Look out JAPAN as Putin meets with BRICS Leaders and Journalists

Make of this what you will, but, if true, it’s making it even easier for Putin to take Sea of Japan from the Tumen River. Below are maps.

See that mark just south of Vladivostok? That’s the Tumen River.

The map below is old and what is not revealed is that Tumen has been drudged and straightened until there’s not even a 45 degree angle. 15km up the river from SOJ, there are bridges and a large train trestle (at least 5 tracks) near Khasan which can be dropped to block any subs that might try to follow Russian/Chinese subs back into the safety of the base further north of it. Of course, it can work the opposite for them, should US decide to drop them before Russian/Chinese try to flee, but it is a meatgrinder plan to begin with. If Russia/China forces have their way, it will drive Western naval forces back to The HI, and US govt is presently preparing bases on various islands (incl. Maui).

If you could take Japan at an even lesser price as Taiwan (avoiding breaking thru Korea Strait), which would you choose? This was the reason for all the meetings between Biden/Japan/So. Korea at Camp David and other locations in 2023. Note: Taiwan was not even invited.

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Zeihan presents some pretty insightful analysis in the video. He digs into aspects that I certainly haven’t heard before. Hard to say how much these factors may make a difference. The IS tech and SKorea mfg teaming is something that is probably too late. These things take time. And I suspect Putin et al are tolerating second string ‘help’ from China and N Korea as a gesture to cement a larger alliance.

Interesting on the Tumen river. What an unfortunate place for the Russians to put a sub base…completely boxed in with no good access to open ocean. I’m sure both sides (maybe more) long ago mined all the access straits with listening devices so they know every boomer that comes and goes from the Sea of Japan.

For anyone wanting to know what is going on between the Russians and North Koreans should start reading RT News, English version. The Russians are fairly open about their intentions. Their battle plans and strategic moves not so much.
Any claims about North Korean soldiers going to the Ukraine sounds like a 'hoax’ – Kremlin.

[Claims about North Korean soldiers ‘a hoax’ – Kremlin — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union]

Not so X! Tumen has FULL access to SOJ, and look at the location… Perfect. Of course US knows they’ll be moving; there’s already near a couple of dozen subs lined up in the river, and more on the way; Chinese AND Russian. This will be a one and done chance only, and the casualty rates on all sides will be enormous, esp. for The Japanese. Such an attack will be a last ditch effort if/when all is in such chaos that it’s downright ‘primal’ (as the hood kids say).

I do read RT, and if you think Russia is open about their plans, think again. The obvious, yes, other than that, hell no.

Look out JAPAN as Putin meets with BRICS Leaders and Journalists.

Set about 4:20 to skip intro.

The arctic will be a far more flammable area, if my guess is correct and that Eden/Atlantis is indeed sunk in the north pole.

Japan is the one in need to attack others, as its a tiny island with no ressources. Remember the Edomite justifies stealing your stuff by assassinating your character then pretending he deserves what you have more than you.

Unless Japan is somehow linked to Eden/Atlantis, I dont think anyone is interested in going after them. New Jerusalem might indeed appear in the north if the climate does get warm from solar activity.

My gut feeling tells me whoever wins the arctic race will decide how new Jerusalem will look like. What I see the strategy of the Kremlin to be is to destroy the US ability to print money rather than waste blood and treasure in confronting it.

Both US and Russia are ressource rich. But the US choosing to follow the British empire has created ideological differences and visions about the future of humanity that are too different with the Russians.

It is not an either/or situation.

The Japanese are already under attack, economic attack. I dont see any reason to open a kinetic front before exhausting economic warfare.

Everyone is entitled to ‘see’ things as they wish. The Russians and Chinese have hated the Japanese for centuries. Why go after Taiwan when you can have Japan for the same price?

Make of it what you will.

Maybe jumping on the BRICS wagon?
BRICS pay card imminent.

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Another cancellation, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will not be able to travel to Russia for the annual BRICS meeting due to an injury he sustained earlier this week.

All sides seem submissive to same on/off planet banking cartels and implementing frantically the mandatory digi system. In essence both are submissive to the murderous wealth extraction model killing the planet and its inhabitants.

Its not the globalist digi system. This is payement in local currencies. People caught up and are making sure they are ungovernable.

The only effective way for that is to decentralize. They can always use gold or cash but international transactions can’t be done in that format. Especially between large national entities.

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I believe the hidden power hand behind Western world and BRICS are the same.

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There is no hidden power. Its zionism vs the world. That’s it, nothing more.

You can try to look for other fantastical explanations but its just humans simple beings, who want to resurrect a dead lost civilization. Even ressurrect the ancient ones (who are extinct today)

This is mostly because they dont trust the ability of our species to rule itself autonomously.

Look at decentralization vs centralized systems. Once you decentralize, you dont care about any hidden forces.

For me, the spiritual world is very real and thus the hidden hand aswell. The more “person” the more decentralization, the reverse gives centralization. The problem is spiritual not material.

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Decentralization here means cultures and nations. Also the family which the basic unit where humans have a connection of the heart. That can evolve to something higher through revelation.

The sin of the templars and their franchises (nazism, zionism, communism) is the removal of free will and the responsability of man to ascend himself. The Davos guy Harari spends whole chapters in his book “debunking” free will.

A true Messenger of god does not need to manipulate events like that. Let alone ressurrect ancient gods to rule over the un-enlightened. The templars even abandonned god in favor of re-paganizing the world to prepare for the return of gods, first in digital form through AI then in the flesh through genetic “resurrection” (were all the ancient hominids, as primitive as we are being told?)

The Russian state has tried to work with them, its well known as they have the double headed eagle looking at the two pillars Jakin and Boez (black sea and caspian sea are the pillars in question). But their visions are simply too different and the split is real not manufactured. And I still believe its humans who want to create utopia but are overall clueless. I could be wrong of course. You might be right who knows.

A significant challenge in CBDC analysis is the tendency, as exemplified by CA Fitts, to lack nuance and jump to exaggerated conclusions. While valid concerns exist, not every emerging story warrants alarmist claims about “digital slavery.”

CBDCs are fundamentally a technology with the potential to substantially reduce transaction costs across an economy – that is GOOD. Like any technology, the impacts of CBDCs will largely depend on how they are implemented and the ethical standards of those guiding their use. It’s essential to have a more measured, nuanced discussion of their possibilities and risks.


Yes, YES! It is a world wide Belt & Road and they’re ALL in it together.

No, ideological they are all different and not at all on the same page. I believe our financial system operates in an open system, thus not closed and limited to earth. What ideologies “they” have, I would not know! Does not seem earth and human friendly.

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