Revised Hypothesis: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and BRICS, An Inseparable Pair?

This Initiative is just monstrous! Beginning about min. 7:15, I can see why The West, esp. North America is utterly threatened by it! While Biden commits money we don’t have to other countries, China, Russia and others are building out. What a deal! Smart…

Picked-up at 7:15 and it was good.
You can see the propaganda wars happening as truths are mixed w/agendas.
The digital aspect is worrisome.

As I don’t see “digitized”, as equating with “progress”.
And that’s: anywhere, anytime, anyhow.


I understand your trepidation regarding digitization but, many people are much more controlled and have never known anything else. It’s second nature to them.

Everything distilled in 2 minutes I love that man,. He’s been smeared so much just like Alex , Right wing nut , gun nut , militia nut and so on. When in fact they both view everyone has an American. They both know once the power at be fracture you in an identity group (color, economic and so on) , it’s over. Divide and conquer. Bill and Alex are defender of the constitution. IF the offense come from the blue or red team or both they respond accordingly. Alex being associated only with the Grump team is a tragedy of understanding , big picture he is a we the people guy.

Just like Bill explain in that 2 minutes , a swat of the population sees what’s going on right now has prophecy and are just enjoying the show passive and docile. The past 4 years of the covid awakening was spiritual everyone agrees and we are surprise and take whats happening in the middle east has inevitable ? It’s just the next round of the WEF type , they spun a narrative of end time so you all give up.

The Capitalist system has build the infrastructure for the socialist take over , You will own nothing and be happy. Socialism is just a milestone it’s a return to feudalism before you know it , Religion will be outlawed ; Rebels will be worshiping the sun thinking they are sticking it to the secular-atheist state has a big defiant gesture. When in fact the plan was to coral everyone into a pseudo Luciferian doctrine all along. Doesn’t matter what confession you belong to : the Divine is real , people experience it everyday.

This fight ain’t easy and it will take everything from us. Hell i had to do an hard break , go offline for about 12 weeks . No news , no internet only nature , Watching birds , raccoons , fox and the damn squirrels shenanigan … Everyone has it’s own way but i feel recharge for whats ahead. They only want you to give up keep that in mind. So don’t give up !


What he’s saying in this video is absolutely correct.
The USA is blessed with Our own BRI in the form of inland waterways, which are, indeed, ONE TWELTH the cost of moving by land! We need to get out of our own way!

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A BRI extension?

Oil producing countries in ME desperate for BRI?

I can only imagine…
Spring 2024 will be the tell IF there’s a reason for all this burn.

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