More on that shining stinking mackerel on the moonlit beach


Well, as predicted, that shining stinking mackerel on the moonlit beach just became a whole lot more shiny and stinky. As I indicated in last Saturday’s blog, the attempted assassination on Mr. Trump has undone my normal blogging schedule, and as also indicated, that would mean that if there were significant developments I would probably…


The highest of high octane speculation,

1.We haven’t had a non controlled president since jfk.

Which has led all presidents since to a degree being In on the act that they are a front boss per se being appointed the WWE champion for that particular run.
The main Job of the front boss is to distract and obstruct the things that matter and quasi matter (federal reserve, truths considered conspiracy etc)

Jfk and all major events since WW2 have been orchestrated by the Nazis/secret ops who control the secret tech black ops chasing our historical ancestors hidden technology. Call this the third level of nine eleven crew. The 3rd level for short

To usher in a new Hitler/borderline religious ferver, you make the Biden regime look as incompetent, corrupt, and dear I say murderous as possible.

Nuclear level speculation below, more of a movie plot as I could never utter this without being laughed out of a room an pink slipped. Call it a one out of a quadrillion possibility. But the only way I can see all parties being in on the act short of a WWE cutting of the ear to explain Trump’s injuries.

There’s been much speculation about Biden wearing a mask body double . Much less but occasional speculation About trump. To appoint the new savior Hitler to unite the country/ world/space You send out a trump double with a bullet proof mask. Coordinate the greatest trick shot of all time. Call it a day. Land slide at the polls, his vax missteps are laundered with all but the fickle pickles. So long as trump is involved, the Governments image with all of its misdeeds is laundered to that crowd.
Call it one out of a quadrillion, but it’s a possibility that explains the facts if the gun shots are real and I’m very much assuming they were, without our next presidential nominee surviving the most miraculous thing I think many of us have ever seen. Would the people who pulled off jfk and 911 kill a couple innocent bystanders? Of course.

Side thought. After a few days of the facts coming im, id say the jfk secret service looked like all stars compared to the team the other day. It’s gonna be a horrendous day when they turn the rest of the population into “conspiracists”. The past few years actions maybe carefully designed to do just that

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… so far there also appears to be some similarity between this incident and the RFK murder. I have yet to hear if an accounting of ALL WEAPONS PRESENT and ISSUED AMMUNITION has been performed. One would think it important to determine if rounds were “missing” from weapons held by counter sniper teams both INSIDE the “alleged shooter’s” building and elsewhere.

Also, how many bullets in total were fired from the (this was one of the strangest descriptive phrases used immediately after it was reported that they had just blown this kid away, At that point wouldn’t the shooter have been considered “slightly” more than “alleged”?) “alleged” shooter’s weapon? I simply can not hear the person in charge of “releasing the Kraken” saying, “You are now clear to take out the “alleged” shooter on the roof.”

How many of the shots fired have been recovered? This of course assumes they have accounted for all of the ammunition issued that day. Do the recovered shots fired (if any have been) match the “alleged weapon” used by the “alleged shooter” and the unused ammunition the “alleged shooter” “allegedly” possessed? Oh well, So many questions … so little time (and narrative) with which to cover things up.


This is one of few events that has just left me scratching my head, there seem to be so many nested ops, factions, weird crossovers and double crosses at play that it just makes the whole thing look, well… alien. And I mean that in the metaphysical sense. My uncanny valley nope radar sense has gone into overdrive. Maybe some of you have had that situation where the hairs stand up on the back of your neck and you can literally feel the otherness/oddness at work.


… are you claiming that this event was the “bloodying of the Ohrstag”?

Sorry not following the reference and Google didn’t help lol.

I can’t get the signs being held up behind Trump out of my head.

Biden, you’re fired :rofl:

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… burning of the Reichstag … Ohr is “ear” in German hence the “bloodying of the Ohrstag”.


Under this scenario yes, except it’s much more well designed. I’m not sure how the reischtag fire was received when it happened, or how long it took the world to build an agreement it was an inside job.

Under this scenario, the real story is true incredible to believe. But I have to imagine very possible with the modern day bell project cartel.

The results will lead to good will for the surviving next president, which could be used to either unite the world to a new world order and steal more from the ever growing pie for the second economy and /or pivot him to Hitler 2.0 and either cold war 2.0 or ww3

Well, according to those mind-numbing conspiracy tiktok clips, Google is predictively programming us to believe it’ll all be sorted by 2030 and people will still be using Google. As an aside I think Gu Gal in Sumerian translates as Great Waterway. We’re being sold down the river, literally.


Manchin comment = Holt interview with Biden this past Sunday

And yet; the firing squad wasn’t on his side that day.

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I was looking carefully at expressions of Trump’s face during RNC, there was a certain grace around him, one I have not seen before. And it wasn’t a gratitude of the man who was spared, it was something else. Like somebody who sees and lives in a different realm. I can only compare it to description of that state in father M. Martin book “Hostage to devil” , state that one “achieves” coming alive and delivered from the grips of devil. Also some of the exorcist priests exibit that feature. I highly recommend reading that book even for the reason to familiarize yourself with description of that state.

I couldnt picture Trump become an outspoken follower of Jesus,but maybe; this guy certainly predicted that attempt on his life pretty accurately.

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Well I’m going to have my say on this before I log off and I DO HAVE EXPERIENCE in dealing with people who’ve been through similar situations when I worked as an EMT, and more than one Sheriffs Office.

Trump looked exhausted and body sore, which is absolutely normal for what he’s just gone through. The huge adrenaline surge that occurs during such an incident can take days, weeks, and with a few physically weaker people, months to subside and recover from. Absolutely normal! He was very obviously sore throughout his body from not only hitting the stage flooring, which was no doubt uneven, and perhaps sharp edges, etc., but he had a butt-load of Service guys pile on top of him, applying even more pressure. Sprains, strains, ribs bruised, etc. He’s fortunate that he got time to place himself in such a way as his arms, etc. were not out of place and didn’t get a break anywhere. Might I also add that had the ‘SS ponytail police’ piled on, the man probably would have suffocated. These quota hires are absolutely ridiculous! You want females in the line-up, I’ve met a couple of lady wrestlers from Louisiana that would do the job credibly; they could have covered Trump one-on-one and wouldn’t have been as gentle as the men I saw provide body cover. Also keep in mind, Trump might have injuries that certainly would not have been publicly reported. According to HIIPA regulations, it would be illegal to do so and I don’t think any Dr.'s wanted to go through lawsuits and revoking of licensures.

Trump is going to be tired and sore for a little while and this is actually a good sign. He has amazing physical ability, not just for a man his age, but those decades younger can’t compete with him.

Did you notice during RNC that there were no ponytails in the Service line-up this time?
Thank God for it!


He definitely had symptoms of acute stress disorder, but I am talking about something else, somethning new behind his eyes, not directly related to the symptoms of ASD.

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I agree there was something unusual about the look on his face at the RNC - Could be shock. Could be uncertainty in that he knows it could happen again. Or he could have been told not to strut gloat and smirk but retain the hero glow.

As I re-watch his face and body during the shooting, the grab at his ear does not seem fake. The motion is similar to mosquito swatting when you feel the bite.

Maybe his mind is working overtime to try to figure out the source of the attack. Or maybe he knows and is on high alert.

Does anyone remember when Trump met with Obama before the 2017 inauguration? He left the WH meeting with a similar facial expression - like he was being told that he was not fully in charge.


After spending couple of hours on Twitter browsing hundredths of posts plus today’s dr. Farrell blog, I am slowly forming opinion that 07.13 assasination attempt on DJT resembles Joseph take on 911. This was an op, within an op, within an op.
At least three layers or fractions of deep state were involved, working in unison up to certain level and then diverging and trying to accomplish their objectives, chiefly to put a blame and responsibility for this attack on each other.


Interesting thesis… I’m able to see the lineaments of what you’re getting at… time will tell but I DO think there is a LIHOP element at the minimum.


Jd Vance first business was called “Ambrosia.”
Specialized in blood transfusions from young to older people.
The worst tinfoiler’s see a link to the girl who spoke at the RNC convention; Amber Rose.