Revised Hypothesis: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and BRICS, An Inseparable Pair?

I’m not altogether sure these floods aren’t natural Earth changes. We know the fires are not but I’ve been to Africa and the dams aren’t worth a damn.

What a horror!..

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It’s a debt trap. That being said, I think the countries, excluding China, will continue BRI on their own. I still believe North America is doing the same.

The USD is continuing it’s rise.

Mins. 14:30 to 16:30.
Canadian ‘wildfires’ burning straight in a row? Seems odd…


I only scrutinize satellite imagery that is in the western hemisphere (not enough time to be global). Air mass systems and “jet streams” that enter from Asia and Oceania, and those that depart to Europe and Africa, demonstrate the same ACCELERATED and INTENSIFIED evaporation-transportation-condensation water vapor behaviors as those seen on this side of the planet. The internet is replete with video evidence of near-daily deluges which I contend, happened previously (before geoengineering went full-tilt… 1998?) at some much smaller rate, like several per year.

Today’s crap-show in New England has sufficient water vapor aloft to satisfy the Hurrican Lee piece of the climate change tipping point narrative while it pushes even more potential precipitation to… Iceland? Northern Europe?

Like the intensification of wildfires (and structure fires), the climate has been hacked. Evil characters control it, quite likely using AI. It is the biggest conspiracy ever, hidden behind the wildest of lies, which affects every living person on the planet, including perpetrators and participants. I says the Libya disaster is just one more engineered disaster to bolster the coming Climate Emergency declarations.

Create the Problem: make disastrous weather & fires increasingly severe and frequent

Manage the Reaction: climate change narratives, global meetings, fake data, lie, lie, lie

Impose the Planned Solution: depopulation, total control of the world

And yes, the Libyan destruction is horrorific.

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I wonder if NA’s BRI will go the same route? Much smaller initiative and territory to be taken.
Also feel strongly that destroying China’s economy and ability to have loans paid back is why U.S. Fed is raising interest rates so quickly; inflation is secondary. I’ll always be curious what deal was made via 3 U.S. stooges and Xi.

This kid says Texas Central Railway is NOT slated to connect to other States. I’d heard this but didn’t investigate because it’s been delayed so many times. This could lead to some interesting possibilities with TEXIT and all, IF it ever gets built. I don’t think anyone my age will be seeing it. I shutter to think that it might end up looking like NYC subway after gangs get running with it. Who will provide Security, if any?

The big nightmare for Houston is the station location…NW Mall (1st link below). OMG, there’s almost no bigger tangle of an interchange than that area. Will there be parking? If so, doubtful it will be plentiful, if any at all.

The railway is mostly above ground, which is what City of Houston’s rail should have been. The group from Seattle placed a bid at $13M per mile which would reach both airports through Downtown. It was rejected due to “What if there’s a hurricane?” Completely idiotic excuse. Instead, they went the ground route with another company for $30M per mile which only goes through Downtown and no further. Did anyone ask, “What about flooding?” Hell no! Morons… The only City in The South that I can immediately think of that has more graft than Houston is New Orleans.

They brought it on themselves with the attitude that if one didn’t own a vehicle, they weren’t worth serving. We school kids who rode the bus were also excluded and had greater vision that the adults regarding public transport.

USMCA in action.

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Bill Cooper gives us a glimpse of USMCA and in this video which I’ve watched often, there’s much I’ve forgotten, or pick up anew every time I watch it again. When you listen to some people in the audience, esp. one woman and what Cooper has gone through to get this information out to us, his patience and dedication is almost infinite.

Although this video is 4 hours long, I suggest a start at:

USMCA in the making = 2:40:15
Continue for info on Moon, Mars with pictures, Gordon Cooper letter, von Braun, real v. phony UFO pics, CFR, etc.
US/Soviets/Russia working together to bring about NWO = 3:23:00
CBDC, prophecy trap and everything else…

By the time the Q&A comes around, I’m amazed he didn’t stuff a towel in the mouth of a few people.

Everyone who hasn’t seen the video in a while, or, have never seen it should view the first part as well. You’ll be surprised how much you’ve forgotten or didn’t know. Remember it’s old school video from Feb. 1991 and not HD.

If you really want to a Cooper binge, the 10-hour Porterville is the link below.

God, I really miss the man… I guess it’s a good thing he didn’t live to see us now.

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Hard to tell what the truth really is regarding China. Of the points listed, he forgets to mention “interference by The West”. Of this I’m sure. Zeihan’s not kidding when he speaks of shortages AND the fact that China makes the super transformers for our electrical grid. Hold onto your drawers everyone.

This would all made a North American BRI make perfect sense.

Both these reports are very informative.

Top video at 4:22 clicks in the birth rate in China down 70%?
Guess the injection eugenics programs were a success?
Is China going to stop sending the USSA the products it needs?[8:30]
Is this video a narrative to explain away Chinese acts of economic warfare?

Bottom video
Is there purpose in China’s not sending much needed products to the USSA;
or, is China experiencing an economic/political meltdown?

Is China on the road to privatizing its public assets?[10:50]
[Sounds like propaganda]

To the first sentence, I would respond, “Yes, of course” and The U.S. knew they would be unable and/or unwilling to do this long ago.

To the second sentence, I say, “It’s not likely China who started any ‘economic warfare’; they have benefited greatly from The U.S. for decades.”

With regard to ‘[Sounds like propaganda]’, at least 3/4 or more of the videos posted on this and other sites are propaganda. Did you expect the truth in a video? It’s each individuals job to wade through the crap and come out with a more balanced, independent conclusion.

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Min. 3:35. “A large amount of males here without their wives…”
I’m telling you, they will be put to work in wintertime as soon as fires cool off and there are other places they will be sent to work.

I really can’t be sure if representatives know this possible plan for the ‘invaders’.

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Really? The social engineers cannot figure out why millions are coming here? And the “news reporters” went out of their way to find an answer…This isn’t news it’s propaganda.


Just about everything here is propaganda.

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Oddly enough, this robotic voice might be giving us pretty accurate information.
The U.S. debt has increased approx. 50% in approx. 4 years time.
In 2019, the debt was ~$22.7T.
In 2022, the debt was over ~$30T.
As of this writing, it’s hit ~$31T and still rising.

Even if the curve flattens out, the 50% rise in the national debt, interest rate by Fed. Resv. up ~15 to 18 times (not percent), it’s 0.25% rate. These numbers are the published govt. stats, which IMO, means the real numbers are actually more dire.

BRICS is a snowball that will pick up more speed and certainly seems to have more than one purpose.

Predominantly young men… Yeah, that works and so might they.

P.S. - I meant to add that these sorts of ‘rushes’ are generally seen when word has spread throughout the people that the border might be closing, or, become more inaccessible. You see this sort of concerted effort in a number of areas, including war. The hardest fighting occurs toward the end of a war in order to secure the most territory before treaty.

Oh look here! Sure enough, I guessed right! These migrants got the word well south of Our border to hurry up north while the hurrying is good.