Revised Hypothesis: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and BRICS, An Inseparable Pair?

@thebeaver Another ff death. :disappointed_relieved:

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There will likely be a bunch more before this is done.
So sad…

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New BRICS Gold Backed TOKEN. Mexico To Be Accepted. Oil Powerhouses to Join. Institutional Coups.

BRICS Meeting begins August 15, 2023 The downgrades shown are from GFC and not all recent dates.

Is this the squabble around Alaska that I kept seeing somehow?
Go back to the 1st paragraph in my first post at the top.
True, not a part of initial troubles but, here it is, which figures, given the proximity.

I have to wonder if virtually ALL these migrants will eventually be used as laborers for BRI?
Something to consider…

Brandon O’Connell has been doing research in the threat the BRI poses to the West but he has not posted recently. He is a little unstable but the research is first class and this is why they have and keep vanishing him. There are other sources out there, if you are interested. The banksters want a multi polar world and endless wars, with the opportunity 'to build back better" with smart cities etc. You can see this playing out in the Ukraine where they are having a war which provides a distraction to the other stuff they are implementing as well as an ideal site for them to build a super smart city. Interesting that the horrendous line, that God awful city in the middle East being built, is ideally situated in the Belt Road.

The fires, to me, like the attacks on railways and food production facilities could be attacks by BRI players like Israel who have backdoors to alot of the critical cyber infrastructure in the West through Talipot and the Rad company owned by Zisarel. It’s all very concerning as the banksters watch on.

Hi @Marcusmojo00 , good to see you.

I’m familiar with O’Connell and glean what I can from his posts.
The banksters really don’t want endless wars, just want to end us and have the planet to themselves and hope to live forever; immortality is their goal.
Everything is a distraction away from BRI. The sabotage of current railways, etc. IMO is so they can use Infrastructure funds to start upgraded BRI build out.
I’m waiting to see if any fires extend southward into The US from the Canada line. Should fires cool enough this coming winter, watching for migrants to move northward into those zones.

This is a pretty good explanation. Of course, The Council on Foreign Relations is behind BRICS push. I’m not sure they have the ‘currency’ aspect figured out yet but they have the territory building out now.

Rickards: Victoria Nuland going to So. Africa a week before BRICS meeting. Nuland is now Deputy Secretary of State, promoted from “Acting” SOS…


A promotion by promoting war? She should feel right at home with South Africa’s civil war going on….just what the they need there, another warmonger.

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Small fire near Austin but still fire. Let’s see how far this goes.

Won’t let me post Martin Armstrong’s interview.
Will re-post separately later on.

The CFR ? They’ve always been the face and power of the Atlantisists in this country. Seems contradictory but have they made a necessary pivot, control both sides ?


Fires on Maui, esp. Lahaina, a centuries old port town.

Fires in Portugal and Spain

No big fires yet but wouldn’t be surprised to see them. Dry them out and light them up.

Wonder of wonders! Wonder what happened?