Steven Grift and his Circus

Aye, as the saying goes “She’s a wrong’un” - something in the eyes, reminds me of the overly sensual Alien that Ingo describes encountering in an LA supermarket, in his book “Penetration”…


Bill Ryan was a Scientologist and doesn’t hide it. He also claimed he had a girlfriend who was an alien when he was younger. He is very active in running his web site “” There is an extensive library of PDF ebooks you can download. Mostly esoteric type book’s. I only visited a few times and haven’t been there in years.


Are you talking about “Mr. Wolf,” is that her manager?

I had suspected he might be the same person as the spikey haired journalist, but he denied that when I asked.

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By the way about the U.N., did you know that Palestine and the Vatican City aka “Holy See” are not member states of that?

Something about that seems really suspicious.

DJ and Wolf are definitely different persons.

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I don’t know why DJ is so enamored with Gigi grift, she has all the depth of a biscuit…


LOL! that’s good! :point_up: :joy:



Wolf and the Dark Journalist are not the same person in any way.

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Right you already said that.

Are you friends with them both, or how are you so certain of that?

They definitely seem like different people, and as Wolf is often talking in the chat at dark journalist that seems to confirm they can’t be one person at least if we even exist in a linear timeline universe.

Have seen some random comments that people think “The Lovely” Miss Olivia is also Gigi, but that seems unlikely.

I like Gigi by the way, but Wolf dislikes me.

@Bahri Olivia and GG are not the same person, anyone who says that hasn’t even bothered to listen to both of their voices lol

You said, “I like Gigi by the way, but Wolf dislikes me.”

Wolf is not a character that should be in charge of a spiritual community in my opinion - he’s not fit for it and I’ve seen him act very unbalanced on days and days with no sleep, paranoid and greedy as well. He unleashed a temper tantrum on me that was very painful and resulted in my being thrown out of their community, without discussion or warning. In retrospect I’m glad, but Gigi’s community was like “cult lite”. Probably does some good for some, and I did get something positive out of it, but there is a rotten element and she dumps all the running and daily interaction with the members onto Wolf and it’s too much, he’s not fit for purpose and isn’t particularly compassionate or patient, or a people person. He’s money focused, and quite paranoid in fact.

Wolf’s website Terms of Service for Gigi’s spiritual group is as draconian and tyrannical as it can possibly be - he has sole discretion to kick out anyone, at any time, without warning, for any reason, without appeal or discussion, without Gigi knowing, and refunds are optional based on his opinion. Even Zuckerberg and You Tube are fairer than this “enlightened” social media operation running under Gigi’s smiling saintly face! Wolf also smeared my character when I left and outright lied about what happened to the members and to Gigi, which I kept proof of. He has to lie well enough that he believes it, so he can fool Gigi’s psychic abilities. And so it goes.

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Scientology doesn’t pass the cult sniff test for me. If you have to follow people around filming and harassing them into submission you end up looking like a closed minded sect rather than any kind of intellectual theology.

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There is no question after decades and decades of abuses that Scientology is a genuine cult of the worst kind.


I am fascinated with some of their more esoteric obsessions such as procurement of early vinyl lathes. What exactly is it about mechanical electrical audio recording that seems so fundamental to them?

i’m not sure.

All i can offer is that they have spent millions maybe billions who knows on putting madman L Ron Hubbards “teachings” on gold discs entombed in concrete bunkers with old phonographs and etc to surive the end times so that everyone can become a cultie when we’ve been nuked to near extinction. A big project of Miscavage’s. Maybe there is a connection.

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The transmission of information through a medium is key. Having said that I still think they are barking up the wrong tree.

one that survives nukes, yes. that’s what they are after. I don’t think its because they are analog promoters per se. its just that analog survives an ultimate war, or they are betting on that.

Just another group of wannabe masons doing covers. It’s sad really.

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Scilons are far more ruthlessly harmful and outright predatory than just about any other group. They don’t even really have a pretense of philosophy behind them - just the weirdo output of a drugged up sci-fi writer who was probably MK Ultra’d during his time in the Navy. They used to intimidate people to call up their grandmothers to cash out inheritances for tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars of worthless “classes” and when people reach the top levels, after spending hundreds of thousands, they get a 1 page write up telling them about Zenu who really runs the universe and some space opera. At that point the person’s mind breaks or they agree to be in on the scam pretty much. On the way people are sexual, mentally and emotionally abused, people are hit, sexually assaulted or turned into slave labor with no rights, and deprived of knowledge about the outside world, so they can work to enrich a couple of people at the very top and die discarded without medical care or shelter. But because they intimidated the literal employees of the IRS with personal legal warfare in the 80s, they got tax free status and are called a “church” now. Personally i think they are infiltrated and protected by the CIA because what better way to accomplish human trafficking, money laundering and practice your brainwashing techniques than through a legal hardcore cult?
But they do restore old buildings to a high standard. lol Using their disgraced “church members” as free slave labor, as badly treated as any other slaves in history, barely fed, sleeping in groups on bare floors, etc. Just ask the City of Clearwater, who has been in lawsuits with the cult for years over the Scilon takeover of their city.

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