More on that shining stinking mackerel on the moonlit beach

Well well then. One must ask himself again: Where are all those mighty angels or archangels or whatever those beings are basically, that rule over peoples and nations? Where are they and what are they doing?
From my point of view, the Judeo-Christian God and his all servants seem to be out of time.Again.
As in fact they always were. It must be very nice to be outside for them out of time. Unaffected by the happenings in the realm of humanity. Except for drawing the necessary energies, like parasites do.
Or they don’t exist at all.They are simply a figment of our imagination. We create them. Then our own creation then takes power over us. Then we call it divine.Intervention.Than we thank that divine intervention.We thank ourself,infact for this or that etc…
Monotonous perhaps. But logically correct, right?
Or maybe they just gave us their minds?Like they always have,and they still do. In other words s they used to do, and as they are doing now. Only now it is called informing, that is, the inner shaping of your own mind.You can feel it right?As your minds are being shaped?In other words: Think this not that, think that not this, doubt your own thought and perception. This or that was not the case. Typical gaslighting, etc.

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This whole emerging scenario has the feel of that movie with William hurt playing the president in a failed attempt on his life, Vantage Point


Funny you should say that, as that was Trumps comment to CNN & Fox.

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Spiritual warfare in a realm we cannot see, perhaps?
I don’t think anyone with a true, Christian heart pretends to know everything. Every day, more enlightenment comes.

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Oh, I remember that! There was (is?) also an Israeli company doing same that was start-up previous to Vance’s business. I think when all is said and done, the vast majority of these people are in AIPAC’s pocket. Will they be put in jail too? Not unless Trump goes first.

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My high-octane two cents’ worth: Might this most recent example of rule-by-assassination in America have been meant, among other things, to send Trump a message, the message being “we’re letting you run / get elected, but don’t forget who’s boss”?

I only say this because of something Catherine Fitts has pointed out: The Anglo-American establishment might have cut a deal with Trump’s faction, as suggested by the appearance of an article in defense of Trump’s foreign policy (The Return of Peace Through Strength) in one of Mr. Globaloney’s most prominent organs, the journal Foreign Affairs.

Edit for clarification: My speculation assumes the incident wasn’t a failed assassination attempt, but instead a more or less successful op – one that went essentially according to plan.


Ohh that… on the contrary anyone can see the that fight,or war in the spiritual realms. Even now. Everyday. like for example in Africa if they know what and where to look on the internet for example i.e. the case of Black Jesus . Or more simply in the Middle East like in Israel/Palestine,or Russia/Ukraine.
Strange case.A large grasshopper just flew into my room as I write this. I didn’t even see him. I just felt him caressing my ear.I caught it. And released it into the wild. Weird though. :thinking: :smirk:

New International Versions? After all I’ve said about the risks of modern “translations”? Really?


I know, but some verses are okay IMO. The KJ gets painful with Thee and Thou in Daniel 10, but will post it also.

Uhhhh, No, not ‘that’. But that’s okay.

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Any true heart can see those struggles/wars in the spiritual realms regardless of location. It doesn’t have to be Christian, either.

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Not the same incident.
Okay, I’m going to stop here because this is Dr. JPF thread and a different subject.

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Painful to you to have a means of accurate communication of the singular and plural versions of the second person pronoun? Hmmm… sorry, I don’t regard accuracy as painful. Thin ice…


Not the first time on thin ice for me, and surely won’t be the last.

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Hmm. I didn’t see that but the mosquitos are thick here in the Florida summer so it is on my mind in that you are busy doing something and then you want to smack the mosquito because shooing it is meaningless.

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Yes, this is Dr. JPF’s post. It is multi-layered as always. There is reading between the lines. There is reading within the lines themselves, also multi-layered, etc. You should get used to it by now. It is nothing terrible in it’s own if you have practiced it that way of comprehending . Finally every single person writes and speaks in that way with the help of these methods and techniques. What we are discussing is not outside the points that the Dr.JPF wants to emphasize.In my opinion anyway.

Probably not! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I worry Trump will green light an attack on Iran.
Some of the Trumpets I talk to seems to believe that the next period of Trump will be just like his last, including holding back on the warmongering.
I am not so sure meself.


At least as wars pivit to another continent and investments dry up in Europe, Europe might have a chance to get rid of those warmongers. Maybe, maybe, fingers crossed, the whole Eurocrat institution.

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Now I’m beginning to understand C S Lewis’ warning in the abolition of man and the reading of the little green book…

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