The Brothers Grimm Thread

I wish to start a thread to be referred to as The Brothers Grimm Thread. In response to another post about a propulsion system that will (ostensibly) take us to Alpha Centauri in the near future I replied “… ha, ha, ha, … that’s wonderful, gut, sehr gut … please tell us another one Jacob and Wilhelm. Look, just tell us for what you want the money for this time. You don’t need to concoct yet another elaborate story about developing some Brothers Grimm propulsion system. Yes, that’s it … the perfect project code name … Brothers Grimm.”

As a convenience for us here at GDS I propose that all such non-sense be collected in one place.

To move things along I wish to post the following: Harvard professor Avi Loeb believes he's found fragments of alien technology - CBS Boston

ha, ha, ha, … that’s wonderful, gut, sehr gut … please tell us another one Jacob, Wilhelm and we now add Avi.

It’s sad that Ops such as this can only provide False First Premisses (this is the correct spelling - Peirce points out that the word “premiss” is dervied from a medieval Latin word that refers to the portion of an argument in which justification and reasons are offered in support of a conclusion.)

It is a simple but effective tactic. If you allow me one false premiss I can prove anything. Beware of the Premisses that are freely given without having had the requisite torture. Our choosing of a method for the fixation of belief should be done very, very carefully … -
“Yes, the other methods do have their merits: a clear logical conscience does cost something — just as any virtue, just as all that we cherish, costs us dear. But we should not desire it to be otherwise. The genius of a man’s logical method should be loved and reverenced as his bride, whom he has chosen from all the world. He need not contemn the others; on the contrary, he may honor them deeply, and in doing so he only honors her the more. But she is the one that he has chosen, and he knows that he was right in making that choice. And having made it, he will work and fight for her, and will not complain that there are blows to take, hoping that there may be as many and as hard to give, and will strive to be the worthy knight and champion of her from the blaze of whose splendors he draws his inspiration and his courage.” - from The Fixation of Belief by C. S. Peirce in the Popular Science Monthly 12 (November 1877), pp. 1-15.


So this thread is to post the really out-there stuff? Of course, most all of it is so far out that it is now relative.

Like the topic title though. Did you ever watch the Grimm TV series?


I remember when they were filming Grimm in Portland when I went to university there, one scene this lady had to do this horrible bloodcurdling scream you could hear all the way down the uptown park blocks really unsettling. Especially upsetting how they did a lot of takes on that scene so another scream every few minutes geez good thing that was just a tv show.

Maybe it wasn’t just a tv show. Portland is pretty Grimm now and getting worse.


I had previously( cursorily) elsewhere read the article on Avi’s balls, I mean spherules, and thus the moment I saw your link I almost spat my snack out. ROFL. Thank you.

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You know, I may be suffering under a misperception here, but ever since Ufoology went mainstream with all the lamestream propatainment media attention and government whistleblowers and congressional committees, it has become even weirder than it ever was when relegated to the kookisphere. Sigh… today’s Nazis make yesterday’s Nazis look moderate…


"Sigh!’ Yes, they are learning how to stay hidden within ‘Conventional, and even Conservative’ thinking.

And perform phrenology on alien mummies’ skulls whilst they measure their orchids, I mean spherules — why can’t I keep my right hand down! Darn it.


… on the subject of Avi’s (well you know) WuWu … two thoughts. Bols
A little “Dutch Courage” never hurt anyone and is certainly to be preferred. And …AC/DC - Big Balls (Official Audio) - YouTube

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Dr. Strangelove (8/8) Movie CLIP - Living Underground (1964) HD - YouTube

… which would require much “bunny like” activity guided by a new “-ism”. An Ideology I like to refer to as Gonadicism. You sneer and chortle disdainfully. I suggest to you that this is already an Ideology in play in Europe and elsewhere. Replacement rolls on totally unabated.


… ah Yes, where are the good “moderate Nazis” when you need one. :slight_smile:

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… Long live The Sphere Bong Alliance! (© ScarmoCo.)

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… not so much a thread for the “out there”. I was thinking more along the lines of a thread that is comprised of items that provide fodder (false premisses) for fallacious reasoning, In particular, at this time, along with the sin of logical equivocation (the referring to two different things by the same word or name, the most egregious of these of course being “true” and “false”) I see much public discourse composed of one material fallacy after another. Material Fallacies are referred to as fallacies of presumption. By their “presumptions” they either “import” the conclusion or provide the means for the avoidance of the issue at hand.

If you find yourself interested in such things a good place to start is With Good Reason by S. Morris Engel. A fun, enjoyable introduction to the subject of Informal Fallacies. Remember, like those pesky Communists, there are Informal Fallacies behind every tree and shrub. :slight_smile:

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Haha Bols. My grandfathers favorite. In a little glass with a spoon of sugar.

You’re a bit late… Gonadism was a word coined by a Harvard professor (where else!?) that Dr De Hart and I referred to in our Transhumanism book. Of the top of my head I forget her name, and I’m too lazy to get up and dig out the book to find it…

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I’m afraid the sphere bong alliance has taken possession of the White (Nosecandy) House…


… Hmmmmm. Did she use it in the context of being a bearer (every pun intended) of a political ideology (a belief system that has as its central tenet the acquisition of political power through demographics alone)? If so, I’ll have to revisit the Transhumanism text and look into her work. Oh well, George Harrison channeled Ronnie Mack’s He’s So Fine and Jimmy Page channeled Randy California’s Taurus. Heeee! It happens. :slight_smile:

… but Hunter is a short white not a tall white. :slight_smile:

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lol… image


Still, whilst they allegedly were trippin’ balls, I mean Bols :registered: , they seem to have tripped and accidentally dropped some acid. Can someone please pass the nucular footballs?