Messengers Who Changed the World

Oh my, precious! Name please…

Hi Sid… bless you, small but mighty energy-messenger!

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fits the theme i believe, or at least part of it for sure. so it fits. its not one size fits all. space fits everywhere, so talking about ‘aliens’ from space is quite in the cards yet to be used. i got a good meme in hungarian i attach and give translation in a minute

-We had the bushfires?
-That too.
-Russian fuss?
-Ongoing now.

-Then get ready, we are coming in a short while

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I have little dog in my neighborhood that the owners let run loose and is quite fearless. It taunts my dog, who is leashed, when we are walking. He comes right up to her barking and threatening, which drives my dog Pluto (75 lbs of German Shepard and Mastiff mix) nuts. It takes all I can do to calm her down and keep her from scooping the critter up in her jaws which would end it’s life or in the least require a life saving visit to the vet.
Pluto has figured out what a demented dog it must be so will no longer go down that street if she detects the dog.


Oh my goodness, Bill! I would appreciate a picture of dear Pluto, in honor of the life-giving power of restraint!

Wish my neighbors thought as much about their dog, poor critter. One day I expect to find a carcass in the street.

Cprnicus aka “Copper” - RIP my best friend. Taught me more than people ever could.

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Thank you @DrAliciaHill for starting this feed. Boy, do we need it here or what…
Here is mine recent inspiration,

  1. The version found written on the wall in Mother Teresa’s home for children in Calcutta:

           People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.  Forgive them anyway.
         If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.  Be kind anyway.
         If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.  Succeed anyway.
        If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.  Be honest and sincere anyway.
         What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.  Create anyway.
         If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.  Be happy anyway.
         The good you do today, will often be forgotten.  Do good anyway.
      Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.  Give your best anyway.
      In the final analysis, it is between you and God.  It was never between you and them anyway.

-this version is credited to Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa: " Do It Anyway" (The Prayer Foundation).

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Also following this guy on tt, gives me hope in man. Planscandemic closed churches all over the world, so people moved prayer to the streets changing morphogenic field all over. I betcha Mr. Globaloney is losing some sleep over this! :grin:

Catholic men praying the Rosary in Croatia today.

— Sachin Jose (@Sachinettiyil) November 5, 2022

one more Warsaw , Poland

Catholic women's Rosary rally in Warsaw, Poland.

— Sachin Jose (@Sachinettiyil) November 5, 2022
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Yes and yes, QVBB! Thank you so much! This is a California Catholic lector speaking, so during the Planscamdemic, we held our Masses outdoors in the parking lots. Eucharistic ministers carried communion out to the infirmed who were present with us, remaining in their cars. Our singers were bundled up in puffer jackets and musicians played portable keyboards and instruments with gloves on, in the early morning chill. The Word of the Lord Jesus! :latin_cross:

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Even Australia, and do they need it or what :pray:

Catholic men's Rosary rally in Sydney outside St Mary's Cathedral on Saturday. The monthly rally is getting stronger with increasing participation.

— Sachin Jose (@Sachinettiyil) November 6, 2022
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Holiday Reading List

Discover one of Thérèse of Lisieux’s favorite saints…

St. Theophane Vénard was a humble and courageous missionary priest.

“I want to go to Tonkin, too! I want to be a martyr, too!” cried eight-year-old Jean-Theophane.

He had just read about a recent missionary martyr, a native of his own birthplace in Poitiers, France.

From that moment, Theophane Vénard never wavered in his youthful desire for priesthood and missionary work. When he was eighteen, he grieved his family by asking to enter the seminary for missionaries.

The missions in the East were the path to certain martyrdom. At that time, a priest lasted about five years. If an executioner didn’t kill him, disease would.

Mr. Vénard let his son go to seminary—but the two parted with the expectation of never seeing each other again.

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St. Theophane (photo by PHGCOM/CC BY-SA 3.0)

Theophane persevered in his formation despite great discouragement, giving himself to Our Lady every day as he prayed the Rosary. After ordination, he was sent to Hong Kong, and from there to Tonkin (northern Vietnam) in 1854.

He arrived in Tonkin during the fierce persecution of Christians. For six years, he worked secretly, hiding by day in a tight space with two other missionaries. His flock loved their gentle French priest and called him “little Fr. Vén.”

Then, in the winter of 1859, he was arrested and imprisoned. He lay locked up in a tiny cage for months, where he wrote many letters to his family, speaking with joy of his coming death.

Finally, he was taken out of his cage and beheaded. Twenty-three years after reading about the Tonkin martyr, Theophane’s spontaneous childhood wish was fulfilled.

St. Thérèse loved St. Theophane Vénard because she herself had desired to be a missionary—though God’s plan for her “mission work” was contained within a monastery and eventually poured forth from heaven after her death. His letters home inspired her as she pursued her Little Way during her brief earthly life. You can come to know St. Theophane through his writings, too, in A Modern Martyr: St. Theophane Vénard. Learn about the sanctity hidden in the most ordinary things through the words of this young priest. :latin_cross:

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