Is CV19 really H1N1.....? this is scary----

Make of it what you will…

She’s wrong about Lyme Disease. My grandmother did NOT get injections in 1906.
And of course, she’s selling something. (Min. 44:00)

The one thing I would really wish to read about Dr. ‘Grouchy’ Fauci is his obituary. Here’s me hoping it comes sooner, rather than later.


You are not alone in that wish.

I know a number of nurses who lost their jobs because they refused the jab, one of which worked at the same hospital for almost 35 years.

Interview with EMT about Covid, jabs and the emergency calls he’s made on young patients, etc.

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Pfizer Whistleblower

What is a Limited Hangout. Start min. 11:40

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Watched the vid on hangout…good one. Good discussion about deceptive information flows and some of the characters involved. Interesting statements about G Webb disinfo (i don’t have time for his schitzo style that never seems to lead anywhere - maybe AI can fix his work :)), better than the usual ‘crowdsource’ episodes which also tend to ramble on and on without a clear destination. Both seem to me like investigative journalism showing their raw notes without writing into a cohesive story that can be consumed by the audience.

I expect even our esteemed Dr Farrell if he came on-line and rambled about disconnected notes spread across his desktop would leave us more confused than informed. But he doesn’t, and that’s the beauty of his work. His mind is obviously jam packed with tons of snippets of info but he synthesizes them into a cogent story that helps us to understand.

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Your grandfather had clairvoyant doctors, apparently, in 1906… Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, maybe (another tick borne bacterium) which was discovered and described in the early 1800’s.

“Your grandfather had clairvoyant doctors, apparently, in 1906…”

Don’t know where you think my grandfather comes into this equation.

Yes, RMSF plus CO-INFECTIONS, ow known as Lyme, Babesia, Bartonella, Ehrlichia, Mycoplasmas and the list goes on. Few patients with TBDs have anything to do with Yale or Ho Ho Hopkins, as they’ve been crapped on by them, Anthony Fauci, and others for decades.

Fauci blames Trump admin staff for feeding him misinformation, animosity?

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VERY good interview. 1st person to sue Astra Zeneca.

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Thanks for your post. My thoughts on my posts are typically nonsensical since this group is so well informed. I posted something today about Osiris’ tomb a few minutes ago. It was posted on YT a day or so ago. I thought his tomb was found in Iraq but everything constantly changes. Any thoughts you have would be appreciated.

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Please don’t.
Its not your call to tell how others should read things anyways.
Have a nice day


Howdy! I’m out of town for a while. Not sure about where the tomb was found, sorry. There should be others here who have more information on this. Good luck!