Part 6: U.S. House Resolution 559 Passed in middle of night (figures) says Stop Iran Nuke Proliferation "By Any Means Necessary"

Okay Folks, IMO, Israel and Iran knew this was coming. Might be that statement by Galloway was made ahead of this AND the bombing by Israel just went nuts late last night.

This Resolution 559, is “by any means necessary” and it’s trouble… 354 to 53 vote, passed.
I’m also including KLW World News video, not because I like the guy; he’s vulgar and I warn you ahead of time, but, he IS connected, more so than most others viewed here. He’s 100% pro-Israel, warmonger, IMO. Info about 3 mins into video and again about 53:50. 1:06:55 makes it clear what this means.

In essence, permission for Israel to wipe Iran, with U.S. backup. Do you think Russia will sit back and do nothing?




Wow! Something evil this way comes!


Absolutely right @ColonelZ and I believe it’s been planned for a long time. Take down of U.S. pop with it all, either directly, or, by forced poverty or economic crisis. U.S. SPR big target if Russia decides to intervene. Turkey likely to be a big player in ME too. Bulk up storage and Pray Up!

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Kiryat Shmona is one of the earliest Jewish settlements near Lebanese border.

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IF anyone needed more reasons to hang every NEOCON from the closest lampole . . .
Tx Ranger won the world series, W Bush favorite team . After all Arnold Rothstein fixed the world series. After pulling off 9-11 do you really think it’s beyond him ?

Am done worrying . . .Well . . . Unless Al-quasa mosque blows up hehehehe :sunglasses:

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Not so much a matter of worry or fear but of being prepared.
If Iran is hit and IF the msg. George Galloway delivered in his video is true, a lot more, in addition to
Al-aqsa will be hit.
Do what you can to withstand this. Certainly all I can do…

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I got the Feeling the real battle is China heading the UN security council , acting like a rational actor to rally more countries to their power bloc. Whats happening in Israel / Gaza is sad but it’s been going on for 100+ years. shrug

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I understand your concern about China but I’m trying to keep this thread centered on what’s happening in Gaza/ME. It would be great if you post China info on the BRI/BRICS thread I originated. Important happenings there too!

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TY aggregating development will save everyone on the board time.
Keep up the good work.

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This is a great evil our government has been planning for decades.

This is the biggest story - is it on MSM at all?


Gaza City now surrounded by IDF.

I think people need to remember that the threat made against Israel, by dawn, doesn’t mean an attack exactly at that time. I has been said that IF Hezbollah launches a majority of its’ missiles against Israel, it will overwhelm Israels’ iron dome, making Israel even angrier than it is now. IF that happens, it’s open season on most everyone and many who are not drawn in yet might come to the front.

Possible related domestic terrorist attempts. FF’s?

“No limits on how many civilians Israel can kill” - Lindsay Graham

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Heard much about a 12-hour truce, 6am to 6pm but find no real details, whether it’s accepted, or not. Lots of fighting about 8 hours ago, lasting a short time, then, lots of ground fire and artillery until just before dawn. The statement Galloway made is sort of mute; whether quoting Hezbollah, Iran, whomever, as the fighting tends to slow way down, or, stop at about dawn. Still some shots fired but nothing like it is under the cloak of darkness.

In any case, Resolution 559 is a bad decision; ‘a non-binding Resolution’. I translate that to mean, “If you want to, it’s okay, go ahead”. Have to figure that Israel and others are moving as many civilians out as possible so they can level the place. Those in leadership in The U.S. who voted for 559 should all go to jail.



WTB more like him , I predict Libertarian AI will be a thing someday. :statue_of_liberty: