I dont think it is a stretch to say the Vaxx, the chemtrails and the Morgellons seems to parts of bigger whole?
Here is a clip of the guy who found living organisms in the vaxx.
I would love to hear peoples thoughts on how this can be linked.
The Morgellon’s is reacting to microwave I’ve heard.
The chemtrails contains much of the same things as the vaxx; Barium,Aluminium,Strontium.
We rapidly see articles and references in culture to the “black goo” talked about by Harald Kautz Vella.
Latest Greta Thungerg in GQ , with black goo covering her one eye.
Somethings up, its all related, i just know it…you feel / see it too?
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Wonder if magnets would have an effect? Remember playing with graphene and magnets? Magnetic fields.
it certainly reacts to music
To really understand what is going on, check out Cyrus A. Parsa’s work at the a.i. organization.org
He is such a genius he is hard to understand, but he does have books out!
Great, will def check it out.
Thanks, and have a nice day.