Revised Hypothesis: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and BRICS, An Inseparable Pair?

No reports yet on BRICS Summit currently taking place.
I find this very odd.
I’m wondering if at the last minute all the participants decided to meet via videoconference, instead of traveling to So. Africa? Safety reasons?

Since you have experience with fires and understand your Canadian landscape, have a couple of questions.

Yukon fires just now being reported MSM here in States. If they control the burn path and trees destroyed, what timeframe are we looking at before workers (migrants) can get up there safely, start to clear and build-out whatever they might have planned? My thought would be mid-winter, soonest, early Spring 2024 latest. I don’t know how long those forests stay hot. I assume months? I’m talking about the entire line of fires from Yukon to Newfoundland because I don’t know where the burn line started.

Thanks mucho!

Your time frame is accurate.

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Thank you @bluenose
Much appreciated.

Its going to be Singapore.

I’m sure Singapore will be involved.

I think we all who come here to JPF site, know that there is always(at least since 1945) an extra player in a midst of deep state shenanigans, called Nazi International, and part of American DS- white hats, patriots or whatever you want to call them, is trying to smoke them out from their caves.

It seems the dates for this BRICS meeting keep changing.
It was an Aug. 15 start, then, the 17th. This article says the 21st, others say 22nd-24th.
Will see…

WA & OR targeted.


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Thank you @bluenose Much appreciated.

And then there’s this:

Canada has been pushing university education far too much which has created a glut in the labor market for those with a degree(s), many of which are in the liberal/social field rendering them useless. The ‘trades’ and laborer fields have only recently received the respect they deserve. I like to call it the snobs vs the grunts mentality. That’s what Canada needs now, grunts and lots of them. Unfortunately, most new grunts have no idea what manual labor involves.


Oh yeah, here we go. If Canadians think they’ve seen a migration to this point, just wait until those fires cool down. Migrants from south of U.S. border move into Canada for this. I’m trying to keep an eye on the movement and appreciate the assist.

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Both Southern and Northern China!

Washington now, Oregon next…

These fires appear to be the real deal but could have started any number of ways.

Notice how the majority of those blocked from entering are women, children, older, or teens that don’t seem ‘workable’. Those applying for asylum will likely be scrutinized and if able, put to work.

Look what we’re allowing them to do to Our Country!