That’ll end well. _ _
The unELITES are panicking, they overdid it with covid jabs and they can sense populus is under brewing, hence alternative solutions and leaders like: Musk, Peterson, R. Brand, do I dear to say DeSantis ???.
Feel free to add more names…
Not sure I buy that guy as being authentic.
Jorden Peterson surely can put his foot in whilst it would be better he stuck it in his mouth, but a sellout for the sake of being a sellout. Not seeing it.
Peterson is a gnostic, a former writer of policy papers on “green sustainability” e.g. Marxist papers for the UN, and is clearly the right-wing threshold of the overton window. He is not a genuine man of integrity but a deceiver.
Should we populus, expect a better covered, more intelligent future unelites, in a next turn ?
Most of today’s existing churches would not be recognised by Christ if he would dwell on earth again. Hence, the so bad understanding of what integrity is. I agree that Jorden Peterson is like so many lost in the integrity department. It is not a definition, you are or are not integer. It is a state of being and most certainly not a bargening chip whenever in use when you deem it so.
In other words, he is a typical Westener. Is it any wonder the West is in the predicament it is in today?
But a deliberate cultist with a black mission?
Peterson is effectively calling for the invasion of Iran because … misogyny. Peterson is nothing more than a schill for the Zio-Anglo western establishment. Nothing can be clearer than from whom Peterson takes orders, considering his preposterous lecture on “Logos” in Israel, his recent meeting with Nutty-yahoo, and his Christmas “message to Christians” and “message to Muslims” while there seems to be one group left out.
His little tear laiden sob of a lecture in Israel completely decimated his legitimacy, by sob here I mean to convey that he started crying … again. E.M Jones does himself very few favors in the way of PR but his analysis of Peterson’s Logos lecture in Israel is spot on.
He seems to be exposing the Nobel Prize though.
And of you connect it to everything else about scandinavia, it gives the impression that he is currently playing for the good guys.
Who funds the Nobel Prize?
A company called Norsk Hydro, and that was partially founded by a Wallenberg.
Wallenberg’s are essentially the Nordic variant of the Rothschilds.
except they control far more of the critical infrastructure of the world.
They Rothchilds “own” central banks on paper.
Whereas the Wallenberg control big players in Telecom, powergrids, hi tech weapons, banking, food, big Pharma, mining and robotics etc.
They have their fingers in every pie whereas most oligarks only get to play in one field.
Someone recently made the case that the Wallenberg clique represents the organized old european structure above the ECB and the WEF.
Here is a article describing the fouding of Norsk Hydro and a major factor of the way Nuclear energy got hijacked.
Norsk Hydro - Birkeland, Eyde & Wallenberg
This is very good to know now if you know a little about what happened otherwise from the geopolitical perspective over time.
So they knew each other!
" During Hydro’s 100-year history, the roles of each of the company’s three founders and the accolades they deserve have been the subject of much debate. The debate has particularly focused on Eyde and Birkeland. Eyde considered his own contribution to taking the arch project from concept to industry was understated, and he also played a role in furthering the controversy.
The relationship between Eyde and Birkeland became more distant over time compared to the first definitive years. When Eyde celebrated his 50th birthday in 1916, he said: “Much bound Birkeland and I in the early years and much divided us in later years…”
Opinions also differ about Marcus Wallenberg’s importance. He has been ranked as equal to and more important than Eyde in bringing about the establishment of the company. This issue has been of more academic interest, while the roles of Birkeland and Eyde are a more contentious issue.
In Hydro’s first years after 1905, it was Wallenberg and Eyde who set the tone. They were both very capable men, but they complemented each other. Eyde’s self-assurance was balanced by Wallenberg’s penchant for thoroughness.
“There was a mutual trust between him and me that enabled us to accomplish the impossible,” Eyde wrote of Wallenberg in his memoirs. They made a dynamic couple.
And the nominees are…
Kristian Birkeland was nominated for the Nobel Prize no less than seven times - both in physics and chemistry. Three times he was nominated together with Sam Eyde.
Eyde wrote in his memoirs that it was a shame that Birkeland never received the Nobel Prize, but as far as we know, he also believed that he and Birkeland should be awarded the prize together. This may have been a reason why Birkeland never won the prize alone. Instead, the German chemists Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch received the prize for developing a new and less energy-demanding technology to produce ammonia.
In any case, it was much more important to Hydro that Birkeland, Eyde and Wallenberg joined forces in a way that allowed their visions and ambitions to be realized so early in the 20th century. Reactions ranged from enthusiasm and gratitude to disbelief and envy. They had their successes and their disappointments.
Sam Eyed
Sam Eyde grew up in a seafaring family in Arendal, southern Norway, at a time when sailing ships still ruled the seven seas. He must have realized at an early age that his destiny was not to become a merchant seaman. He decided instead to study engineering in Berlin, and he remained in Germany for another 10 years after completing his studies.
Eyde later established himself in Norway as an entrepreneur who took on increasingly large projects at an “American pace”. He had an international approach, but emphasized many times that his vision was to develop the young Norwegian nation.
As a captain of industry, Eyde was known for his outstanding ability to think and work both in terms of current needs and future visions. He could simultaneously work on immediate, pressing technical issues, while planning the financing and organization of projects that could only be realized at an uncertain future date.
Eyde had enormous drive and ability to work which he applied in so many directions at the same time that he was criticized for spreading himself too thin. His social skills were well developed and he used them to the full – with colleagues, as well as in meetings with managers and workers. His organizational skills were undeniable.
At the same time, he was a vain man and wanted his full share of recognition for the industrialization process he led. His autobiography, published just a few months before his death in 1939, can in many ways be interpreted as a defense. Eyde didn’t want to be forgotten - and hasn’t been either.
Kristian Birkeland (1867-1917):
At the age of 30, Kristian Birkeland was appointed professor of physics at the University of Christiania (now Oslo). But he was not just an academic, as is clear from his work as an inventor. He took out 59 patents – and was annoyed with himself for not taking better care of some of those inventions. An example is X-ray, which he worked on in 1895.
Birkeland’s wealth of ideas can seem limitless. His patents ranged from electromagnetic guns and electrometallurgical melting furnaces, to methods for curing fats, hearing aids and treating organic waste. Most did not get beyond the patent stage. He also worked on a method of harnessing atomic energy.
Kristian Birkeland began his research career as a pure mathematician, before switching to theoretical and experimental physics. He was one of the foremost researchers in astrophysics at the time and performed spectacular experiments in the university laboratory, reproducing phenomena such as the aurora borealis and Saturn’s rings. He also undertook several challenging expeditions to broaden knowledge in these areas.
During the development of Norsk Hydro, Birkeland’s involvement was crucial in several phases. He worked hard so that ideas could be applied on an industrial scale and he played an extensive role when years later Hydro needed to replace the furnaces at Notodden with larger units. Birkeland was said to have worked day and night during the period 1903-1907, at the end of which he withdrew his share in Hydro.
His efforts to promote Norway’s industrial development can be seen as evidence of his strong belief in science and its importance to the country’s modernization.
As a person, Birkeland was complex and out of the ordinary; at times he was seen as a visionary. He could be enthusiastic and intense, but he also suffered from poor mental health throughout his adult life. He did not behave during his intense working periods, when he often lacked both sleep and food.
Professor of physics Alv Egeland gave Birkeland the following characterization in an article in 1994: "Following Birkeland’s life and life’s work is like an adventure. His intellectual powers must have been enormous.”
In Norway, Birkeland is a person that basically everyone has a relationship with – his face is on the 200 kronor note, which the Norwegian National Bank has issued since 1994.
Marcus Wallenberg (1864-1943):
Marcus Wallenberg was a trained lawyer and worked from 1890 in Stockholm’s Enskilda Bank. He came from a family that for several generations devoted itself to banking and industrial development in Sweden, Scandinavia and Europe.
Marcus Wallenberg, like the rest of his family, tended to keep a low profile. The simple fact that he sat on Hydro’s board for 37 years – in good times and bad – says a lot about his personal qualities.
Since his death, however, he is at least as well known for his role in Sweden’s economic development during the first half of the 20th century. His contribution is so undisputed that it may partly explain the apparent peace that prevailed throughout the century between the country’s successive governments and the financial environment represented by the Wallenbergs.
During the union of Norway and Sweden, from 1814-1905, a significant economic relationship developed between the two countries. It was clear that Marcus Wallenberg and his half-brother Knut were more interested in nurturing these ties than encouraging the strife that eventually led to the dissolution of the union in 1905. Marcus Wallenberg himself also pointed out that he was very involved in developing the company Allmänna Svenska Elektriska Aktiebolaget (ASEA) at the time he first met Sam Eyde. And an industry based on the Birkeland-Eyde furnace could also mean orders to ASEA.
Knut Wallenberg eventually became more interested in politics, becoming Sweden’s foreign minister in 1914. In 1911, he left his position as Enskilda Bank’s managing director to Marcus, who now became more visible and a force to be reckoned with. Among other things, Marcus was tasked with reaching a trade agreement with Great Britain. The results showed him to be a brilliant international negotiator.
New assignments awaited and he developed a position and reputation as an economic and financial authority. He also had obvious strategic abilities, outstanding language skills and a firm understanding of human nature.
Despite his wide range of activities, Wallenberg never let Hydro take a peripheral place in his working day. It is clear that Hydro added significant value because of Marcus Wallenberg. He resigned his position as a company board member in 1942 due to illness and died just a year later.
At Hydro’s 50th anniversary in 1955, the editor of the anniversary book, Kristian Anker Olsen, wrote that Marcus Wallenberg’s contribution to Hydro’s beginnings and development can be simply summarized as follows: "It was fundamental. He is not only one of three founders; he stands side by side with Eyde and Birkeland in the limelight of history.”
@neru Having watched early footage of Peterson and read his antidote-to-chaos book, I think he’s essentially a man who’s not very bright and was faced with a changing world he couldn’t really grasp. He talks trades up, and reminisces about the time he worked in a lumber mill, but then he seems to have been seduced by the very cultural inflation he now decries as the product of the Beast of Socialism. That is, he couldn’t resist the social status that becoming a clinician would afford him. Then he started offering people advice on Quora or some such, and rode the wave of interest he cultivated.
He’s essentially a victim of his own success. He flat out says in his book that he can’t structure his own writing and needs an editor to make sense of his thoughts. He’s aphoristic in the style of Nietzsche, and there’s something gross in the way he tries to justify his own disingenuity at the expense of his dead friend Chris, who actually seemed like a genuinely intelligent and kindhearted man.
He’s essentially a medium trying his damndest to be an intellectual, he’s just so far out of his depth that he can’t tell the difference between sea and sky, never genuinely having experienced the latter. (Not a great metaphor, but hey, I try!)
Them’s m’ 2 cents.
Them’s my two cents
I have mixed opinions about him, in some matters i find his thoughts very refreshing and his metaphors brilliant.
But like most highly educated people ive encountered he suffers from what i call intellectual hybris.
Basicly his ego doesnt allow him to not be a authority in every topic being debated.
Just like a doctor rarely admits to not knowing wtf is going on, Mr Petersson has the compulsory need to always give the correct answer to every passed his way.(He wants to be the adult teaching the confused children about life)
It is imo a sure sign that someone has been brainwashed by their education to some degree.
They have lost their natural curiosity and now they are a guru in their own head.
Its exactly this behavior that the deepstate exploitee brilliantly during C19 and other times.
Basicly most people who should have known better where to busy worrying about their reputation instead of using logic and scientific reasoning to investigate the situation for real.
Now i think there is a reason why he had to be drugged up on benzos and passed around for years in the mainstream.
I dont think he is totally controlled by one side atm.
But he could be stuck in the middle by having some dirt on him that is being used.
And i know alot of people who has had alot of positive transformation from his books etc.
So lets see where this ends up, hopefully he is a flawed man who is just trying to do his best.
Military Grade Neurological Weapon usage?