How the British Invented Communism (And Blamed It on the Jews)

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Interesting and plausible arguments.

Unanswered questions:

  1. Was the British government already subverted by Sabbatean-Frankists? (Rothschild.)
  2. Was not the American side of the argument already subverted? (Wiseman/Bankers.)
  3. Does Zionism play into it as a dialectical foil for Communism? … the need for suffering as a condition of a Jewish state?
  4. Was it not the Americans through Wiseman/Wilson that Trotsky received a passport? Wilson already being in the pocket of these same forces?
  5. Can it be said that British and American interests were already in lockstep at this point?
  6. Does the Balfour letter negate much of the OPs discussion on Turkey?