The pair of spectacles through which I view life has two lenses–the larger one is the Bible and the smaller one, the Constitution. The latter can be amended, the former cannot. The book of Job is most instructive, as it shows that Satan must come before God for permission to afflict us and the world. I also believe we are in the period of the birth pangs as described in Matthew 24. I don’t know how long they will last before the great tribulation period begins. At some point, God will rapture the saints (not going into eschatological viewpoints).
My point is that God is in full control; all of these things and events fulfill His purposes, to include the evil ones. What blows my mind is that biblical end times are coming into fruition via TECHNOLOGY. 5G, AI, Skylink, transhumanism, etc., etc., are… biblical. All these lies. All these liars. Part of the program.
Yes, burning fields is an ancient and proven method to improve soil and remove pests; fire is organic. As you know, grass, crops, grasses, remnant stalks, etc., have very little mass. This kind of fire: (1) burns relatively cool (as compared to forest trees); (2) exhausts the fuel quickly; and (3) cools off quickly. Grass fires even more so since they burn in a line. Grass and crop fires, the non-DEW ones, should not even register an elevated infrared temperature level on the satellites. Why do I say that? Because time after time, I watched raging forest wildfires cool off at night, once the DEW hits stopped. The black dots would turn to lighter shades of gray, sometimes even blending with the background heat signature. So… those big trees, with all that mass, still burn and smolder with glowing coals, for hours and days, depending on conditions. These succeeding remnants of the formerly intense forest inferno do not register infrared black, yet, YET, grass and crop fires can and do flip on and off black in 5 or 10 minutes. Well, they DEW because heat is being added.