Revised Hypothesis: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and BRICS, An Inseparable Pair?

IMO, Obama pissed Putin off now Biden’s trying to go around Putin via Xi.
Didn’t work and now, well, you guessed the rest.

I have no way to confirm this but think it might be fairly accurate from conditions I’ve been watching over the last couple of years.

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First leg built goes to Bakersfield, right?


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No, this is strictly Texas, for now.
I’m sure all will eventually be connected.

In the past few days, I’ve found an odd array of anti-Obama articles on the front page of Microsoft Edge. Notice the interaction with Russia, the ‘gift’ Clinton brought Putin, etc. What it doesn’t mention in any way is BRICS, which they had to have known about.

Check out Northwest U.S. Interesting fire near Jackson Hole, WY where Fed Meeting will take place shortly.


" A hotspot is a satellite image pixel with high infrared intensity, indicating a heat source. Hotspots from known industrial sources are removed; the remaining hotspots represent vegetation fires, which can be in forest, grass, cropland, or logging debris. A hotspot may represent one fire or be one of several hotspots representing a larger fire. Not all fires can be identified from satellite imagery, either because the fires are too small or because cloud cover obscures the satellite’s view of the ground."

I think they’re going to declare it “uninhabitable”, just like Paradise, CA. This means nobody can reclaim their property and in the case of Paradise, insurance paid pennies on the dollar, if at all.
It worked then so why change tactics now?

This will end up being a ‘military island’. Build and maintaining the new Port, to be built.


Notice we’re not hearing anything more about that Chinese lab in CA. They ‘tucked it away’ for later use?

Notice as well, we’re not hearing about BRICS meeting, yet…

I heard somewhere that the US petroleum reserves is going to last about 2weeks.

Not sure what happens after, but for one thing it makes it impossible to create required supply lines for any kind of “War”.

Dont quote me on the exact dates, i havent confirmed that its exactly what is happening.

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I really think so. I’ve searched around and found very similar reports on different sites. All of this began after Kissinger left China.

Not only are the attacks environmental, they are economic; with China now going into deflation. This will affect us and could get quite critical.

I’m reposting the video from another thread I put up yesterday. If you haven’t viewed it, you might want to do so. Not just floods and earthquakes, but water boiling in fields of corn, animal behavior never seen, insect invasions, sky changes, etc. Most of the environmental destruction is in and around Beijing Provinces.

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If both US and China are getting hit with DEW’s and other weather modification weapons…

Well who is their common enemy?
Is there a private entity that has started to loose control over the situation???

Or is it just a war between these two countries?


Whomever burned Paradise, CA also burned Lahaina.
I’ve never thought the Chinese were involved in either.

With regard to what’s happening in China, my friend in HI says it’s likely precursors to major volcanic activity. I didn’t think the area was volcanic at all and I believe it’s an attack(s).

Meanwhile, has anyone seen a report or write-up regarding the BRICS meeting taking place?

Did you see this?


Yes, I saw that and the a couple others.
I kind of trying to keep this thread related to BRI/BRICS.
I got off mark. Sorry.

No worries, we can steer it back.

But i still think its related somehow.
Maybe we are witnessing a new type of warfare being presented.
Or the real war that we never been privy too?

What i mean is that the various DEW attacks and Climate control attacks etc could be done by different parties?

Not like US vs China, but more like Pepsi vs Coke lol.
What i mean is that we most likely have at least 2 global mega corporations fighting it out for control over the various regions of the world.

Maybe all parties know that a big kinetic war ala WW2 is impossible to create atm.
Not enough people wiling to be in the trenches, esp after watching how Ukraine went.

So i suspect the bigger “deepstate” monolith has been broken down into smaller parts.
And now the children of Chronos is fighting it out to hopefully reclaim the glory of their father lol.

But at the same time the combined efforts against the deepstate has gained more and more control over the narratives.
Its going slow but its def turned in many ways.

So i suspect the plan is to let the remaining deepstate assets basicly kill each other in hopes of getting some kind of leverage back.


Response placed here for consolidation purposes.

Dr. Farrell - For Your Consideration -

First, let me say I’ve no doubt that a 15-minute city will be a part of the ‘rebuild’ of Lahaina and the surrounding area. This ‘city’ will not be primarily for The People of Maui, unless, they want to labor for the U.S. govt. in building and maintaining the Port-to-be.

The reason Lahaina area is so important with regard to a port goes back centuries but when you realize that it’s outer port area is at least 300 ft. deep, it brings about a very important scheme that must be considered.

The two most important U.S. Territories in The Pacific are Guam and The Hawaiian Islands. The Port of Guam (Apra), is a deep water port, the inner portion is about 40 ft. in depth, while the outer port is as deep as 500 ft. in some places. What’s more important is that the shore area is miles long and can dock quite a few commercial and private vessels. Port Apra has undergone renovations over the years, regular dredging and can most easily be converted to A.I. tech assistance (in progress). It’s protected by other islands around it. I’m sure you’ve noticed it’s proximity to SE Asia, esp. China.

Well to the east is Pearl Harbor, which is of less depth than Guam and does not have the extensive shoreline for available docking. Pearl requires extensive renovation to become the deep draft port that would be needed to complete the Guam to HI to U.S. mainland system and quite frankly, there’s too much Elite money invested on Oahu to burn the needed portions of the island. They also need the govt. structure already in place there.

Maalaea to Kahului Harbors on Maui are also considered deep water and the channel entrances are quite wide and could accommodate as many, if not more commercial vessels than Guam. The area is protected by Lanai to the west & 2 other islands, one north and one south of Lanai. The waters surrounding both harbors are about 300 ft. deep. with the likelihood of over a 270 degree circular port system from Maalaea Bay around to Kahului Harbor. This is a much simpler, easier and cheaper (not that they care) build-out from start to finish. It is ‘port perfection’.

The Elite would now have their stepping stones from S.E. Asia/China, to Guam, to Maui, to U.S. mainland all lined up.

While there is more than one reason The Island of Maui is of incalculable value, I firmly believe the primary reason for this utterly evil act is its’ part in The Pacific link of The Belt and Road Initiative.

I posit this question: Which area is more easily cleared of civilians, less costly to build out and with better natural room for porting? Maui or Oahu?


The island of Maui (/ˈmaʊi/; Hawaiian: [ˈmɐwwi]) is the second-largest of the islands of the state of Hawaii at 727.2 square miles (1,883 km2), and the 17th-largest island in the United States. Maui is the largest of Maui County’s four islands, which include Molokaʻi, Lānaʻi, and unpopulated Kahoʻolawe. In 2020, Maui had a population of 168,307, the third-highest of the Hawaiian Islands, behind Oʻahu and Hawaiʻi Island. Kahului is the largest census-designated place (CDP) on the island, wit Nat…

Seems like they were paying attention after all with what’s been done to Maui.

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