Originally published at:

It has only been a few days since hurricane Helena slammed into Florida’s big bend, leaving destruction and, unfortunately, death in her wake. Normally I am not disposed to begin high octane speculations so soon after a disaster, and when so many people are suffering. It seems to me to be somehow unseemly or insensitive…


Some excellent data integration/analysis there - all these seemingly unrelated events are evidence of an integrated plan. If one wanted to build a proof that space-based lasers may be an arrow in the geoengineering quiver consider this; I remember seeing a video by a young man who had done correlation mapping available international space tracking data for large satellites passing over the area of unusual fires (ex: Maui). It’s likely a similar correlation could be done between large un-named satellites passing over hurricane systems.

The green stripe might be lines being lased. I’m unsure what data is being represented in the image. Perhaps cloud temperature, but probably cloud density (actually intensity of radar reflection) overlayed onto geodetic data (photo/map). The colors are just a visualization tool, different densities are given different colors to help us see them. Of course, the clouds aren’t green, you knew that. But my thought is they would likely use an infrared laser, not a colored one. The question becomes how does the heat from a laser become a cloud density streak in an image? Not saying it doesn’t, just more to think about. How does a lased area become more radar reflective?

The recent event at the DJT rally in AZ was likely someone using an infrared aiming device. These are small enough to have been hidden in a hat. (vid below) They are commonly used with night vision riflescopes as aiming devices / target designation. Their beams are invisible to the naked eye but visible in the IR (night vision) spectrum. But I digress…a powerful space based infrared laser would seem then plausible to me.

These night vision “scopes” are what people have used to see the high speed “UFO’s” (SSP San Mateo). When the hell does a hurricane start in the Gulf? They start off the coast of Africa and head west from there.


if Helene was steered, analysis of the path is probing. The point of contact for landfall was a low density area of population. When driving through the gulf east of apalachicola, it is apparent many storms have gone through the area, there are husks of abandoned wind blown buildings and little development in low lying land. Sometimes 40 miles between gas stations. The heavy rain hit the south east side of Appalachia where some of the cleanest water in the east coast exists. Asheville (NC) and Greenville (SC) are very beautiful and natural and development has boomed in the last 20 years. They got swamped. Insurance may become difficult to acquire in these pristine and scenic foothill locations.


Child trafficking clean up???

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You could be onto something with the insurance. In the west, they can use wildfires to make non-urban living unaffordable. In the east, they may be using floods to move ‘re-wilding’ forward.


Probably, all the above & below; using Fitt’s stacked operations…
in weather warfare, and/or other black operation agendas/goals?


Another angle of this flood/hurricanes. If cleanup will be delayed and it already is, no FEMA deployment yet, then no voting machines will be in place if city halls and schools will be unusable.
October surprise it is, and “nature” is to blame, right?


Thank you, Joseph for posting about the anomalies of Hurricane Helene & Related Storms!

I watched minute by minute of the hurricane’s approach towards land and was amazed by the tornadoes that spun off in areas that were experiencing no wind affects from the storm (i.e. in VA). Such areas were getting nothing more than drizzle and cloud cover. I’ve never seen so many tornadoes reports states away from the hurricane than with this Hurricane, Helene.

Add, the fact that NC faced a 1,000 year flood the week before Helene from some tropical front as well as states north of her, it makes you wonder (I don’t believe in coincidences). I myself, am near the Mason Dixon line and it’s been raining here for like two weeks now (straight). Luckily, we’ve been spared the tornadoes or high volume rains.

So, one must not only look for steering of the hurricane but the power to create tornadoes where they would not normally be in any given storm. Not to mention prepping the ground with recent high volume rains.

In summary, yeah… the whole thing seems created, but not just with a single hurricane but with the storm that hit NC/TN just before… the ground was prepped!

Blessings and prayers those affected as well as all fellow Giza Members!


I also agree with @aurajenn
The first hurricane I went through was Carla in 1961, a storm so large and powerful, it took up almost the entire Gulf of Mexico, so, I’ve seen and gone through many of them. Helena & the tornadoes spawned were just devastating.

Burn’em out, flood’em out, tax’em out. If the old ways still work, why change them?

Of course, MSM understates the damage, always.
Hurricane Helene by the numbers: Catastrophic destruction covers 400 miles?

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They did it for the lithium deposits. The mining should start next year and they are behind schedule. Blackrock and Vanguard own the mining contract and its the largest lithium deposit in the world.


Wow, this young woman (@holikela) has some good things going on. I’ll post separately one of her Tic Toc vids on conscious plasma.

Again, it looks like an op within an op within an op.
What’s taken care by now?: voting locations, lithium mines and ooh! this :point_down: (bio labs are burning)


— Scvmwrld (@RealScvmwrld) October 1, 2024

I think it’s almost certain there’s no such thing as totally natural weather anymore. So, if hurricanes are being steered, I wonder who’s doing the steering. I assume it’s usually the Globaloney crowd. But, given the current geopolitical context, could we be looking at covert warfare between states and/or nonstate actors? Especially if economically vital lithium mines were targeted . . .


There is something that is bugging me, and that is how fast the storms are forming. Never seen anything like it, and I have lived through five Hurricanes since I was a boy. Usually we had a good week to prepare, stores put all the inventory on sale, there was room for people to maneuver. Now these hurricanes are just showing up, and in one, two days, you are in the middle of the storm.


It reminds me of Maui in that the residents of the target area were sitting on too much value.


A couple of posts that caught my eye.
First this one that was not surprising at all Im sorry to say. It’s not the first time we see this during emergencies, that people are told to stand down and stop helping.
I can understand if people endanger other peoples lives with their presence, disturbing the search operations, but I strongly doubt that to be the case in all these instances.


And there’s some more on the lithium mine located in the hurricanes path and other points.

But hearing that the government blocked 20,000 “Starlink” terminals that would have saved lives most certainly, it’s just blood boiling information.

And it’s not the first time the hurricane of the year just happens to cross path with ares they have plans for, like “Smart cities” which was the case in Florida last year and I believe with hurricane Hilary before it.

And of course we have the anomalies with yet another natural disaster.
“The swirls” that has been identfied in at least 3 of them and the weird pattern from hurricane Baryl ( Kamala Harris Grandmother’s name or something) that supposedly is a reflection or shadow of a satellite which was the official explanation and that resembles a mayan wheel
…Pretty weird.
I also read a piece saying that some people living in the pathway of these hurricanes gets really sick right after for about a week, knocked out with migrenes and dizziness, but I don’t find it when searching the web for it now.
Anyways; stay safe!

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pdf military AF 1996 report
Weather as a Force Multiplier:
Owning the Weather in 2025

Apparently you didn’t get the memo.

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Yup… it’s completely crazy… and more evidence of direct weather modification and manipulation in my opinion…