Part 6: U.S. House Resolution 559 Passed in middle of night (figures) says Stop Iran Nuke Proliferation "By Any Means Necessary"

Hey American people

Did you vote for a war with Iran?

Because your elected representatives DID vote for a war with Iran

Just letting you know

Your Disillusioned peasant

It looks like both republicans and democrats are united to protect the dollar at all cost against the BRICS nations including of course Iran and Russia. An opportunity window for Netanyahu.

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That’s what all the fuss is really about. It’s all because Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt would enter Brics in 2024. That would be the end of dollar, that’s why they need total war.

CRAWFISH! I was wondering when this would happen. Feeling the political heat…

CYA time to establish record for future use, “we tried to stop them”.


Nasrallah’s speech today:

He doesn’t even know what happened on october 7th, because he said he was not informed of what happened and yet he says that this was a very successful act. 🤷 Seems like all parties want to drag the whole region into war

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The US has so many small bases in the middle east. From what I hear they are all getting “harassing attacks” last few days.

IMHO those are attacks to feel the bases out. It’s planning. Think we have a Tet offensive brewing.

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An absolute mess. Tragic.
Not sure how much longer Israel or U.S. can keep this up without hardcore backlash from across the world. Thus far, the opposition to it has been somewhat puny compared to sanctions, etc. on Russia. They do the same to U.S./Israel, then, it might get some attention.

I’m posting this again here because it’s such a good discussion.
Consider Resolution 559. It really is all about Iran.


Anyone noticed just how close the long proposed Ben Gurion Canal is to the north of Gaza. It would give the west via Israel an alternative to the Suez Canal. Clearing the Palestinian people from northern Gaza would allow the proposed canal route greater security.


Oh, there’s more to it than The Canal. Part of BRI, or, something like it?

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Offcouse it is. It always has been. Unfortunately Iran with marja leaders like Khamenei and proxies like Nasrallah who are gaslighting shia muslims with their version of islam which is completely fake will lead their sheep to the slaughterhouse and also unfortunately the 2/3rds of the rest of humanity will be killed in the process. The neocons dragged them exactly where they want them and they don’t even realize it.
It is important to note that the whole of the Arab league are in fact zionists, because the majority of them signed the Abraham Accords. Expecting from arabs that they will join the war on Iran’s side is like expecting from a snake not to bite you.

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Most heavy attacks by Israel of late coming right after dark, which is now.

About 4 hours until sunrise.
Relatively quiet night compared to ones earlier this week.
Limited bombing but still some artillery and ground fire.
IDF are presently tunnel rats, IMO.
Yahu has said no cease fire until hostages released.

Pentagon has reportedly suspended all Congressional flights into Israel citing dangers on the ground. Dozens of Congressional AIPAC members have flown to Israel previously until now.

Not generally a fan of TG channel but this political action could be important. If enough people say “No”, things might change somewhat; at least, might get a cease fire.

CRAWFISH now seeing that cauldron of boiling water just below them?
MSM it might be but lots of reports now.

His resignation simply removes another disruption in the bogus human rights promise. He admitted those at the top have the real power and are politically appointed obviously to “manage” the the authentic underlings committed to human rights. If global depopulation is a reality, the deception of protecting human rights makes sense.

I also think that if he really meant what he says, he would not have resigned.
He could have raised every kind of hell with UN & media alike.

After 30+ years in the job and seeing the lack of progress in human rights after 75 years of the declaration (how many millions have been killed or displaced?), I think I’d tell them all to go to hell too. The best he could do is at least not go quietly. Perhaps he’ll join the podcast circuit now…