Revised Hypothesis: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and BRICS, An Inseparable Pair?

Thank you @sunnyboy

What was the Congressional delegation doing in China? Giving them heads up about Israel and the “plan”?

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CCP seems to be pushing BRI to the end.

Begin min. 6:34.

This broadcast is VERY good! Lots of information.

Start about 5 mins. in and you’ll hear about:
Egyptian warning, disaster for Netanyahu, Israeli reservists/protestors answer the duty call,
“…The war is an Army coup in order to remove Netanyahu’s Right-wing govt…”
“Saudi Arabia and Iran members of Shanghai Corp. & a part of BRICS and showing results.”
“…The Middle East has moved on, re-oriented toward China and Russia…”
Putin’s statement on US policies.

IMO: I maintain that the collaboration of various countries, esp. Middle Eastern countries, in BRICS/BRI is being viewed as a huge threat to Israel and The West. This is not merely because of The Project itself but because of the cross-cultural partnership it brings.

Much more. (Less than 30 minutes.)

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Im on the same page here, the real war is between army Intelligence vs private corp Intelligence like CIA etc.
Of course they both are infiltrated by each other etc.


Netanyahu announces Israel’s version of BRI, or is it an extension of BRI?
At the beginning and again at about 1:17:00.

Dubyne is correct. First 4 mins. or so says it all.

I don’t think there’s a way anyone could convince me that Netanyahu did not have foreknowledge, or, even plan this slaughter; he is that evil. The Israeli People know it and that’s why they wanted to remove him & his pal Ben G’vir. They’ve slipped the noose for now but people are again gathering and protesting against Bibi.

Why?.. It’s BRI.

This guy is China’s version of “Tokyo Rose”, without the great music.
It’s all about the global infrastructure build.

Good for him, at least someone is being hospitable instead of hostile and killing others.

BRI Boss speaks. (And he is the Boss…)
This Initiative is MASSIVE!

Xi, whilst being hospitable to his guests, both have their goons out burning The Great Fire that brings down the house, and in the meantime they plot to Build Back “better”…

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Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette…making no excuses for torture and killing but that’s reality.

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At least my partner and I can lean back and converse, with a nice tipple, and enjoy a good view while the world crumbles from above…


Good healthy strategy, not much any of us can do…we DO live in an interesting time.

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