world; the datafication of you?
Are we more now like the land or the soil being harvested or excavated?
Are AI advances in musical composition enabling Spotify to automate some of its artists?
When it comes to AI, is creepy the new normal?
China uses AI to translate mass behavioral surveillance into a credit score and, in turn, a management system for its citizens.[Forget to tip your waiter? Drive through a red light? Cancel a restaurant reservation? Ability to secure a mortgage, credit card, or job - automatically reduced?]
Has the economic logic of production of goods and services been subordinated to a new global architecture of behavioral modification? Has AI camouflaged itself as a normal way of life?
Is AI’s influence shaping the way we think, learn, and make decisions?
Do predictive algorithms get smarter, as humans get dumber?
Each time we spontaneously react to AI, do we make our species more formulaic?
Attention and data are two key ingredients of the AI age; w/o them - there is no AI.