With the shrieking of WAR! headlining our brain-entrained psyches for the past 48 hours or so, and the Biden regime’s temerity to send $350. million in new military hardware (one billion to Ukraine in aid over the last year), paid for with American tax dollars------is it not the perfect moment to decry our willing participation in the Globalist control game? Our tax dollars put to the use of the war machine make us complicit right now in the death and destruction of the Ukrainian people, their infrastructure, their future. Our tax dollars are what pays for our own mind-controlled slavery, and Bolshevik/Stasi style targeting right here in the USSA.
What will it take, really, for us to join collectively in the single protest move that will at the very least absolve us of any future sin of participation in murder and chaos? When we wake up to this single most important weapon we have as a people—withholding our financial support of the very system we uphold to destroy ourselves—we begin to exercise not only our power, but our moral authority.
The divide and conquer routine is just so we do not step into this collective power. We need to unite in saying NO to them, to the control they exert financed in large part by us.
Is our moral authority not obligatory against this network of known pedophiles, cannibals, sex and organ traffikers, and, likely, A.I.-controlled “leadership”? And if so, surely we would have all the powers of whatever hierarchical Forces of Universal Virtue exist, those in service to the Immaterial All Good One, urging us on and granting their transcendent protection to our incalculably greater-than-justifiable cause.
This is a "no taxation without representation " issue if ever there was one, for who among our friends and family and communities would argue that rogue and lawless pedophiles, liars, and murderers with body counts (thanks to the ongoing ‘plague’, there are legion across many sectors who may qualify as such) are rightful representative of ourselves and our interests?