Pushback against mandated insanity

One of the positive benefits of the Covid experiment was the exposure and conscious raising aspects of the level of corruption and money laundering in our world.
Beware of the solution being offered, digital money to track all expenditures. Like the Carson guy at the WEF was filmed saying how a hundred dollar bill isn’t traceable? We have the solution…plus a better way to conceal the money flow from unauthorized auditors.


Pushback Holland against harsh climate change mandates:

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Medical experts push back on Israel’s Health Ministry for Pfizer shot recommendations:

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Historical Pushback Skill: Sing!

The power behind non-violent political action, a disciplined mass movement example:

Power of Song: Nonviolent National Culture in the Baltic Singing Revolution
Video with the author, Guntis Smidchens:

Book: Project MUSE - The Power of Song

I can´t dowload, it asks for my account, wich i don´t have, i there is no visible way to make one?

Can you send it to my email?


It´s interesting to note that Gene Sharp’s work is also the blueprint for color revolutions, as i learned during the Hong Kong protests against Beijing taking over their political structure.

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Spiritual Pushback Skill: Disciplined Research and Prayer

Example 3-22-23: Team over at American Intelligence Media ever pushing back on mammon to integrate contemporary, historical, and future perspectives.

With thanks to Michael,Tyla & Douglas :latin_cross:

Happy April Birthday, Senator Ron Johnson, turning 68. Ridiculed from the beginning of the plandemic for his sceptical pushbacks against the Covid Cartel, he is interviewed here in depth:

Tom Fitton’s Weekly Update for Judicial Watch:

Obituary notes on Gene Sharp, one of my mentors during the South Africa research:


Dr. Mercola article and inteview with Edward Dowd. Health Agencies in "cover-up mode."

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3-27-23: RFK Jr pushback against censorship, discussed in Part 2 of the interview, continues:

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Only 300,000 excess deaths in 2022? Sounds like a conservative estimate to me. Some of those 6.6 million “injured” people will probably be added to the death toll over the next few years.

Cumulative All-Cause Mortality vs. Projected Mortality in the U.S. since January 1, 2020:

Source: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/cumulative-excess-deaths-covid?country=~USA

Granted, it’s hard to say how many were from “covid,” how many were from jabs, and how many were from lockdowns and other parts of the “pandemic” response (resulting in deaths from despair, isolation, delayed medical treatment of non-covid diseases, killer treatments administered to “covid” patients, lack of exposure to sunlight/vitamin D, impaired immunity from constant stress/anxiety, etc.).


A conservative estimate?
Sounds like outright intelectual fraud to me, all those athlete dying, and the air pilots, and young adults, and ther is “only” 300 000 excess deaths?
What are they ignoring to reach such a low number?

The method of the research must be scrutinized to see where it was flawed, how it treated the data, and how it obtained it, in order to detect how they manage to supress the true number.

The better way to propagate a lie is to mask it as a half truth.

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CAF’s Solari Report: DNA contamination has been found in both the new bivalent boosters as well as in the earlier monovalent injectables.

Will the manufacturers finally be held responsible?