Pushback against mandated insanity: Volume II

Video News Report
Senior level CIA officer/whistleblower claims that the CIA shaped fake natural origin story on COVID:


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News Article

Elon Musk pushes back against Covid shot and mandates . . .

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As nearly always, the comic establishment pats itself[it being the apt pronoun] on their platform monopoly backsides - for pushing collectivism across the internet; while mowing down any individualism, that questions its one-size-fits-all mandates.
As far as Musk goes; he’s certainly a highly prized puppet, and may even believe most of his own press. Whether its mind manipulation, or some other form of control - I’ve don’t doubt, he’s been stringed-up in some fashion.

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The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic says Fauci went to the CIA to assist in the Covid origins cover-up. The committee seeks all documents related to Fauci’s interaction with the CIA:

With thanks to Natali over at Redacted.

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3-minutes of lucidity summarizing the planned socio-biomedical terror that we Gizas have tracked here, in detail, for two years together at Pushback Against Mandated Insanity:


here is a written summary about sv40 remnants in cancerous tumors

Kevin McKernan, Medicinal Genomics, "explains that in many cases, when tumors are sequenced, they’re found to contain sequences from SV40 and other viruses, which can integrate into your genome, causing disruptions and instability that can trigger the cell line to grow out of control. In the case of COVID-19 shots, he says, “The concern is if this DNA integrates the genome, one portion of the SSV40 sequence is an SV40 promoter, a very strong promoter, which means it drives transcription wherever it lands in the genome. If this happens to drop itself in front of a proto-oncogene [a gene that has the potential to cause cancer] and drives a lot of expression off of a gene that’s known, if you hyper-express it and turn the cell cancerous, then we have a concern that DNA is in fact doing that.” But not only do COVID-19 shots contain SV40 promoters, they also contain a 72 base pair insertion that makes the promoter much more aggressive and also drives the sequence into the nucleus of the cell. “And they’re right next to each other,” McKernan says. "If this DNA moves into the nucleus and it drags a promoter with it, and that integrates in front of a gene, it can disrupt gene regulation and potentially lead to the oncogenesis."12 At the same time, a Pfizer trial showed that the shots may induce lymphocytopenia and neutropenia, or low concentrations of white blood cells. This could further allow for cancerous changes to proliferate. “After vaccination, patients have lower white blood cells, which you need to clear out cells that are misbehaving, like cancer cells,” McKernan adds. He’s also seen research showing that the spike protein from COVID-19 shots can enter the nucleus and disrupt regulation of p53 and BRCA1 genes: “People are probably familiar with BRCA1 because of breast cancer genes, but p53 is also another guardian of the genome. These are genes that clean up genomes that have been broken or have integration events … If you have all three of those potentially increased integration risks happening, with white blood cell reduction and spike protein inhibiting the genes that are meant to clean up this type of problem, the combination of those things could certainly be tied to the rise in cancer that we’re currently seeing.”

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Interview with Dr. David Bell:
Public Health is Moving Toward 'International Fascism’


Judicial Watch Weekend Review.
Tom Fitton discusses impeachment inquiry – Hunter was getting money from 23 different countries. Fitton provides updates about RFK Jr. being denied Secret Service protection . . .


:arrow_up: A brief picture of American authoritarianism: :arrow_down:


I saw that coming when they came out with the ICD 10 codes in 2013…


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Baylor College of Medicine will mandate the latest booster shot:

Here we go again.

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No masking stupidity.


So the “organization” is saying masks are required, not anyone in particular? That’s accountability?
Well I guess that would explain why they have to show they have the “authority”…

Nova Scotia Health is once again making masks mandatory to enter its facilities, the organization said Tuesday.

The health authority issued a news release saying that masks will also be required in


UN…F….Believable. This is pure soul torture.


“Hydroxychloroquine proponents say that the amount of the drug, and when it’s given, is key to properly studying how it affects COVID-19.”