Part 6: NA BRI - Jasper Canadian Fires Near Destroy Town, Hurricanes, Floods, California & FINALLY, A Video That Explains The Plan To Take It All!

The push to secure the California coast, SF to SD continues, along with landslides and fires. Where ever the coast finally stabilizes, the build-out will begin.

Returning to Kauai shortly. Aloha All!

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A friend and I have suspected for some time now that TPTB might be letting The U.S. lands east of The Mississippi go to rubble, with some help from their friends. (RE: Dr.'s article on Helene.) Yes, there’s lithium and other assets, but trade with and through Europe is dying at a fast pace and all things are westward bound. Freight to California ports to be moved to China, Russia, and elsewhere so far to the west of us that it’s the far east. Look at the map!.. Buffett always knows.

Piggy-backing on The GSM. Brilliant!

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Will it be a fast domino affect, or slower?
Where ever the coast settles out is where they will build out.
Maybe give the process some help?


If oil and gas (and nuclear) survive then it wont be the death of trade with Europe entirely. The problem is that Israel planned to expand northwards and link up with Ukraine (new Khazaria). This Black Sea bridge would have given them total energy and commerce dominance. They would then destroy both Russia and America so as not to have too big of a competitor.

Russia refuses that plan and NATO couldn’t succeed in achieving it. As for the US, it all hinges on the next election. They want Harris in so as to continue the process of looting and destruction. If Trump gets in, then they will have far more restrictions to what they can do.

Still, Look at the demographics and resource distribution of Asia. Europe is never going to match that. It’s simply ridiculous to even entertain the thought. What pisses me off is that our leaders here in Western Europe are not trying to make the same pivot the US elites are doing. Macron as mumbled things to that effect but he’s weak at confronting the deep state. In Switzerland things were far better until this cursed Ukraine war.

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OH NO! Trump set this in motion with USMCA! I read The Agreement! Trump might make it seem as though he’s helping us, but it only seems that way. As for the rest, that’s another subject altogether.

I don’t think Trump even knows what’s in that agreement. The migrants thing to me is plunder capitalism. But if Israel loses and fails to expand plus don’t get all the resources of the Donbass they will be forced to keep America alive. Especially if their gains end up being too patchy. A lot of what they will do to us in the west hinges on what they manage to accomplish in Black Sea/Mediterranean axis. I believe (in fact I’m certain) they are getting far less than they were hoping for.

As for Trump, he now understands what’s happening. His latest remarks are calibrated to send the message that America is still important and necessary to Mr Global. A plea to not destroy it yet.

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The Russia/Israel, etc. discussion belongs to the other BRI thread. Be that as it may, have you even watched the video that Gary made after we finished the read, or read it for yourself. I hear these kind of comments constantly and I point out the wheels are already set in motion, and Trump cannot stop it. This is ALL IN! My former boss was right about Trump, he is an f moron, and my former boss was a f moron for taking the SOS job.

The “natural” disaster part has indeed been set in motion. I don’t think Trump can stop it alas. :slightly_frowning_face:

I will try to warn people I know who live in the east cost to perhaps relocate. I expect a combo of the Solar flares and earth crust instability to hit simultaneously. May god protect the innocent people.

Trump’s signing of The Agreement has made it possible to STEAL everything from everyone in The USA. Obama started it and Trump finished it.

PLEASE watch the video and compare the document! I think you’re very smart and if you can put your narratives aside, you can’t miss it…unless you want to miss it, which so many have and still do.

Yeah I know what these “trade” deals are all about. But one must keep in mind.

  1. They benefit US hedge funds who are fronts for money printing banksters in London and New York

  2. UN is based in the USA, its created based on a US law, passed by congress and signed by the president its just a fake front for “Anglo-American” (lets call them that) banksters.

  3. Agenda 2030 is close to death. If countries start trading in local crurrencies and open independent grain and energy exchanges its over

  4. Because that agenda is dead, the banksters will now cannibalize America itself. The destructive colonial forces are turning inwards.

Trump signed those agreements in his 2016 term thinking it’s to loot so called “shithole countries”. Now with trillions in debt, someone has to be looted to pay the price and the “shitholes” have had enough, and know how to defend themselves now.

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Trump made a deal that will allow them to take what little we have, and they will.