Real life "they live" glasses

Optical technology for other dimensions

I remember having my aura photographed at least a decade ago.

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This was interesting Dana, I’d seen “They Live” ages ago, but the colored night vision googles and viewing of other dimensional beings was news to me. I recently purchased a little red flashlight because when viewing the sky at night switching on a regular flashlight to look at my star map hampers getting my eyes back to comfortable night vision. I’ve since used it to watch cats, possum and raccoons who nightly visit my patio in search of food and water. They can’t see the red light and don’t freak out and run off. I also used to do darkroom work in the photo lab at school and of course the red light would be on to allow us to see what we were doing without exposing the light sensitive paper. Aiming at the big mirror behind my dresser was interesting, I’d swear I could see individual rays of light growing out of the center of the beam. Not sure I’m courageous enough to look for demons though.

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Hi Justawhoaman,

So interesting to find your comment and this link…A friend and I just had our Aura/Chakra photos made a couple of weeks ago! I’m going to share my comments about it and a wild leap of speculation that’s just popped into my head around it.

The technology has definitely gotten more sophisticated since we had done it about 7 years ago. Had to rest your hand on a device that measured the energy emitted from your hand while you posed for the actual photo. The article I found on the link you posted stated the chakra and the aura are two separate fields, which wasn’t an issue years ago as the photos then only involved the aura. All her equipment was computerized…no polaroid cameras these days. The colored dots for the chakras were superimposed over a generic figure of a standing body, and the aura was basically a head shot with a colorful halo. $40 for both. It was interesting but her answers to our questions were rather “fluffy” and since the time was short, it really raised more questions than it answered about the photography process and the aura/chakra results.

But then another issue popped into my head. We both received our images on paper, but she kept the files.

My speculation meter, which I find has grown a great deal since hanging around this site, had me wondering about this process and this woman doing it. She wasn’t local, lived in N.C. and after this shop, where we had our images made, she was traveling to another in the next county north of us for another gig later that same day, probably of the same duration. The next day she would be going 300 miles upstate to a couple more gigs. I calculated for about 5 hours/ 25 clients she’d make around $1000- minus the cost of commission to the shops, travel expenses, cost of ink, photo paper, pre -printed paper photo frames, and advertising. Doesn’t seem like much of a profit margin to me, But then, she also has the files, on everyone she’s taken photos of. Is there a market for such files??? (Kinda reminds me of the DNA craze where people were paying $100 a pop to have their genome mapped…look where that got us. At that time I was highly suspicious and refused the Christmas gift my son and his wife gave me to have my genome mapped.) But now that I’ve seen Dana’s little vid on color goggles my speculation meter is percolating. Maybe she’s a comfy little house wife, supported by hubby and this is a way for them to get out of the cold weather and travel south, the profits paying for the trip? She said she’d been doing it for 18 years…yet hasn’t written anything about it, doesn’t do lectures, isn’t even on Youtube. I just find it hard to believe you could do something like this for 18 years and not have something to say about it by now! Unless, she’s just the technician, collecting data, and getting paid for her results.
Or, looking at the link you provided, a lot of the site was devoted to selling this equipment, maintaining it and some rather generic pieces about the results. Perhaps the people buying/using this equipment were unwittingly storing their files in the cloud with the people selling the equipment.
OMG…somebody stop me…isn’t it still possible that not everything is connected to data collection???
Maybe I’ve developed my own “they live” lenses…and now I’m the one who looks crazy scary!! :crazy_face:


I had two uncles in NAM one in the army, the other in the Navy. The one in the army got shot saw lots of things in combat I’d never feel comfortable talking online for modern sensitivities. The other in the Navy was an expert in Morse code. He the one in the navy never directly experienced combat. Yet my army uncle initially was crazy after coming home but he waded through the trauma reflectivity well. The Morse code Navy unc was way more screwed up being in and out of institutions the rest of his life. The Navy Unc is dead now, and when he’d say anything it seemed so far out there even me with an open mind was kinda like, oh here he goes again. Now in the vid, was this just special forces in the army? Some stuff my deceased uncle said that sounded crazy, muh not so much now.


Certain types of red light are good to use on the skin in the winter when you don’t get much sunlight. Obviously, not being UV, they don’t give a tan.

You can’t be too careful these days. Much of that video is an extract from an interview with Clif High by Al on Aurora Borealis, it may still be up on tge A.B. YT channel.