Jim Stone: NUCLEAR WAR: Something Huge Is Happening in Syria. Real or not – you decide – discern!

Stone just posted this a few minutes ago on his page. Real or not – you decide – discern!

I’m just passing the information along. I don’t have any other verification on this development as of this posting but I captured the video and I also took screen captures of everything said so far from Stone’s web site that you can view below and just in case Jim’s site gets hacked and goes down. I will monitor and update as this develops.

View and/or download the video:

More strangeness!!

Chinese Moon Rover - Mushroom Cloud over Europe

Chinese Moon Rover - Mushroom Cloud over Europe - Imgur

Nothing’s happened in that region that I’m aware of as of today, but I stepped off that train some time back. I have a couple of buddy’s who are staged over there in a particular SOF unit who are equally in the dark as we are. All they know is that they’re staying longer than they had previously expected. They went over there to train with GROM and are now gridlocked.

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Who’s behind jim stone? To do what he does must require huge(?) resources. Serious question. After a quick shallow search I found this link which has some interesting points in the comment section. Credible? You tell me.


this article seems quite correct. me myself had perceived some discrapencies, and some anger-management problems on the cabal, but what he puts up r 95% absolute correct AND he is able to correct it and tells it, if he got something wrong. which is very rare.

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Can anyone confirm whether these images are of Earth or the Moon? They don’t look anything like the Earth.

have u ever seen clouds on the moon? any kind of weather than winds and UFOs passing by?
this is when two bombs lite up the nite and go strip.
it pretty looks like syrian oil fields to me. when it was made? who knows. but according to their script of three wars, the third one is in the middle-east. they already nuked Lebanon, if that was not a wake-up call to anyone, there were at least two in yemen, and one at donetsk in the last 10 years. lets not forget fukushima and bali.
the video is clear, not some john doe passing by reality. and it shows 2 blasts. never occured before, if memory serves.
maybe its a test-blast years before, although i would concur.

I don’t know if anyone or group is behind Jim Stone, but he’s downright idiotic at times. anyone who can’t distinguish cosmetic tape (Biden picture) that women buy at Walmart from a “mask” is just stupid.

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Does anyone recognize the language the man is speaking in the video?
Sounds like “zeref” to me, but perhaps not…

USA Military News and Al Jazeera are reporting missile strikes to Damascus.
Is this what Stone is referring to?

maybe, and i read this on the net as a comment

BlockquoteUPDATE: SYRIA HAS NO INTERNET TRAFFIC VIA ANY MONITORING SITE I CAN FIND. THEY ARE PROBABLY GONE. Check this internet map. Start with a sh*thole country like Botswana so you can see it works. Then put in Syria. There is no data. “Site not found” If it starts “working” I won’t believe it is legit.

i do not know how to do it - look after maybe - but interesting to say the least, just what u get after nuked. if somebody around with this skill?

the aljazeera article seems damage control.

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this article mentions that this is the 4th strike this year… the torah jewry’s daily paper :wink: aljazeera mentions 2 in this month. just think of the immidiate impression of the different angled ‘journalism’. 2 this month or 4 this year. absurd.

DEBKA also reporting…

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More explosions… my Russian is not so good!

Whoah this just happened 7 minutes ago? I meant u posted this. Is this in the Ukraine? I swear the 3 war been hot people just haven’t noticed.

he says ‘the shelling goes right over us’. first did not understand. educated guess is that he is a luhansk/doneck civilian.

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US-Russian talks scheduled after flareup in E. Ukraine

Feb 18, 2022 @ 11:06

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov agreed to hold talks in Europe late next week – “provided there is no Russian invasion,” said Blinken, while Lavrov denied invasion plans and dismissed US warnings as “propaganda.” On Friday, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu will also speak with his US counterpart Lloyd Austin by phone, at the request of the US side, the Russian Defense Ministry said. Also on Friday, President Joe Biden will speak with transatlantic leaders about the Russian troop buildup.

Ukraine and Russian-backed separatists blamed each other for what they said was shelling in violation of a cease-fire in the Donbas region Thursday. Both Kyiv and Moscow expressed concern about the apparent uptick in violence.

Sure looks nuclear. I think it’s probably Syria, but IDK. It’s completely insane!

I don’t know from a layman’s perspective of this; but China launched an “artificial sun” that lasted 20 seconds, then people in China recorded what looked like that and the recording took 20 seconds. Of course the public linked it to the artificial sun the CCP quickly decried as some type of anomoly. Yet, wouldn’t that be an EMP test cuz you detonate the nuke above ground to keep infrastructure and material in tact? Am I wrong in my understanding, and wouldn’t it be that oh the sun’s dying, we need backup in case it does to disguise EMP weaponry?

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