Part 4: BRI in North America, Expanding Worldwide, More FIRES! in California, Floods, Hurricanes & More - Happy New Year 2024

Here’s the tell! Scroll down to the 2nd chart in this document and notice the number of migrants from Mexico and nearby countries (Relatives!) shrinking.

The U.S. can’t even direct their own USMCA Immigration because the bumbling fools do not understand Latin culture. WHERE THEY GO ONE, THEY ALL GO!

Here’s more mind-numbing stats if you want them.

Even the CFR is tell us!

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Special attn. from min. 3:45.

Do you see these migrants as the new favoured population minority who will do the bidding of the powers that be? Although nothing new the powers are even more determined to bring on a new, more effective pandemic and consequent lockdown, they obviously want to practice selective eugenics.

PLEASE go back and read what I’ve repeatedly said about why the migrants are here and the possible ‘gringo-minded’ mistake U.S. govt officials made in trying to attract MEXICAN nationals.

Whether you like this man or not, in this video he does a very good job of telling people a major reason, not the only reason but, a major one, why North America is so unique and valuable to TPTB. Ten minutes of solid information.

Pay special attention to what he says about Russian supplies out of Sakhalin. Conditions there will soon be again as were found by engineers I worked with a few decades ago. The word ‘decay’ would be a huge understatement. If Russia keeps busying its people with war concerns, there will not be enough skilled personnel to keep their infrastructure up and running, much less repaired. Maybe this is part of The Plan, IDK.

Make of it what you will…

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In Chicago.

Just released interviews

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The Infrastructure funds ‘trickle’ begins!
Interesting timing with the migrant arrival… and pause.

Abbott is WEF. Don’t forget this…

A line below from my first thread on this issue in July 2023. From the reports, I guess I shouldn’t have taken Alaska out of it. I’m doubtful of reports right now because of the rumors and lies on both sides… and then, there’s AI.

“I’m going to simplify this and take Alaska out of it; as it’s not likely a part of the initial squabble but is still important in BRI.”

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Well guys of the “news Corp” let’s see what delicious rumors we can spread this Friday…

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How interesting is that repair time? Up to 6 years; gee, that’s 2030 and I’ll bet the entire inlet is revamped as a mid-latitude SmartPort. This certainly helps to push EV’s if you can’t get petrol-based vehicles. If you need a gas-burning car, truck, whatever, get it now. Wonder how many migrants will be put to work clearing all the debris, etc.? Oh yeah, their court dates are scheduled in approx. 2030 too. Meanwhile, on the West Coast, San Francisco is hurriedly being shuttered. (Newsome will make sure of it.) They already have Long Beach further south; add SF further north and within 2 degrees of Baltimores latitude. This just keeps getting better. Little business to the east and much more to the west (Ch-eye-na).

Wonder what Great Lakes areas are chosen for accidents? Then there’s the inevitable Gulf Coast port(s). So many to choose from. Oh, why not just take as many as we want!

The basic land routes are already in place but the porting must be worked first in order to move large amounts of goods.

Welcome to The North American Belt and Road Initiative!

They’ve got to get as many people out of California as possible, esp. within 20 miles of the coastline, IMO. More specifically, from San Diego northward through San Francisco. That entire area will be for porting. Exactly how porting and living quarters (15-min) will be arranged, IDK. I have to wonder how this lady felt about her business & Newsom before The C? (As one person who called into InfoWars mentioned, para - “I just feel as if we’re being pushed toward Trump.” I tend to agree with that assessment but believe it’s already been decided.)

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Ports, Ports, PORTS!!! Easy Button! Even the dufus sees it!