I keep coming back to this quote from Charles Fort

And “Witt”- which I’ve heard defined as “Wisdom with Wings” :open_hands:

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Like me, she had a good start in a Steiner School…but she blew it and got co-opted…Their name was a play on " Eurythmy"…

Being wise will save your soul, and being smart will save your life.

As someone who lived for some time in the streets of Brazil, i wasn´t smart enough, i would be killed, either by disease, or homicide.

Wisdom was usefl to not let hardship make me sell my honesty and empathy, but the art of being smart was responsible for my survival, and latter thriving, to be here, studying those kinds of things and growing in life again.

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Very true, both wisdom and smarts are essential, and likely two faces of the same coin… and from the impression “we” get of Brazil…that’s got to be a tough arena, and getting harder it would appear… Here in the UK we’re still able to have the luxury of armchair speculation, but for how long I don’t know…


Brazil is some 40 times more violenty than the UK, but if the politics of demografic warfare with extermination by imigration continues, those who come from another place and don´t value the same values that made the British culture great, will make it reach the same level of violence we have here in some 10 years.


That’s the age old method of using mass migration to turn a culture upside down, so as to persuade the masses to accept the new tyranny…The WEF is using a very old play book… Still, I think it will fail…it’s crumbling already as we speak, it’s just going to take a long time to rebuild, that’s the problem…


Do you really believe that it will fail?
The more i study, the more i see they succeding. The flow of immigrants only gets larger and larger, and the politicians, i don´t understand how, but they seem more and more coopted by this agenda?

Where do you see a chance for their strategy to fail?


Ah yes. Shoes as a transportation device. To another place, dimension, world, etc. Original idea anyway.
From today’s point of view and not so much a thing of fantasy or magic. Now it can be seen as a kind of teleportation technology. :thinking:

Welcome to the forum and the website @ g3orgeslu1zsegund0

And you are right. They are succeeding in their plans and intentions. And it will be like that in the foreseeable future.

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Thank you my friend.

This is precisely why i came to this site, to have better insight, by studying what like minded people, reasearching the great conspiracy to enslave humanity, might have to share.

I see they totally succeding to be honest, in the intention to enslave europe, at last. My search is in how to find a breach in the greater schme of things to survive, and thrive, while the world is conquered by them.

Every single system has inherent flaws in them, because the designers are flawed. The great question is, what are the flaws of their plans?

The true flaws, not the ones that people who need to believe that good will win think are flaws?

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Well she is hot.Or was at her time.Alien kind of hot,no less and no more. :wink:

You are welcome. And you are in the right place, right now.

there is crack in everything that how the light gets in


Start by looking for the crack, in the dark.Find the crack in the darkness.
As in everything else that you perceive through the five senses. :smirk:


From Darwinism to Eugenics, and from Eugenics to Transhumanism… These empty vessels adhere to a mechanistic reductionist dogma- that we’re meaningless meat puppets, afloat in some random malleable matter. We’re not, and their inhuman model for Life will just not take hold… They own the media, so it would appear that there is some monolithic consensus, but in reality it’s a gross exaggeration. Most “Normies” hope it’ll all blow over, but when it doesn’t, they’ll spit it out-as you do with anything poisonous…

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Just a thought. Contrast give rise to experiences with something to measure and a means to exact a quantity. Time and space.
Does the information field, the memory highlight the prejudice of any observation. What are we ever looking at?
The past, however remote, what is it to be present.

Without Memory?

Judgement is mine sayeth the Lord? What does this mean?
I can’t help but think and feel that this feed back loop is created by parts of an infinite whole?

Some asleep to the universe, the one and some believers and other knowers.

Observed, the act of observation and the observer.

Can we eliminate one?

Are we biased? Does this bias create our experiences?
Ever want a red Corvette, make a decision to have one?
Then all of a sudden all you see is red Corvettes.
Where were they yesterday?.

Wanting Implies lack.

Thy will be done?

Here’s something helpful.
I use my memories yet I do not allow my memories to use me.
It’s the present

Youve said something that i never really taught about, the Monolithic consensus, its just and appearece, not a reality. Somehow my critical thinking skill didn´t see this flaw in my reasoning. Thank you for showing it.

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You’re too modest, it’s only my opinion…I could be wrong. I just don’t trust the so called reality that’s presented “Online” :point_left: It really is a Dark Mirror…

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…Oh man… I’m STILL Laughingat the new Tarot card…!

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Yeah, I just recycled it from 2020 onward… :grin:

the way from omission to admission :wink:

It remains true…So I keep wheeling it out…

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