You may have noticed our focus this week is on mind manipulation technologies, a subject of frequent attention on this website, as well as in some of my books. as on last Monday’s blog we are dealing with an article that is “dated,” but unlike Monday’s article, this one is over a decade old, and…
Looking at the state of europe, I wonder if CERN has opened a portal which led to constant propaganda noise coming from pure anti-human evil. It is hard to find more “nutter” politicians taking the whole continent to self destruction!
The last few years I hear a constant “hum” which propably be diagnosed as tinnitus if I were to turn to medical nutters.
What seems clear is that our “science” has weakened important barriers and the bleedthru is devastating society.
I seem to recall Uri Gellar did some kind of telepathy experiment and said he felt he was talking to a computer? Maybe it’s the alien AI talking to Grok3 and certain receptive individuals are getting caught in the crossfire?
In indian spiritual culture that hum is seen as a positive sign of spiritual development and is dubbed “the sound of creation”, meaning the ever present sound of Mother Amba. Meditate on it, it will guide you inwards to the source.
scary tech.
following trails in the comments - here’s a neat article about the way past color attributes of ‘egyptian purple’ and ‘han blue’
Hmmm…I was unaware of any hum until I was prescribed and imbibed a very strong antibiotic about 16 years ago at age 55. It’s been with me ever since and is especially noticeable since I maintain a relatively quiet environment in my home.
This will of course sound crazy, but I saw a ‘grey alien’ in waking consciousness, while standing, in my hallway late at night/early in the morning around 2010 or so.
I bring it up because when it saw that I saw it (?) it emitted a noise that to me sounded like a robotic/metallic cat. Like a metallic meow sound of surprise and then shot up vertically through the ceiling and disappeared.
Note to say, it didn’t appear like a grey except in the beginning (in my mind), I walked to my hallway and then with my physical eyes, the form was as black pixels, moving, with maybe a form underneath. Like it was trying to camouflage itself.
edit to say this occurred after a dream about the said ‘grey’ and after doing a meditation and ritual for contact. i guess it heard.
but i never have had anything like that happen since. i think it/they decided i was no bueno for them.
Neru, like yourself, I also am able to hear very low frequency hums and very high frequency buzzes. And, since the covid operation started, I also hear subtle zapping noises that feel like they go right through my head. These noises do affect my sleep. My husband (lucky for him) does not hear any of those things.
I think different people can hear different ranges of frequencies and noises, and the noises that I hear sound like technological noises – being made by different kinds of (highly advanced) technologies that are transmitting waves of different natures, and which are not being disclosed to the public (perhaps not unlike the chemtrail issue). I did try to contact our local military base to ask what might be the source(s) of the noises I hear, but they weren’t forthcoming with any helpful information.
Its none of my business but Did you take the injection? A lot of people around are having hearing problems since that.
There is plenty of research which has determined that shedding of the spike protein by vaxxxed people, can be spread to those who have not.
I think a lot is being done in frequency ranges to be a carrier wave for communication of all sorts including emotion. I think a lot of beings play around with it, including humans. It does not affect my sleep, it is sharper when I am physical sick. It has nothing to do with the jab since I am not jabbed. Overall I am not very hampered by it.
There is a Fringe episode about using awake , ambulatory humans as receivers and carriers for signals too!
Gosh, no injections!
I’ve been hearing a low frequency hum for a long time, most pronounced at night, and just thought it was some kind of low frequency military technology as we live on the coast (or, perhaps neighbours’ TVs – as people tend to run their TVs very loud these days). I have very sensitive hearing and smell as well. The higher frequency pulsed buzzes started since the covid operation – at that time we noticed transmission towers being installed all over the place (and I think that also coincided with a bunch of satellites going up).
I had wondered about the PCR test – if that was used to implant transmittors or receivers into some people and use them as test subjects…
The whole push to get people to jam noodles deep up their nose always seemed even stranger than the injections.
What theories do you have also re the towers as well?
I don’t know what’s going on – but it feels like part of the transhuman agenda. So, my thoughts are in the framework of something I don’t really understand, from the level of a layperson.
Five years ago (and actually, even well before that), we felt like something was “off”, didn’t feel right. A weird vibe in the political air. We didn’t know what to think about the bizarrely outrageous “woke” and brutal government policies being steamrolled out at municipal, provincial, and federal levels that were dividing everyone. And what to make of the big push of “cell phone” towers being jammed into all the different neighbourhoods. And everyone being herded to be subjected to PCR tests.
Many years ago, during my student years, I had a chance to go to Germany, during a time when the Berlin wall was still extant. I saw some of those quintessential military Watchtowers at the time, and a dark and nauseating feeling washed over me, something I couldn’t comprehend at the time, as I lacked an understanding of German (or broader esoteric) history. I felt oppressed looking at those stark things. During that trip, I was also taken on outings to see Hunters’ Watchtowers in the forests as well (some foresters had been allotted their own personal Watchtowers in areas over which they had been assigned stewardship of public forest lands, and they would use them to spot and then kill and eat the animals who wandered into these areas). When so-named “cell phone towers” were being installed throughout our city, during the beginning of the covid operation, I had the same dark feelings wash over me that I experienced in Germany so many years ago! I felt that not only were they like Watchtowers, but possibly something else, something to do with directing and herding.
(Related Aside: For some years, I have been wondering about connections between systems that have been created to herd and subjugate and experiment upon animals and those that are used to herd and subjugate and experiment on humans, and perhaps by the same entities that are running the animal subjugation operations – and, also, about the attitudes and mentality required to manifest such systems, which in modern times are gargantuan and widespread over the entire globe. It seems that through eons of psychological sorcery, animal slavery and oppression have now been normalized and even casualized in the societal human mind – and human slavery and oppression are simply not thought about as there is so much deceit involved – and anyone feeling oppressed (without contemplating why that may be so) is simply sent to a psychiatrist who will prescribe drugs to subdue that person from thinking about all of this.)
Animals have been subjected to injections, chipping and other invasive technologies for a long time, and have had their lives stolen and robbed from them, and that has been normalized in the human mind. (And scientists also had plenty of practice applying invasive technologies to humans who were targetted for scientific experimentation during and after WWII). Now that it has become normalized in the societal mindset, especially through the animal agriculture and “pet” industries, these invasive technologies are boldly being applied more broadscale and openly to humans, as part of some global human farming operation.
The towers seem to be multi-functional, and perhaps to enable broadscale and varied electro-magnetic energy systems on a global grid to be applied for multiple different uses, that have not been disclosed. Different towers seem to have a plethora of multiple differently shaped devices on them. And they are everywhere. No neighbourhood is free of these towers, despite public outcries.
This has me wondering about whether these systems are being installed for herding and subjugating and population control (i.e., human farming). There are ostensible offical “benefits” to mask some of their uses – the cellphone users can enjoy being permanently tethered to their mobile devices as they have been convinced that they cannot think independently of these devices, and then be conveniently monitored everywhere they go by the unseen farmhands or shepherds. And, who knows, could the PCR have been some kind of test to explore if a nano-tech device could be implated to monitor a segment of test subjects for a length of time? (Besides also extracting some DNA from the test subjects as well.)
Jim Marrs, in his book Rule by Secrecy (p. 387) wrote: “…'the Anunnaki treated their created slaves poorly, much like we treat domestic animals we are simply exploiting – like cattle. Slavery in human societies was common from the first known civilizations until quite recently. Perhaps it shouldn’t surprise us to learn that the Anunnaki were vain, petty, cruel, incestuous, hateful – almost any negative adjective one can think of. The evidence indicates that they worked their slaves very hard and had little compassion for the plight of humans….”
His words somehow invoke a similar feeling about the politic climate nowadays – that the entities that have taken it upon themselves to rule world seem to have similar attitudes towards all living beings on this planet.
Me, too- hums have been here for most of my life (I figured it was the energy field driving my existence) but the snapping/zapping noises were with me for a while in my left ear that transmitted into my skull and it was during the Covid nonsense. Thought it was just me being old… but it stopped for no particular reason.
No vaxes here… my parents were physicians and made up all my “exams” as a child (“I think your blood pressure is suchandsuch” as she wrote it down on a chart for camp) and they discouraged me from doctor’s offices and hospitals whenever possible. Furthermore, I have stayed the heck away from the masked morons and no one here was jabbed on the ranch.
I have a theory on your ET questions but I do believe we ARE coming to a planetary unification, not only with the humans, but with the light beings. I will leave it at that.
I had a “Flu Bug” and was admitted to the VA hospital
They wanted to do a PCR test with that noodle up the nose.
I refused. They said, no treatmet.
I said fine and left. They were surprised!
Apparantly, too many just layed down.
Too bad my example was seen only by those trying to impose their will on me.
My wife supported me in my decision.
What do you mean by planetary unification?
(It’s noteworthy that people worldwide have been picking up different frequencies. It’s also noteworthy that in any given household, some hear those frequencies, and others don’t. It does feel like the entire earth is under planetary control… Good that you stayed away from the shots and the masked morons. In our city, they’re out and about now, with their ugly masks, driving the psyop.)
If you just go by books like A new science of Heaven by Robert Temple that lays a foundation to speculate further on, it is clear that there is more between heaven and earth than meets the eye. If you build on that say by an interesting book like Angelic Invasion that deals hypothetically on how our interactions might occur from a scientific physical and linguistic perspective, maybe prospects could open up why “unification” might be occuring.
Lately, I have read so many books on strange anomalies and encounters that it has become hard for me to ignore that “contact” has been going on for millenia. Propably as long as man on planets have existed. The one comes with the other. From that perspective, I believe the whole of humanity has contact wether we know it “consiously” or not.
The most contact humanity hears of is either negative and or extremely positive. I believe there is a contact that is in the middle that goes unnoticed but that you have via for instance attending mass, prayer. If anything, in this day and age I believe what your belief system is, is primorial for every individual. It will also shape your contacts and or seemingly lack theroff!