Is CV19 really H1N1.....? this is scary----

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Not directly C19 related, except for the time frame, and relatively old news. Make of it what you will.

Back on subject. Start min. 10:40:

and from Armstrong Economics - registering chickens -

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Next comes cattle, hogs, and other mammals.

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Agree, totally. Wonder what is next for us.

No, not fully correct to say it is being done in order to ‘scare’ us. Here is how things work on the Dark Side: “They” have to, must do it this way.

Listen closely: ‘They’ [meaning those who are against good people], have to TELL us what it is ‘THEY’ are going to do, in order for their kind of ‘majack’ to WORK.

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Not entirely correct. Perhaps what is going-on is the ‘food-stuff’ being sold to us is laced with…

Read some of the Blogs about how certain ‘things’ are being fed to the livestock that people eat: that we consume.

Hey, ntwess! Thanks for the info. What is missing is YOUR INTERPRETATION OF WHAT you posted. Do everyone a favor, and from now on when you post a video, inform everyone what you found to be important enough to tell us. Thanks so much.

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Really? I know that is a popular meme. If one is very observant one can deduce a lot. I would say Dr. Joseph. P. Farrell is a specialist @ reading the elites shenanigans, but it is not as simple reading the anti-shenanigans gazet that doesn’t exist. The man is a prolific writer, but had to do a lot of hard work and reseach to write his books, it did not come pré-packaged thru a tattletale bonkers site or gazette!

I heard that from someone else, a preacher. It explains one aspect of the need/purpose of Hollywood and modern music. The concept has merit, at least to me.


Thx for your long summation.

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My interpretation was the title. Didn’t have time to write a book about it. Sorry. I will stop posting here.

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Don’t stop posting @ntwess
You don’t have to say what someone else thinks you should.


Keep posting! I have followed Dr. Farrell’s and Dr. Scott de Hart’s research and analysis for many years. I consider myself blessed to have learned so much from them, especially when they discussed Transhumanism. They were able to see what had been going on around us, what was going to happen, and explained it in fairly good terms. Go to the ‘link’ for a good explanation of what they discussed, and is in the process of some type of reveal.
Transhumanism interview

Well, shucks, that link has stopped working. Perhaps this will be a better Link to the interview.Transhumanism, The Byte Show

Who is not lazy to read, some more details:


Yes, a fantastic lie is hard to disbelieve! Manipulating human perception and thinking has come a long way over the centuries, especially with the advent of mass communications…Ask Bernays, Hitler, the Bush family, Madison Avenue’s advertising groups, Travistock Institute, The Frankfurt “scholars”, university “research grants” etc.?


Check these out from 11 years ago. Sounds real familiar, but prevention then is completely out of date. Not sure about human interferon. MSMish

And here’s MSM to scare the daylights out of everyone…

Yes, thanks for naming the suspects, or at least perhaps the culprits in the affair. Curious how it so often ‘comes down’ to certain Family names, and Nations that have an odd familiarity with so many Historical connections with all of the recent Covidity illnesses. All of these events bring to my mind regarding all the past FLU epidemics, which ‘mysteriously’ disappeared once the COVID OUTBREAK hit the scene, and which COVID became a worldwide event.