Robert Kennedy Jr. ... A Giza Collection

It is the lion in the lamb, the path of servant leadership. And that’s a long conversation. I hope you enjoy the interviews and we’ll talk more, as we go.

for sure. now copy this:

John 15:15

“Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.”

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John F. Kennedy Speech before entering Presidential office:


RFK Jr’s interview with Tucker Carlson about Fauci: Because it was RFK Jr., I watched this one (even though it was on mainstream media, which I almost never watch or listen to). It was an excellent interview.

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3/29/23 In my email today:

4-5-23: Today, RFK Jr. filed a statement of candidacy for President of the United States with the Federal Election Commission

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And RFK, Jr. has annoucned, yesterday, even of Passover as I understand from AP this morning. May the Power of the Heavenly Guard be with him and his family. He can’t do this alone.


I gave a year’s salary to Childrens Health Defense to fight the jab mandate for everyone but I found it a bit difficult due to Kennedy’s stance on Climate Change and radical control over private business; ie, his socialist stance stuck in my throat. :grimacing: When they tried to arrange a phone call, I said “no thanks”. I did my good thing let’s leave it at that.

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Thanks for weighing in, Justa. Yes, I posted this article above, as well.

Sorry, I missed that one @DrAliciaHill. Pretty thorough review. I think people will have a tendency to go with the name and not necessarily review all the information available. Thanks for compounding it here.

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Common problem not scraping beyond the surface. I saw a interview via the Duran with Jeffrey Sachs, he speaks eloquent so I thought what is he doing as a professor at Colombia university?

Well, I think his many victims from his economic “shock therapy” are very thankfull for dying from cold and hunger! In the end people like him are even worse than a HCR that can’t even hide behind eloquence.

Meanwhile, people thinking ANY Kennedy isn’t compromised is living the Camelot Disneyland propaganda dream. The financial empire dwarf’s Trump, MANY more behind the scenes characters are involved and three generations of coverups. Think Uncle Ted. We won’t be getting to the bottom of THAT murder, will we?

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Read some articles about Ethel, his mother. Wow. If not a Kennedy, she could have had her children taken by the state for neglect and … - Did I say if not a Kennedy.

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Compromised how???

Soltron. Just internet search Kennedy and read about all the shenanigans of that very typical wealthy and powerful family. It will take a lot of time. For something on the subject Kennedy, check out the Martha Moxey murder. Kennedy/Skakel influence in action.

Don’t get me wrong, am not necessarily against Robert Kennedy, Jr., but the Kennedys have a history that has spawned more salacious novels, documentaries, stories than most anyone. Doubt anyone can be worse than the Brandon Crime Family, however.

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Mr. Kennedy absolutely demolished Sean Vannity over the Ukraine. Hear hear Mr. Kennedy!


Democrats attempt to censor then slander and defame RFK Jr. during this hearing on censorship.

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There is no path to the nomination for RFK Jr. How will he prevent the DNC from taking it from him like it was taken from Bernie?

Trump did not beat the cheat in 2020. How will he beat it in 2024?

The establishment opposes both. Is the enemy of my enemy my friend?

Kennedy wishes to unite the country. Why not partner Trump MAGA conservatives and Kennedy liberals?

Trump Kennedy 2024?

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