Signs of the Time -The Bear and Eagle Face Off

The pieces are being positioned.

Wars and rumors of wars.

Signs of the Time -The Bear and Eagle Face Off. Inscribed in the topography of the Earth could be a sign of what will cause the US and Russia to go to blows. That sign lays at the Gibraltar Strait as NASA Images shows the Bear and Eagle facing off could a blockade of this region ignite a Nuclear war?


Be careful with this guy. I’ve been viewing him for years & he’s about as much of an expert on any of this as I am, which means, he isn’t. He’s on John Moore show every Tuesday and not allowed to say anything negative about Trump, which, if you go back in videos, he says is on Israel’s side, etc. & only friend to them. He also never talked Planet X, until John Moore pushed him, in order to stay on his radio show.

I’m sure a few of the things he’s said will pan out, eventually, but in the 10+ years I’ve known him to be around, he hasn’t made it yet.

The only thing he says that I’m trying to find real details about is a possible meeting between Macron, Putin & Zelensky again yesterday, which reportedly did not go well.

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