Musings on the truth war

I find that I need to remind myself daily:

“In war, the first casualty is truth.”
― Aeschylus, Agamemnon. 500 BC

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Music censorship: 1812 Overture scrapped from the program. …Conductor dropped by management:

My best friend leaves for Poland tomorrow to visit her mother who is ill. Will probably be the last time she sees her. I hope it’s not the last time I see my friend.

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In the process of tracking who they are and whatever they are up to, never forget who you are and what you are up to:

The Enlightenment view of truth as an abstraction is certainly taking a battering. Instead we see various grubby antichrists asserting “I am the truth”, and demanding that readers, listeners and viewers not only believe what they say but also believe in them as the source of truth. In fact, all sides are lying to us.
All countries’ media have blood on their hands.


The elegant iambic trimeter “Apátēs dikaías ouk apostaseî theós” is attributed to Aeschylus, but (a) I think it’s more the kind of thing that Euripides would have written, and (b) it means approximately “No god condemns a righteous deception”, which is remote from “In war, the first casualty is truth.”
Besides, the lying was going on long before the war started.

Why? I live 15 miles from the Russian border. Quite safe place.

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It’s Cardiff’s loss. What a bunch of nonsense! This is what you get when you embrace cancel culture. “In the future, everybody will be canceled for fifteen minutes” – and the prescribed object of our five minutes’ hate will change from week to week…


I think it’s even more insidious than their demanding we believe in them as the source of truth. It’s as Karel van Wolferen says in that Solari interview ( They merely demand we make a show of assenting to the prescribed reality du jour; they don’t care whether we believe it’s true or not as long as we signal our adherence to the narrative. Put a Ukrainian flag or a syringe on your online profile, put a mask on your face… just do what we tell you today, which may be different from what we told you yesterday because “the science/narrative/enemy has changed.”


I know, Fiat – Why would we need to believe them, at all? We need no minds. We are binary and programmable trans-humans, required only to “obey.”

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I could be wrong but I don’t believe the ‘partnership’ between Russia and China has anything to do with 100% trust. I think it is more a partnership of convenience than anything.


Commentator brings up Senator Joe McCarthy and the communists history.
Brings home the points you spelled out:

[P.S. I’ve been hitting more & more "error 404"s when going to RT]

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True, but whatever partnerships are there in war?

Case in point the Allies really did not fully trust Stalin.

Hey Doc. I’m happy you recovered. Tommi.

It’s more like USA-Russia war, than Ukraine-Russia war. Russia will finish it. Even if the price is high. It’s the big shift moment in history. It’s happening now. Again… it’s the USA-Russia war, so Russia understands it. Russia-USA. Ukraine is just a sideshow. This is just the beginning of the crisis. Poland 1939.

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Nobody thought it’s WW2 when Poland happened 1939. We are in same situation. This is just start. A beginning of something far more uglier.

Hello Doc, I believe the thought police are coming. 1984 Ministry Of Truth.


Ya that’s all over the MSM which should give us hope. I look at it like this. I don’t care what circles the elites swim in. At this point democracy in America has proven useless. Our vote surely doesn’t count. But free speech is the hill we as humans are dying upon. Elon Musk, transhumanist though he is, I don’t think his buying of twitter is an unwelcome thing. Appealing to our government hasn’t worked. The elites will be with us regardless. If we can hold one accountable to border and order, good enough for me. Even with the crisis capitalism of tech, it’s proving unsuccessful. If it’s not a sign of altruism from Musk, I think it’s hope that the elites are fragmenting atleast.

Musk bot TWTR to acquire FCC license so Soros & others can’t take him over & will “transform” TWTR into sophisticated space comms network. FCC license prevents foreign takeover.