Revised Hypothesis: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and BRICS, An Inseparable Pair?

From my friend who lives on Kauai.

Apparently someone doesn’t want a BRICS neighbor in the ‘hood’. Mind you, the ‘hood’ can sidle up next to the russkies and make camp. Kind of gives “location, location, location” a new meaning. I’m thinking of Mexico being next door to the USA in my statement.

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With respect to what location? Lahaina?

@thebeaver sorry, I meant Mexico

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Oh yeah, I completely agree. No doubt made an offer they can’t refuse. Strongly reminded about their Agreement in USMCA.

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Caution: Dead Animal in video:

Okay, when Rick Gore notices something off kilter, it’s probably true.

It’s likely this will be treated like the Paradise, CA damage.
The land will be declared uninhabitable by govt. and govt. will take it over.
Welcome to North America’s BRI, brought to you by USMCA.

The State of Texas being set up for ‘wildfires’, IMO. High pressure ridge sitting over us off and on for months, drying the land. Preventing tropical storm rains, etc. Would not surprise me to see massive fires (larger than ones burning now) break out, or extension of current fires.

Does anyone know an independent source in Beijing who can verify the flooding that’s being reported?
I don’t know anyone who lives there.

No but I thought this short video would be off interest to you.


From all the reports I can find, water was diverted from Beijing to other areas.
Old ways still work: Burn, Flood, Tax.

Attempts to destroy Xi reign?
Did he say “No” to the wrong people?

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Meanwhile, in Texas…

I read articles years ago about the possibility to flood China.
The 3 gorges dam and others are partially built by Swedish Energy company ABB.
Some core tech they own that is used in dams all over the world.

Well these dams actually are rigged to be sunk when they build them.
Partially because in certain cases that is the best way to make a controlled demolition in case of a emergency.

However since this non Chinese corporation for some reason has a part i the foundation that the dam is built on.
Then its plausible that some non Chinese people have the capacity to take these down.

ABB About the Three Gorges Hydroelectric Power Plant


“We are delighted to be a long-term partner and key supplier to the Three Gorges hydroelectric project,” said Peter Smits, head of ABB’s Power Technologies division. “Our quality, performance, ability to execute and overall competitiveness were key factors in winning this assignment.”

All of this circles back to highlight how decisions are made in China and the quality of construction, or lack thereof, that is prevalent throughout the country. Because of its size, a failure of the Three Gorges Dam would have wide-ranging consequences for the Chinese Communist Party and its reputation.

These are certainly holding hooks called duga, which we have also stood alone in the desert and cried out for for an eternity


Plus, they tried to divert the water away from Beijing, which did not work.

Never mind the “climate change” hooey, they’re going to drive people off their farms and ranches in Texas with fires “on the edge of wildlands”. (Remembering that 2030 map, how convenient.)

Min. 3:30

If China keeps getting hit its plausible that they actually are resisting the globalists in a way that most cant see.

Now of course China is full of deepstate loyal assets.
They have had about 200years to infiltrate and build up networks loyal to what today is called the globalists…

Remember that its multinational corporations that control the corruption in Chinese Government aswell as the organised crime connected to the drugtrade etc.

Its the corporations that run the sweshops and is pushing out the global surveillance systems.

But most people in the CCP who supports this is just a frontman with a file on them.

Personally i have my suspection that Xi is similar to Putin.
They were put in by other interests then what the globalists are aiming for.
Xi has connections to a person who was stationed in Sweden as a ambassador.
This connection is also close to forming of Huawei.
So i suspect he has a deep understanding of the corporations that basicly built up the modern China.

Huawei was started right after the Chinese defence minister sold out Chinas telecom grid to Swedish company Ericsson…

Now why would a hardcore Chinese communist sell their countries control over telecom to a Swedish interest?
Esp to a company controlled by a family that was involved in the Opium trade to China a hundred years earlier??

Anyway Obama did the same thing in America, he gave the keys to the internet from American control to the private hands of the Ericsson Corporation.