Pushback against mandated insanity: Volume II

True or not, a diversion is still a diversion.

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In the first installment of her series “21st Century Dr. Frankensteins” Alexis Baden-Mayer, Political Director at the Organic Consumers Association takes a deep dive into the nightmarish sci-fi world of today’s mad scientists, starting with George Church, Bayer’s synthetic biology spokesman. What do synthetic biology, the mRNA gene revolution, artificial wombs, life on Mars, and Jeffrey Epstein have to do with one another? Find out on today’s fascinating episode of “Good Morning CHD.”


I’ve been following a young couple (Eamon and Bec) from Canada on YouTube; they travel all over the World in their Sprint Van for the last 8 years or so. They have 125 million subscribers so they are making pretty good money. They bought a “cabin” on 5 acres and fixed it up over the next year. They were still traveling when covid hit and both got the required jabs to keep travelling during covid. Sure enough the 29 year old woman got breast cancer and went through chemo and radiation. Soon afterwards she then got pregnant. Unfortunately their last video on Sunday she was crying because she had to have a premature delivery at 7 months. She didn’t explain the reason why and said they would update on the next video. I really grew to like this couple and had a big concern if their baby girl was going to be ok. Canada had very strict rules on vaccines. Canada has high miscarriage and still birth rates, and high excess death rates going on right now. I’m hoping for the best.



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Additional recent pushback reports on Pfizer:


Emerson College Poll

Midwestern Americans pushback on the Covid vaccine:


Wanna buy a bridge?


For those needing the links to the Spartacus Letter grouped by researched topic:

With thanks to PJ.

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FDA drops a new bombshell on the vaccinated:


Wonderful, a treasure trove of new info to feed the internet and podcasters. Will any of it end up as evidence in court cases to prosecute the “handlers” of the deception?


Well, there are a bunch of lawsuits in process. Hopefully . . .


Having a bit of frustration due to transition from law based society to the fickle rule based society? (lol) I am afraid whatever is left over after this worldwide debacle will have to rebuild up everything from the ground up.

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January 6, 2024
Research paper
Australian researchers call for a pause on gene-based Covid vaccines amidst spike in excess deaths.The following paper, released this month in Pathology Research and Practice, concludes:

We are in a unique period of medical history. Central medical assumptions are threatened – including the morals and ethics of individualised care, localised professional relationships between patients and their doctors,and the right to open discussion and debate of raw data and transparent scientific literature. Data on vaccine related injury and excess mortality continue to mount. Mandates, if not lifted, will become a serious political embarrassment. A survey of ours, currently in preprint, is indicative of the harms that can be caused by mandated experimental vaccines. With the significant expansion of gene-based technologies already visible ahead, it is high time to reaffirm previously established medical ethics and the freedoms of the human condition:


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January 8, 2024

Roberto Speranza, Italian Health Minister between September 2019 and October 2022, is under investigation for mass murder:

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