Shots Fired and Trump Injured at Butler, Pennsylvania Rally


Well now.
Clipped him in the ear ?

Some blood, but he looks okay enough to be pissed off. Will see…
Secret Service got the shooter.
Small blessing, it didn’t happen in Texas.
Reports now say Trump is fine.
Donald van Gogh.


Warning shot across the bow?


Just heard about it on gamer YT channel.

If that wasn’t CGI he was an inch either way from getting his head blown off.

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I am told someone behind him was hit and the blood on his face is from that. Wondering, after listening to DJ last night, if Trump’s connection to Uncle John and his knowledge of pretty much everything is finally playing into a move to create a violent reaction. They haven’t had much other luck in taking him out of the race and he is pretty much a threat to everyone… including the Bank, if not especially.


Just another conspiracy theory; but to me it looked like Trump took his hand to the ear and ripped an ampoule or something.
I could be dead wrong of course, and I dont mean to be disrespectful to the episode, but thats what it looked like to me.
A shot was fired, Trump takes his hand to his ear and the movement looks to me like as if he ripped off a bandaid or something.
So he could have had something behind his ear and that this was all fake.
The shooter fires 4 more shots I think, but only the first “hit” Trump.
Its weird how the must have missed totally on the rest of the shots, cause he didnt hit no one or no thing close to Trump with the last 4 shots.

Also I think some of the images used in broadcasts are weird.
Or looks very planned to me.

So what’s the outcome of this episode?
Are we closer to a civil war or is it maybe an attempt to gain more patriotism vs the Biden administrations refusal to not let illegal aliens vote at the upcoming election?
Trump threw a fist up in the air and screamed “fight” several times, which also seems to be part of a designed series of events to me.

Dem.rats released a press release saying " There has been an incident", not calling it an “assassination attempt” , at least not at this point.

Also: The guy that the Q-anon nutters says is Kennedy Jr. ; Vincent Fusca, stood right behind Trump, and he did not show any sign to look for cover. He just looked around without much fear or flea mode having kicked in.
If he indeed was Kennedy Jr and this was a genuine assassination attempt, one would think he would be taking cover.image

Trumps shooter was killed seconds after shots was fired, and some say its stramge that they could react this fast when they had no idea where the shooter was located.
But the man BBC interviewed said the secret service was alarmed by him and others about the shooter lying on a roof nearby.

There was a lady on Al Jazeera who said there was two shooters, guranteed. But on the news they operate with one still.


Everyone in alt media has been ‘predicting’ an assassination, or such attempt, and everyone will be taking credit for their accurate prediction, probably forever.

You likely already know, but the blonde woman directly in back of Trump was the one shot and killed. She drops, and the woman next to her realizes she’s hurt. Poor woman, at least it was fast.

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As to the theory that the elite are trying to split the country up, this would certainly act as an accelerant. There will be violence connected to this.

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I know a lot of people that were there and can’t wait for to hear their eyewitnesses accounts. Something is not right here.

@Sphinx that man is Vince Fusca. He is very well known in South Western PA (Pittsburgh) area.

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There’s some great memes out here better than this one.
Trumps statement is on Truth Social Ciao!

That’s what i wrote, no ?

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I thought it was a boss response from Trump tho, that he will attend a UFC arrangement in FL later tonight.
Also I noticed Biden when he said " I have tried to call Donald, he is with his doctors, but I will try to call the pre…ehhm Donald later today" almost called Donald “The President” :joy:

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Sorry @Sphinx I skimmed your post and was anxious to reply, my bad.

My husband and I thought the exact same thing. Every pic was a photo shoot. None of it felt/looked right or was “off”. I tried to hurry and look at all vids/ pics coming in from a variety of people and took screen shots for later to analysis. I know a lot of people that attended the rally and I can’t wait to hear from them.

My first thought was who in the hell took this pic?


Yes, I also get very staged vibes from this whole thing.
Also, a Dr, who was at the rally, went to check on the shooter after the he got shot and said on Al Jazeera that (paraphrasing) " his blood was already congealed ( is that the right word, for already “dried out”?).
And on the photo (updated in post over) , if that is taken very shortly after he was shot, which it must have been, cause he was carried out pretty fast, then that blood must have been drying out extremely fast.

The emergency doctor was actually helping an attendee that was shot in their head. The attendee was siting in the stands not the shooter, is how I understood it.

Is this the intended outcome?

I must say, I do love this one!